
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Create a new Function that is linked with a native function that follows the given calling convention.

The allocated instance represents a pointer to the named native function from the supplied library, called with the given calling convention.



 * Obtain a <code>Function</code> representing a native
 * function pointer.  In general, this function should be used by dynamic
 * languages; Java code should allow JNA to bind to a specific Callback
 * interface instead by defining a return type or Structure field type.
 * <p>The allocated instance represents a pointer to the native
 * function pointer.
 * @param   p
 *                  Native function pointer
 * @param   callFlags
 *                  Function <a href="#callflags">call flags</a>
 * @param   encoding
 *                  Encoding to use for conversion between Java and native
 *                  strings.
public static Function getFunction(Pointer p, int callFlags, String encoding) {
  return new Function(p, callFlags, encoding);


public NativeFunctionHandler(Pointer address, int callingConvention, Map<String, ?> options) {
  this.options = options;
  this.function = new Function(address, callingConvention, (String) options.get(Library.OPTION_STRING_ENCODING));


 * Create a new  {@link Function} that is linked with a native
 * function that follows a given calling flags.
 * @param    functionName
 *            Name of the native function to be linked with
 * @param    callFlags
 *            Flags affecting the function invocation
 * @param   encoding
 *                  Encoding to use to convert between Java and native
 *                  strings.
 * @throws   UnsatisfiedLinkError if the function is not found
public Function getFunction(String functionName, int callFlags, String encoding) {
  if (functionName == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("Function name may not be null");
  synchronized (functions) {
    String key = functionKey(functionName, callFlags, encoding);
    Function function = functions.get(key);
    if (function == null) {
      function = new Function(this, functionName, callFlags, encoding);
      functions.put(key, function);
    return function;


private NativeLibrary(String libraryName, String libraryPath, long handle, Map<String, ?> options) {
  this.libraryName = getLibraryName(libraryName);
  this.libraryPath = libraryPath;
  this.handle = handle;
  Object option = options.get(Library.OPTION_CALLING_CONVENTION);
  int callingConvention = option instanceof Number ? ((Number)option).intValue() : Function.C_CONVENTION;
  this.callFlags = callingConvention;
  this.options = options;
  this.encoding = (String)options.get(Library.OPTION_STRING_ENCODING);
  if (this.encoding == null) {
    this.encoding = Native.getDefaultStringEncoding();
  // Special workaround for w32 kernel32.GetLastError
  // Short-circuit the function to use built-in GetLastError access
  if (Platform.isWindows() && "kernel32".equals(this.libraryName.toLowerCase())) {
    synchronized(functions) {
      Function f = new Function(this, "GetLastError", Function.ALT_CONVENTION, encoding) {
          Object invoke(Object[] args, Class<?> returnType, boolean b, int fixedArgs) {
            return Integer.valueOf(Native.getLastError());
          Object invoke(Method invokingMethod, Class<?>[] paramTypes, Class<?> returnType, Object[] inArgs, Map<String, ?> options) {
            return Integer.valueOf(Native.getLastError());
      functions.put(functionKey("GetLastError", callFlags, encoding), f);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/jna

 * Obtain a <code>Function</code> representing a native
 * function pointer.  In general, this function should be used by dynamic
 * languages; Java code should allow JNA to bind to a specific Callback
 * interface instead by defining a return type or Structure field type.
 * <p>The allocated instance represents a pointer to the native
 * function pointer.
 * @param   p
 *                  Native function pointer
 * @param   callFlags
 *                  Function <a href="#callflags">call flags</a>
 * @param   encoding
 *                  Encoding to use for conversion between Java and native
 *                  strings.
public static Function getFunction(Pointer p, int callFlags, String encoding) {
  return new Function(p, callFlags, encoding);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/jna

public NativeFunctionHandler(Pointer address, int callingConvention, Map<String, ?> options) {
  this.options = options;
  this.function = new Function(address, callingConvention, (String) options.get(Library.OPTION_STRING_ENCODING));

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.jna/jna

private NativeLibrary(String libraryName, String libraryPath, long handle) {
  this.libraryName = getLibraryName(libraryName);
  this.libraryPath = libraryPath;
  this.handle = handle;
  // Special workaround for w32 kernel32.GetLastError
  // Short-circuit the function to use built-in GetLastError access
  if (Platform.isWindows() && "kernel32".equals(this.libraryName.toLowerCase())) {
    synchronized(functions) {
      Function f = new Function(this, "GetLastError", Function.ALT_CONVENTION) {
        Object invoke(Object[] args, Class returnType) {
          return new Integer(Native.getLastError());
      functions.put("GetLastError", f);

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/jna

 * Create a new  {@link Function} that is linked with a native
 * function that follows a given calling flags.
 * @param    functionName
 *            Name of the native function to be linked with
 * @param    callFlags
 *            Flags affecting the function invocation
 * @param   encoding
 *                  Encoding to use to convert between Java and native
 *                  strings.
 * @throws   UnsatisfiedLinkError if the function is not found
public Function getFunction(String functionName, int callFlags, String encoding) {
  if (functionName == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("Function name may not be null");
  synchronized (functions) {
    String key = functionKey(functionName, callFlags, encoding);
    Function function = functions.get(key);
    if (function == null) {
      function = new Function(this, functionName, callFlags, encoding);
      functions.put(key, function);
    return function;

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/jna

private NativeLibrary(String libraryName, String libraryPath, long handle, Map<String, ?> options) {
  this.libraryName = getLibraryName(libraryName);
  this.libraryPath = libraryPath;
  this.handle = handle;
  Object option = options.get(Library.OPTION_CALLING_CONVENTION);
  int callingConvention = option instanceof Number ? ((Number)option).intValue() : Function.C_CONVENTION;
  this.callFlags = callingConvention;
  this.options = options;
  this.encoding = (String)options.get(Library.OPTION_STRING_ENCODING);
  if (this.encoding == null) {
    this.encoding = Native.getDefaultStringEncoding();
  // Special workaround for w32 kernel32.GetLastError
  // Short-circuit the function to use built-in GetLastError access
  if (Platform.isWindows() && "kernel32".equals(this.libraryName.toLowerCase())) {
    synchronized(functions) {
      Function f = new Function(this, "GetLastError", Function.ALT_CONVENTION, encoding) {
          Object invoke(Object[] args, Class<?> returnType, boolean b, int fixedArgs) {
            return Integer.valueOf(Native.getLastError());
          Object invoke(Method invokingMethod, Class<?>[] paramTypes, Class<?> returnType, Object[] inArgs, Map<String, ?> options) {
            return Integer.valueOf(Native.getLastError());
      functions.put(functionKey("GetLastError", callFlags, encoding), f);

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.jna/jna

Function function = (Function) functions.get(functionName);
if (function == null) {
  function = new Function(this, functionName, callingConvention);
  functions.put(functionName, function);
