
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Runs a bounds check for column numbers


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Creates a split (freezepane). Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.<p>
 * If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed
 * @param colSplit       Horizonatal position of split.
 * @param rowSplit       Vertical position of split.
 * @param leftmostColumn Left column visible in right pane.
 * @param topRow         Top row visible in bottom pane
public void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit, int leftmostColumn, int topRow) {
  if (leftmostColumn < colSplit)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("leftmostColumn parameter must not be less than colSplit parameter");
  if (topRow < rowSplit)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("topRow parameter must not be less than leftmostColumn parameter");
  getSheet().createFreezePane(colSplit, rowSplit, topRow, leftmostColumn);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi

 * Sets a page break at the indicated column.
 * Breaks occur above the specified row and left of the specified column inclusive.<p>
 * For example, <code>sheet.setColumnBreak(2);</code> breaks the sheet into two parts
 * with columns A,B,C in the first and D,E,... in the second. Simuilar, {@code sheet.setRowBreak(2);}
 * breaks the sheet into two parts with first three rows (rownum=1...3) in the first part
 * and rows starting with rownum=4 in the second.
 * @param column the column to break, inclusive
public void setColumnBreak(int column) {
  validateColumn((short) column);
  _sheet.getPageSettings().setColumnBreak((short) column, (short) 0, (short) SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex());

代码示例来源:origin: com.haulmont.thirdparty/poi

 * Creates a split (freezepane). Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.
 * <p/>
 * <p>
 * If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed
 * </p>
 * @param colSplit       Horizonatal position of split.
 * @param rowSplit       Vertical position of split.
 * @param leftmostColumn Left column visible in right pane.
 * @param topRow         Top row visible in bottom pane
public void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit, int leftmostColumn, int topRow) {
  if (leftmostColumn < colSplit)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("leftmostColumn parameter must not be less than colSplit parameter");
  if (topRow < rowSplit)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("topRow parameter must not be less than leftmostColumn parameter");
  getSheet().createFreezePane(colSplit, rowSplit, topRow, leftmostColumn);

代码示例来源:origin: org.openl.rules/

 * Creates a split (freezepane). Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.
 * <p>
 *     If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed
 * </p>
 * @param colSplit      Horizonatal position of split.
 * @param rowSplit      Vertical position of split.
 * @param leftmostColumn   Left column visible in right pane.
 * @param topRow        Top row visible in bottom pane
public void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit, int leftmostColumn, int topRow) {
  if (leftmostColumn < colSplit) throw new IllegalArgumentException("leftmostColumn parameter must not be less than colSplit parameter");
  if (topRow < rowSplit) throw new IllegalArgumentException("topRow parameter must not be less than leftmostColumn parameter");
  getSheet().createFreezePane( colSplit, rowSplit, topRow, leftmostColumn );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.poi

 * Creates a split (freezepane). Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.<p>
 * If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed
 * @param colSplit       Horizonatal position of split.
 * @param rowSplit       Vertical position of split.
 * @param leftmostColumn Left column visible in right pane.
 * @param topRow         Top row visible in bottom pane
public void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit, int leftmostColumn, int topRow) {
  if (leftmostColumn < colSplit)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("leftmostColumn parameter must not be less than colSplit parameter");
  if (topRow < rowSplit)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("topRow parameter must not be less than leftmostColumn parameter");
  getSheet().createFreezePane(colSplit, rowSplit, topRow, leftmostColumn);

代码示例来源:origin: com.haulmont.thirdparty/poi

 * Sets a page break at the indicated column.
 * Breaks occur above the specified row and left of the specified column inclusive.
 * <p/>
 * For example, <code>sheet.setColumnBreak(2);</code> breaks the sheet into two parts
 * with columns A,B,C in the first and D,E,... in the second. Simuilar, <code>sheet.setRowBreak(2);</code>
 * breaks the sheet into two parts with first three rows (rownum=1...3) in the first part
 * and rows starting with rownum=4 in the second.
 * @param column the column to break, inclusive
public void setColumnBreak(int column) {
  validateColumn((short) column);
  _sheet.getPageSettings().setColumnBreak((short) column, (short) 0, (short) SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex());

代码示例来源:origin: org.openl.rules/

 * Sets a page break at the indicated column.
 * Breaks occur above the specified row and left of the specified column inclusive.
 * For example, <code>sheet.setColumnBreak(2);</code> breaks the sheet into two parts
 * with columns A,B,C in the first and D,E,... in the second. Simuilar, <code>sheet.setRowBreak(2);</code>
 * breaks the sheet into two parts with first three rows (rownum=1...3) in the first part
 * and rows starting with rownum=4 in the second.
 * @param column the column to break, inclusive
public void setColumnBreak(int column) {
  _sheet.getPageSettings().setColumnBreak((short)column, (short)0, (short) SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.poi

 * Sets a page break at the indicated column.
 * Breaks occur above the specified row and left of the specified column inclusive.<p>
 * For example, <code>sheet.setColumnBreak(2);</code> breaks the sheet into two parts
 * with columns A,B,C in the first and D,E,... in the second. Simuilar, {@code sheet.setRowBreak(2);}
 * breaks the sheet into two parts with first three rows (rownum=1...3) in the first part
 * and rows starting with rownum=4 in the second.
 * @param column the column to break, inclusive
public void setColumnBreak(int column) {
  validateColumn((short) column);
  _sheet.getPageSettings().setColumnBreak((short) column, (short) 0, (short) SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL97.getLastRowIndex());




