
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

private void setStatusCode(HttpResponse httpResponse, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) {
  int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusCode() != null ? httpResponse.getStatusCode() : 200;
  if (httpResponse.getReasonPhrase() != null) {
    httpServletResponse.setStatus(statusCode, httpResponse.getReasonPhrase());
  } else {

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

private HttpResponseStatus getStatus(HttpResponse response) {
  int statusCode = response.getStatusCode() != null ? response.getStatusCode() : 200;
  if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(response.getReasonPhrase())) {
    return new HttpResponseStatus(statusCode, response.getReasonPhrase());
  } else {
    return HttpResponseStatus.valueOf(statusCode);

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

if (response.getStatusCode() != null &&
  response.getStatusCode() == BAD_REQUEST.code()) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(response.getBodyAsString());

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

public void serialize(HttpResponse httpResponse, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException {
  if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() != null) {
    jgen.writeObjectField("statusCode", httpResponse.getStatusCode());

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

if (httpResponse != null) {
  appendNewLineAndIndent(numberOfSpacesToIndent * INDENT_SIZE, output).append("response()");
  if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() != null) {
    appendNewLineAndIndent((numberOfSpacesToIndent + 1) * INDENT_SIZE, output).append(".withStatusCode(").append(httpResponse.getStatusCode()).append(")");

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

  public void shouldReturnErrorForInvalidRequestToVerifySequence() throws Exception {
    // when
    org.mockserver.model.HttpResponse httpResponse = new NettyHttpClient(clientEventLoopGroup, null).sendRequest(
        .withHeader(HOST.toString(), "localhost:" + getProxyPort())
        .withBody("{" + NEW_LINE +
          "    \"httpRequest\": {" + NEW_LINE +
          "        \"path\": false" + NEW_LINE +
          "    }," + NEW_LINE +
          "    \"httpRequest\": {" + NEW_LINE +
          "        \"path\": 10" + NEW_LINE +
          "    }" + NEW_LINE +
    ).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    // then
    assertThat(httpResponse.getBodyAsString(),"1 error:" + NEW_LINE +
      " - object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"httpRequest\"]"));

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

  public void shouldReturnErrorForInvalidRequest() throws Exception {
    // when
    HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.sendRequest(
        .withHeader(HOST.toString(), "localhost:" + this.getServerPort())
        .withBody("{" + NEW_LINE +
          "    \"path\" : 500," + NEW_LINE +
          "    \"method\" : true," + NEW_LINE +
          "    \"keepAlive\" : \"false\"" + NEW_LINE +
          "  }")
    ).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    // then
    assertThat(httpResponse.getStatusCode(), is(400));
    assertThat(httpResponse.getBodyAsString(), is("3 errors:" + NEW_LINE +
      " - instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"boolean\"]) for field \"/keepAlive\"" + NEW_LINE +
      " - instance type (boolean) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"string\"]) for field \"/method\"" + NEW_LINE +
      " - instance type (integer) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"string\"]) for field \"/path\""));

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

public void shouldReturnErrorForInvalidRequestToVerify() throws Exception {
  // when
  org.mockserver.model.HttpResponse httpResponse = new NettyHttpClient(clientEventLoopGroup, null).sendRequest(
      .withHeader(HOST.toString(), "localhost:" + getProxyPort())
      .withBody("{" + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"httpRequest\": {" + NEW_LINE +
        "        \"path\": \"/simple\"" + NEW_LINE +
        "    }, " + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"times\": 1" + NEW_LINE +
  ).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  // then
  assertThat(httpResponse.getBodyAsString(),"1 error:" + NEW_LINE +
    " - instance type (integer) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"object\"]) for field \"/times\""));

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

 * Returns whether server MockServer is running, by polling the MockServer a configurable amount of times
public boolean isRunning(int attempts, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
  try {
    HttpResponse httpResponse = sendRequest(request().withMethod("PUT").withPath(calculatePath("status")));
    if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.OK_200.code()) {
      return true;
    } else if (attempts == 0) {
      return false;
    } else {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // ignore interrupted exception
      return isRunning(attempts - 1, timeout, timeUnit);
  } catch (SocketConnectionException sce) {
    return false;

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

public void shouldReturnErrorForInvalidRequestToClear() throws Exception {
  // when
  org.mockserver.model.HttpResponse httpResponse = new NettyHttpClient(clientEventLoopGroup, null).sendRequest(
      .withHeader(HOST.toString(), "localhost:" + getProxyPort())
      .withBody("{" + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"path\" : 500," + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"method\" : true," + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"keepAlive\" : \"false\"" + NEW_LINE +
        "  }")
  ).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  // then
  assertThat(httpResponse.getBodyAsString(),"3 errors:" + NEW_LINE +
    " - instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"boolean\"]) for field \"/keepAlive\"" + NEW_LINE +
    " - instance type (boolean) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"string\"]) for field \"/method\"" + NEW_LINE +
    " - instance type (integer) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"string\"]) for field \"/path\""));

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

public void shouldReturnErrorForInvalidExpectation() throws Exception {
  // when
  HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.sendRequest(
      .withHeader(HOST.toString(), "localhost:" + this.getServerPort())
      .withBody("{" + NEW_LINE +
        "  \"httpRequest\" : {" + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"path\" : \"/path_one\"" + NEW_LINE +
        "  }," + NEW_LINE +
        "  \"incorrectField\" : {" + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"body\" : \"some_body_one\"" + NEW_LINE +
        "  }," + NEW_LINE +
        "  \"times\" : {" + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"remainingTimes\" : 1" + NEW_LINE +
        "  }," + NEW_LINE +
        "  \"timeToLive\" : {" + NEW_LINE +
        "    \"unlimited\" : true" + NEW_LINE +
        "  }" + NEW_LINE +
  ).get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
  // then
  assertThat(httpResponse.getStatusCode(), is(400));
  assertThat(httpResponse.getBodyAsString(), is("2 errors:" + NEW_LINE +
    " - object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"incorrectField\"]" + NEW_LINE +
    " - oneOf of the following must be specified [\"httpResponse\", \"httpResponseTemplate\", \"httpResponseObjectCallback\", \"httpResponseClassCallback\", \"httpForward\", \"httpForwardTemplate\", \"httpForwardObjectCallback\", \"httpForwardClassCallback\", \"httpOverrideForwardedRequest\", \"httpError\"] but 0 found"));

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

void sendExpectation(Expectation expectation) {
  HttpResponse httpResponse = sendRequest(request().withMethod("PUT").withPath(calculatePath("expectation")).withBody(expectation != null ? expectationSerializer.serialize(expectation) : "", StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
  if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getStatusCode() != 201) {
    throw new ClientException(formatLogMessage("error:{}while submitted expectation:{}", httpResponse.getBody(), expectation));

代码示例来源:origin: jamesdbloom/mockserver

public HttpResponseDTO(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
  if (httpResponse != null) {
    statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusCode();
    reasonPhrase = httpResponse.getReasonPhrase();
    body = BodyWithContentTypeDTO.createDTO(httpResponse.getBody());
    headers = httpResponse.getHeaders();
    cookies = httpResponse.getCookies();
    delay = (httpResponse.getDelay() != null ? new DelayDTO(httpResponse.getDelay()) : null);
    connectionOptions = (httpResponse.getConnectionOptions() != null ? new ConnectionOptionsDTO(httpResponse.getConnectionOptions()) : null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mock-server/mockserver-core

private void setStatusCode(HttpResponse httpResponse, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) {
  int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusCode() != null ? httpResponse.getStatusCode() : 200;
  if (httpResponse.getReasonPhrase() != null) {
    httpServletResponse.setStatus(statusCode, httpResponse.getReasonPhrase());
  } else {

代码示例来源:origin: org.mock-server/mockserver-core

private HttpResponseStatus getStatus(HttpResponse response) {
  int statusCode = response.getStatusCode() != null ? response.getStatusCode() : 200;
  if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(response.getReasonPhrase())) {
    return new HttpResponseStatus(statusCode, response.getReasonPhrase());
  } else {
    return HttpResponseStatus.valueOf(statusCode);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mock-server/mockserver-client-java

if (response.getStatusCode() != null &&
  response.getStatusCode() == BAD_REQUEST.code()) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException(response.getBodyAsString());

代码示例来源:origin: org.mock-server/mockserver-core

if (httpResponse != null) {
  appendNewLineAndIndent(numberOfSpacesToIndent * INDENT_SIZE, output).append("response()");
  if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() != null) {
    appendNewLineAndIndent((numberOfSpacesToIndent + 1) * INDENT_SIZE, output).append(".withStatusCode(").append(httpResponse.getStatusCode()).append(")");

代码示例来源:origin: org.mock-server/mockserver-client-java

 * Returns whether server MockServer is running, by polling the MockServer a configurable amount of times
public boolean isRunning(int attempts, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
  try {
    HttpResponse httpResponse = sendRequest(request().withMethod("PUT").withPath(calculatePath("status")));
    if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpStatusCode.OK_200.code()) {
      return true;
    } else if (attempts == 0) {
      return false;
    } else {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // ignore interrupted exception
      return isRunning(attempts - 1, timeout, timeUnit);
  } catch (SocketConnectionException sce) {
    return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.mock-server/mockserver-client-java

void sendExpectation(Expectation expectation) {
  HttpResponse httpResponse = sendRequest(request().withMethod("PUT").withPath(calculatePath("expectation")).withBody(expectation != null ? expectationSerializer.serialize(expectation) : "", StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
  if (httpResponse != null && httpResponse.getStatusCode() != 201) {
    throw new ClientException(formatLogMessage("error:{}while submitted expectation:{}", httpResponse.getBody(), expectation));

代码示例来源:origin: org.mock-server/mockserver-core

public HttpResponseDTO(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
  if (httpResponse != null) {
    statusCode = httpResponse.getStatusCode();
    reasonPhrase = httpResponse.getReasonPhrase();
    body = BodyWithContentTypeDTO.createDTO(httpResponse.getBody());
    headers = httpResponse.getHeaders();
    cookies = httpResponse.getCookies();
    delay = (httpResponse.getDelay() != null ? new DelayDTO(httpResponse.getDelay()) : null);
    connectionOptions = (httpResponse.getConnectionOptions() != null ? new ConnectionOptionsDTO(httpResponse.getConnectionOptions()) : null);
