
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the status code of the response


代码示例来源:origin: com.github.kevinsawicki/http-request

 * Is the response code a 201 Created?
 * @return true if 201, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean created() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_CREATED == code();

代码示例来源:origin: lkorth/httpebble-android

 * Is the response code a 200 OK?
 * @return true if 200, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean ok() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_OK == code();

代码示例来源:origin: lkorth/httpebble-android

 * Is the response code a 404 Not Found?
 * @return true if 404, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean notFound() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_NOT_FOUND == code();

代码示例来源:origin: tcking/GiraffePlayer2

 * Is the response code a 500 Internal Server Error?
 * @return true if 500, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean serverError() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.restfuse/com.eclipsesource.restfuse

 * Is the response code a 400 Bad Request?
 * @return true if 400, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean badRequest() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.kevinsawicki/http-request

 * Is the response code a 304 Not Modified?
 * @return true if 304, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean notModified() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED == code();

代码示例来源:origin: tcking/GiraffePlayer2

 * Is the response code a 200 OK?
 * @return true if 200, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean ok() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_OK == code();

代码示例来源:origin: tcking/GiraffePlayer2

 * Is the response code a 204 No Content?
 * @return true if 204, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean noContent() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_NO_CONTENT == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.restfuse/com.eclipsesource.restfuse

 * Is the response code a 201 Created?
 * @return true if 201, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean created() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_CREATED == code();

代码示例来源:origin: lkorth/httpebble-android

 * Is the response code a 500 Internal Server Error?
 * @return true if 500, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean serverError() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.kevinsawicki/http-request

 * Is the response code a 500 Internal Server Error?
 * @return true if 500, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean serverError() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR == code();

代码示例来源:origin: tcking/GiraffePlayer2

 * Is the response code a 201 Created?
 * @return true if 201, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean created() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_CREATED == code();

代码示例来源:origin: tcking/GiraffePlayer2

 * Is the response code a 400 Bad Request?
 * @return true if 400, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean badRequest() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST == code();

代码示例来源:origin: tcking/GiraffePlayer2

 * Is the response code a 304 Not Modified?
 * @return true if 304, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean notModified() throws HttpRequestException {
  return HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.restfuse/com.eclipsesource.restfuse

 * Is the response code a 404 Not Found?
 * @return true if 404, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean notFound() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_NOT_FOUND == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.kevinsawicki/http-request

 * Is the response code a 200 OK?
 * @return true if 200, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean ok() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_OK == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.kevinsawicki/http-request

 * Is the response code a 400 Bad Request?
 * @return true if 400, false otherwise
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public boolean badRequest() throws HttpRequestException {
 return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST == code();

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.kevinsawicki/http-request

 * Set the value of the given {@link AtomicInteger} to the status code of the
 * response
 * @param output
 * @return this request
 * @throws HttpRequestException
public HttpRequest code(final AtomicInteger output)
  throws HttpRequestException {
 return this;


HttpRequest req = HttpRequest.get("");
req.trustAllHosts(); //If you are having certificate problems
int code = req.code();
String body = req.body();
Log.d("CODE:", String.valueOf(code));
Log.d("BODY:", body);

代码示例来源:origin: com.restfuse/com.eclipsesource.restfuse

public ResponseImpl( HttpRequest request ) {
 body = request.body();
 contentType = request.contentType();
 headers = request.headers();
 code = request.code();
 url = request.getConnection().getURL().toString();




