
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: SleepyTrousers/EnderIO

protected void damageCapacitor() {
 if (isCapacitorDamageable) {
  ItemStack cap = inventory[slotDefinition.minUpgradeSlot];
  if (cap.attemptDamageItem(1, random, null)) {
   this.setInventorySlotContents(slotDefinition.minUpgradeSlot, ItemStack.EMPTY);

代码示例来源:origin: AlgorithmX2/Chisels-and-Bits

public static void damageItem(
    @Nonnull final ItemStack is,
    @Nonnull final Random r )
  if ( is.isItemStackDamageable() )
    if ( is.attemptDamageItem( 1, r, null ) )
      is.func_190918_g( 1 );

代码示例来源:origin: MrCrayfish/MrCrayfishFurnitureMod

private ItemStack damageTool(ItemStack stack)
  EntityPlayer craftingPlayer = ForgeHooks.getCraftingPlayer();
  if(stack.attemptDamageItem(1, random, craftingPlayer instanceof EntityPlayerMP ? (EntityPlayerMP) craftingPlayer : null))
    ForgeEventFactory.onPlayerDestroyItem(craftingPlayer, stack, null);
    return ItemStack.EMPTY;
  return stack;

代码示例来源:origin: ForestryMC/Binnie

public void damageItem(final ItemStack item, final int slot, final int damage) {
  if (damage < 0) {
    item.setItemDamage(Math.max(0, item.getItemDamage() + damage));
  } else {
    if (item.attemptDamageItem(damage, DAMAGE_RANDOM, null)) {
      this.setStack(slot, ItemStack.EMPTY);
  this.setStack(slot, item);

代码示例来源:origin: CyclopsMC/EvilCraft

public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, BlockPos blockPos, IBlockState blockState, EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand, EnumFacing side, float coordX, float coordY, float coordZ) {
  ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItem(hand);
  if (!world.isRemote && heldItem != null && heldItem.getItem() == Items.FLINT_AND_STEEL
      && (player.capabilities.isCreativeMode || !heldItem.attemptDamageItem(1, world.rand, (EntityPlayerMP) player))) {
    splitBlock(world, blockPos);
    return true;
  return super.onBlockActivated(world, blockPos, blockState, player, hand, side, coordX, coordY, coordZ);

代码示例来源:origin: SleepyTrousers/EnderIO

protected void damageCapacitor() {
 if (isCapacitorDamageable) {
  ItemStack cap = getInventory().getSlot(CAPSLOT).get();
  if (cap.attemptDamageItem(1, random, null)) {

代码示例来源:origin: GregTechCE/GregTech

 * Applies specific amount of damage to item, either to durable items (which implement IDamagableItem)
 * or to electric items, which have capability IElectricItem
 * Damage amount is equal to EU amount used for electric items
 * @return if damage was applied successfully
public static boolean doDamageItem(ItemStack itemStack, int vanillaDamage, boolean simulate) {
  Item item = itemStack.getItem();
  if (item instanceof IDamagableItem) {
    //if item implements IDamagableItem, it manages it's own durability itself
    IDamagableItem damagableItem = (IDamagableItem) item;
    return damagableItem.doDamageToItem(itemStack, vanillaDamage, simulate);
  } else if (itemStack.hasCapability(GregtechCapabilities.CAPABILITY_ELECTRIC_ITEM, null)) {
    //if we're using electric item, use default energy multiplier for textures
    IElectricItem capability = itemStack.getCapability(GregtechCapabilities.CAPABILITY_ELECTRIC_ITEM, null);
    int energyNeeded = vanillaDamage * ConfigHolder.energyUsageMultiplier;
    //noinspection ConstantConditions
    return capability.discharge(energyNeeded, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true, false, simulate) == energyNeeded;
  } else if (itemStack.isItemStackDamageable()) {
    if (!simulate && itemStack.attemptDamageItem(vanillaDamage, new Random(), null)) {
      //if we can't accept more damage, just shrink stack and mark it as broken
      //actually we would play broken animation here, but we don't have an entity who holds item
    return true;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: squeek502/VeganOption

if (stackInSlot.isItemStackDamageable() && stackInSlot.attemptDamageItem(inputToKeep.stackSize, RandomHelper.random))

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

if (this.getRNG().nextInt(3) == 0) {
  ItemStack weaponStack = new ItemStack(this.getWeaponType().item, 1, 0);
  weaponStack.attemptDamageItem(this.getRNG().nextInt(250), this.getRNG(), null);
  dropItemAt(weaponStack, this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ);
} else {

代码示例来源:origin: squeek502/VeganOption

public ItemStack dispenseStack(IBlockSource blockSource, ItemStack itemStack)
  // counteract the splitStack in super.dispenseStack
  super.dispenseStack(blockSource, itemStack);
  itemStack.attemptDamageItem(1, RandomHelper.random);
  if (itemStack.getItemDamage() >= itemStack.getMaxDamage())
    itemStack.stackSize = 0;
  if (itemStack.stackSize == 0 && itemStack.getItem().getContainerItem() != null)
    return new ItemStack(itemStack.getItem().getContainerItem());
  return itemStack;

代码示例来源:origin: squeek502/VeganOption

  public ItemStack dispenseStack(IBlockSource blockSource, ItemStack itemStack)
    EnumFacing enumfacing = blockSource.getWorld().getBlockState(blockSource.getBlockPos()).getValue(BlockDispenser.FACING);
    int x = (int) blockSource.getX() + enumfacing.getFrontOffsetX();
    int y = (int) blockSource.getY() + enumfacing.getFrontOffsetY();
    int z = (int) blockSource.getZ() + enumfacing.getFrontOffsetZ();
    AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = new AxisAlignedBB(x, y, z, x + 1, y + 1, z + 1);
    List<EntityLivingBase> entitiesInFront = blockSource.getWorld().getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityLivingBase.class, axisalignedbb);
    EntityLivingBase mostDirtyEntity = null;
    for (EntityLivingBase entityInFront : entitiesInFront)
      if (mostDirtyEntity == null || entityInFront.getActivePotionEffects().size() > mostDirtyEntity.getActivePotionEffects().size())
        mostDirtyEntity = entityInFront;
    if (mostDirtyEntity != null)
      curePotionEffectsAsItem(mostDirtyEntity, milkBucket);
      itemStack.attemptDamageItem(1, RandomHelper.random);
      if (itemStack.getItemDamage() >= itemStack.getMaxDamage())
        itemStack.stackSize = 0;
      return itemStack;
    return super.dispenseStack(blockSource, itemStack);

代码示例来源:origin: PrinceOfAmber/Cyclic

player.getHeldItem(player.swingingHand).attemptDamageItem(1, world.rand, null);

代码示例来源:origin: PrinceOfAmber/Cyclic

private void damageTool() {
 ItemStack equip = this.getStackInSlot(SLOT_TOOL);
 if (equip.isEmpty()) {
 if (equip.hasCapability(CapabilityEnergy.ENERGY, null)) {
  IEnergyStorage storage = equip.getCapability(CapabilityEnergy.ENERGY, null);
  if (storage != null) {
   storage.extractEnergy(ENERGY_PER_FISH, false);
   if (storage.getEnergyStored() <= 0) {
    this.setInventorySlotContents(SLOT_TOOL, ItemStack.EMPTY);
 else if (equip.getMaxDamage() > 0) { // -1 is unbreakable - EX Mystical Ag Supremium Fishing Rods
  equip.attemptDamageItem(1, getWorld().rand, null);//does respect unbreaking
  //IF enchanted and IF about to break, then spit it out
  int damageRem = equip.getMaxDamage() - equip.getItemDamage();
  if (damageRem == 1 && EnchantmentHelper.getEnchantments(equip).size() > 0) {
   this.setInventorySlotContents(SLOT_TOOL, ItemStack.EMPTY);
  } //otherwise we also make sure if its fullly damanged
  if (equip.getItemDamage() >= equip.getMaxDamage()) {
   this.setInventorySlotContents(SLOT_TOOL, ItemStack.EMPTY);




