
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the parent of this Item.


代码示例来源:origin: org.onehippo.cms7/hippo-repository-connector

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Node getParent() throws ItemNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
  Node parent = item.getParent();
  return factory.getNodeDecorator(session, parent);

代码示例来源:origin: net.adamcin.commons/net.adamcin.commons.jcr

public Node getParent() throws RepositoryException {
  if (this.parent != null) {
    this.parent = new NodeProxy(this.item.getParent());
  return this.parent;

代码示例来源:origin: net.adamcin.oakpal/oakpal-core

public Node getParent() throws RepositoryException {
  return NodeFacade.wrap(delegate.getParent(), session);

代码示例来源:origin: info.magnolia/magnolia-module-forum

public ForumCommandAction(D definition, List<JcrItemAdapter> items, CommandsManager commandsManager, @Named(AdmincentralEventBus.NAME) EventBus eventBus, UiContext uiContext, SimpleTranslator i18n) {
  super(definition, items, commandsManager, uiContext, i18n);
  this.jcrItem = items.get(0).getJcrItem();
  this.uiContext = uiContext;
  this.eventBus = eventBus;
  this.i18n = i18n;
  try {
    itemIdOfChangedItem = JcrItemUtil.getItemId(jcrItem.getParent());
  } catch (RepositoryException e) {
    log.error("Could not execute repository operation.", e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

private void setupACEs(Principal principal) throws RepositoryException {
  int size = allPaths.size();
  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAces; i++) {
    int index = (int) Math.floor(size * Math.random());
    Item item = adminSession.getItem(allPaths.get(index));
    Node n = (item.isNode()) ? (Node) item : item.getParent();
    String path = getAccessControllablePath(n);
    AccessControlUtils.addAccessControlEntry(adminSession, path, principal, new String[] {PrivilegeConstants.JCR_READ}, true);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public RemoteNode getParent() throws RepositoryException, RemoteException {
  try {
    return getRemoteNode(item.getParent());
  } catch (RepositoryException ex) {
    throw getRepositoryException(ex);

代码示例来源:origin: info.magnolia/magnolia-module-forum

public ForumCommandAction(D definition, JcrItemAdapter item, CommandsManager commandsManager, @Named(AdmincentralEventBus.NAME) EventBus eventBus, UiContext uiContext, SimpleTranslator i18n) {
  super(definition, item, commandsManager, uiContext, i18n);
  this.jcrItem = item.getJcrItem();
  this.uiContext = uiContext;
  this.eventBus = eventBus;
  this.i18n = i18n;
  try {
    itemIdOfChangedItem = JcrItemUtil.getItemId(jcrItem.getParent());
  } catch (RepositoryException e) {
    log.error("Could not execute repository operation.", e);


private Item getHistoricItem(Item item, String versionSpecifier) throws RepositoryException {
  Item currentItem = item;
  LinkedList<String> relPath = new LinkedList<>();
  Node version = null;
  while (!"/".equals(currentItem.getPath())) {
    if (isVersionable(currentItem)) {
      version = getFrozenNode((Node) currentItem, versionSpecifier);
    } else {
      currentItem = currentItem.getParent();
  if (version != null) {
    return getSubitem(version, StringUtils.join(relPath.iterator(), '/'));
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: brix-cms/brix-cms

public JcrNode execute() throws Exception {
    return JcrNode.Wrapper.wrap(getDelegate().getParent(), getJcrSession());

代码示例来源:origin: brix-cms/brix-cms

public Node getParent() throws RepositoryException {
  return NodeWrapper.wrap(getDelegate().getParent(), getSessionWrapper());

代码示例来源:origin: net.adamcin.commons/net.adamcin.commons.jcr

public Item getAncestor(int i) throws RepositoryException {
  Item ancestor = this.item.getAncestor(i);
  if (ancestor.isNode()) {
    return new NodeProxy((Node) ancestor);
  } else {
    return new PropertyProxy((Property) ancestor, new NodeProxy(ancestor.getParent()));


public @CheckForNull Resource getParent(final @Nonnull ResolveContext<JcrProviderState> ctx, final @Nonnull Resource child) {
  if (child instanceof JcrItemResource<?>) {
    try {
      String version = null;
      if (child.getResourceMetadata().getParameterMap() != null) {
        version = child.getResourceMetadata().getParameterMap().get("v");
      if (version == null) {
        Item item = ((JcrItemResource<?>) child).getItem();
        if ("/".equals(item.getPath())) {
          return null;
        Node parentNode;
        try {
          parentNode = item.getParent();
        } catch(AccessDeniedException e) {
          return null;
        String parentPath = ResourceUtil.getParent(child.getPath());
        return new JcrNodeResource(ctx.getResourceResolver(), parentPath, version, parentNode,
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
      logger.warn("Can't get parent for {}", child, e);
      return null;
  return super.getParent(ctx, child);

代码示例来源:origin: org.exoplatform.jcr/exo.jcr.framework.command

public boolean perform(CliAppContext ctx)
   String output = "";
     Item currentItem = ctx.getCurrentItem();
     Item parentItem = currentItem.getParent();
     output = "Item " + currentItem.getPath() + " removed succesfully \n";
     output = "Current item:  " + ctx.getCurrentItem().getPath() + "\n";
   catch (Exception e)
     output = "Can't execute command - " + e.getMessage() + "\n";
   return false;

代码示例来源:origin: info.magnolia.ui/magnolia-ui-framework-compatibility

public void copyMutlipleItems() throws Exception {
  // GIVEN
  JcrItemAdapter sourceNode = mock(JcrItemAdapter.class);
  JcrItemAdapter sourceProperty = mock(JcrItemAdapter.class);
  CopyContentAction action = new CopyContentAction(definition, Arrays.asList(sourceNode, sourceProperty), clipboard, uiContext, eventBus, i18n);
  // WHEN
  // THEN
  verify(clipboard, times(1)).copy(itemsCaptor.capture());
  List<JcrItemId> items = itemsCaptor.getValue();
  assertThat(items.size(), is(2));
  JcrItemId copiedNodeId = items.get(0);
  assertThat(copiedNodeId.getUuid(), is(((Node) firstItem).getIdentifier()));
  JcrPropertyItemId copiedPropertyId = (JcrPropertyItemId) items.get(1);
  assertThat(copiedPropertyId.getUuid(), is(secondItem.getParent().getIdentifier()));
  assertThat(copiedPropertyId.getPropertyName(), is(((Property) secondItem).getName()));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit-oak

 * @see Item#isSame(javax.jcr.Item)
public boolean isSame(Item otherItem) throws RepositoryException {
  if (this == otherItem) {
    return true;
  // The objects are either both Node objects or both Property objects.
  if (isNode() != otherItem.isNode()) {
    return false;
  // Test if both items belong to the same repository
  // created by the same Repository object
  if (!getSession().getRepository().equals(otherItem.getSession().getRepository())) {
    return false;
  // Both objects were acquired through Session objects bound to the same
  // repository workspace.
  if (!getSession().getWorkspace().getName().equals(otherItem.getSession().getWorkspace().getName())) {
    return false;
  if (isNode()) {
    return ((Node) this).getIdentifier().equals(((Node) otherItem).getIdentifier());
  } else {
    return getName().equals(otherItem.getName()) && getParent().isSame(otherItem.getParent());


 * @see Item#isSame(javax.jcr.Item)
public boolean isSame(Item otherItem) throws RepositoryException {
  if (this == otherItem) {
    return true;
  // The objects are either both Node objects or both Property objects.
  if (isNode() != otherItem.isNode()) {
    return false;
  // Test if both items belong to the same repository
  // created by the same Repository object
  if (!getSession().getRepository().equals(otherItem.getSession().getRepository())) {
    return false;
  // Both objects were acquired through Session objects bound to the same
  // repository workspace.
  if (!getSession().getWorkspace().getName().equals(otherItem.getSession().getWorkspace().getName())) {
    return false;
  if (isNode()) {
    return ((Node) this).getIdentifier().equals(((Node) otherItem).getIdentifier());
  } else {
    return getName().equals(otherItem.getName()) && getParent().isSame(otherItem.getParent());

代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/modeshape-jcr

public Item getAncestor( int depth ) throws RepositoryException {
  if (depth < 0) {
    throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.noNegativeDepth.text(depth));
   * depth argument is absolute depth from root of content graph, not relative depth from current node.
   * That is, if current node is at path /foo/bar/baz, getAncestor(1) returns node at /foo, getAncestor(2)
   * returns node at /foo/bar, getAncestor(3) returns node at /foo/bar/baz, getAncestor(0) returns root node,
   * and any other argument results in ItemNotFoundException.
   * Next statement converts depth parameter from a relative depth to an absolute depth.
  depth = getDepth() - depth;
  if (depth < 0) {
    throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.tooDeep.text(depth));
  Item ancestor = this;
  while (--depth >= 0) {
    ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
  return ancestor;

代码示例来源:origin: ModeShape/modeshape

public Item getAncestor( int depth ) throws RepositoryException {
  if (depth < 0) {
    throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.noNegativeDepth.text(depth));
   * depth argument is absolute depth from root of content graph, not relative depth from current node.
   * That is, if current node is at path /foo/bar/baz, getAncestor(1) returns node at /foo, getAncestor(2)
   * returns node at /foo/bar, getAncestor(3) returns node at /foo/bar/baz, getAncestor(0) returns root node,
   * and any other argument results in ItemNotFoundException.
   * Next statement converts depth parameter from a relative depth to an absolute depth.
  depth = getDepth() - depth;
  if (depth < 0) {
    throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.tooDeep.text(depth));
  Item ancestor = this;
  while (--depth >= 0) {
    ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
  return ancestor;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit

 * Fill the property set for this resource.
protected void initProperties() {
  if (exists()) {
    try {
      properties.add(new DefaultDavProperty<String>(JCR_NAME, item.getName()));
      properties.add(new DefaultDavProperty<String>(JCR_PATH, item.getPath()));
      int depth = item.getDepth();
      properties.add(new DefaultDavProperty<String>(JCR_DEPTH, String.valueOf(depth)));
      // add href-property for the items parent unless its the root item
      if (depth > 0) {
        String parentHref = getLocatorFromItem(item.getParent()).getHref(true);
        properties.add(new HrefProperty(JCR_PARENT, parentHref, false));
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
      // should not get here
      log.error("Error while accessing jcr properties: " + e.getMessage());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/jackrabbit

private void checkHierarchy() throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException, ItemNotFoundException,
    AccessDeniedException {
  for (Iterator<ItemInfo> itemInfos = itemInfoStore.getItemInfos(); itemInfos.hasNext();) {
    ItemInfo itemInfo =;
    String jcrPath = toJCRPath(itemInfo.getPath());
    Item item = session.getItem(jcrPath);
    assertEquals(jcrPath, item.getPath());
    if (item.getDepth() > 0) {
      Node parent = item.getParent();
      if (item.isNode()) {
      else {
