Chapter06 Scala对象

x33g5p2x  于2021-03-14 发布在 其他  

1. 单例对象

  • scala中没有静态方法或静态变量,可以使用object达到同样的目的。
    object Accounts {
      private var lastNumber = 0
      def newUniqueNumber() = { lastNumber += 1; lastNumber }



  1. 存放工具函数或常量
  2. 共享单个不可变实例
  3. 需要用单个实例协调某个服务

2. 伴生对象

  • JAVA中会既有实例方法又有静态方法的类,Scala中用类和与类同名的“伴生”对象实现。
    class Account {
      val id = Account.newUniqueNumber()
      private var balance = 0.0
      def deposit(amount: Double) { balance += amount }
      def description = "Account " + id + " with balance " + balance

    object Account { // 伴生对象
      private var lastNumber = 0
      private def newUniqueNumber() = { lastNumber += 1; lastNumber }

    val acct1 = new Account
    val acct2 = new Account
    val d1 = acct1.description
    val d2 = acct2.description
  • 类和它的伴生对象可以相互访问私有特征。


3. 扩展类或特质的对象

  • 一个object可以扩展类以及一个或多个特质。
    abstract class UndoableAction(val description: String) {
      def undo(): Unit
      def redo(): Unit

    object DoNothingAction extends UndoableAction("Do nothing") {
      override def undo() {}
      override def redo() {}

    val actions = Map("open" -> DoNothingAction, "save" -> DoNothingAction)
    actions("open") == actions("save")

4. apply方法

  • 不使用new,而直接使用object(参数1,…,参数N),这时候apply方法会被调用。
    class Account private (val id: Int, initialBalance: Double) {
      private var balance = initialBalance
      def deposit(amount: Double) { balance += amount }
      def description = "Account " + id + " with balance " + balance

    object Account { // The companion object
      def apply(initialBalance: Double) = 
        new Account(newUniqueNumber(), initialBalance)
      private var lastNumber = 0
      private def newUniqueNumber() = { lastNumber += 1; lastNumber }

    val acct = Account(1000.0)
    val d = acct.description

5. 应用程序对象

  • scala程序都是从对象main方法开始
    object Hello {
      def main(args: Array[String]) {
        println("Hello, World!")
  • 保存为Hello.scala文件,执行:scalac Hello.scala编译文件,执行:scala Hello运行程序。

6. 枚举

  • scala 中没有枚举类型,但有枚举类,Enumeration
    object TrafficLightColor extends Enumeration {
      val Red, Yellow, Green = Value


    object TrafficLightColor extends Enumeration {
      val Red = Value(0, "Stop")
      val Yellow = Value(10) // Name "Yellow"
      val Green = Value("Go") // ID 11




上一篇:Chapter05 类
