
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

 * Attempt to convert the message to its plaintext representation.
 * @return The plain text, or the empty string on failure.
public String asPlaintext() {
  if (object.containsKey("text")) {
    Object obj = object.get("text");
    if (obj instanceof String) {
      return (String) obj;
  return "";

代码示例来源:origin: apache/storm

Object obj = parser.parse(input);
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj;
  Double topoMemOnHeap = ObjectReader
    .getDouble(jsonObject.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_ONHEAP_MEMORY_MB), null);
  topologyResources.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_ONHEAP_MEMORY_MB, topoMemOnHeap);
  Double topoMemOffHeap = ObjectReader
    .getDouble(jsonObject.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_OFFHEAP_MEMORY_MB), null);
  topologyResources.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_OFFHEAP_MEMORY_MB, topoMemOffHeap);
if (jsonObject.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT)) {
  Double topoCpu = ObjectReader.getDouble(jsonObject.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT),
  topologyResources.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT, topoCpu);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/storm

  Double topoMemOnHeap = ObjectReader
    .getDouble(jsonObject.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_ONHEAP_MEMORY_MB), null);
  topologyResources.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_ONHEAP_MEMORY_MB, topoMemOnHeap);
  Double topoMemOffHeap = ObjectReader
    .getDouble(jsonObject.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_OFFHEAP_MEMORY_MB), null);
  topologyResources.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_OFFHEAP_MEMORY_MB, topoMemOffHeap);
if (jsonObject.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT)) {
  Double topoCpu = ObjectReader.getDouble(jsonObject.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT),
  topologyResources.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_CPU_PCORE_PERCENT, topoCpu);
if (jsonObject.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_COMPONENT_RESOURCES_MAP)) {
  Map<String, Number> rawResourcesMap =
    (Map<String, Number>) jsonObject.computeIfAbsent(

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

private static void flatten(StringBuilder dest, JSONObject obj) {
  if (obj.containsKey("color")) {
    try {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      // invalid color, ignore
  for (ChatColor format : FORMATTING) {
    String name = format == ChatColor.MAGIC ? "obfuscated" :;
    if (obj.containsKey(name) && obj.get(name).equals(true)) {
  if (obj.containsKey("text")) {
  if (obj.containsKey("extra")) {
    LinkedList<?> array = (LinkedList<?>) obj.get("extra");
    for (Object o : array) {
      if (o instanceof JSONObject) {
        flatten(dest, (JSONObject) o);
      } else {

代码示例来源:origin: SonarSource/sonarqube

private boolean compareObjects(JSONObject expectedMap, JSONObject actualMap) {
 // each key-value of expected map must exist in actual map
 for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> expectedEntry : (Set<Map.Entry<Object, Object>>) expectedMap.entrySet()) {
  Object key = expectedEntry.getKey();
  if (shouldIgnoreField(key)) {
  if (!actualMap.containsKey(key)) {
   return false;
  if (!compare(expectedEntry.getValue(), actualMap.get(key))) {
   return false;
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

if (!object.containsKey("count")) {
  this.min = Optional.empty();
  this.max = Optional.empty();
Object count = object.get("count");
if (count instanceof Long) {
  this.min = Optional.of(((Long) count).intValue());
if (object.containsKey("min")) {
  this.min = Optional.of(((Long) object.get("min")).intValue());
} else {
  this.min = Optional.of(0);
this.max = Optional.of(((Long) object.get("max")).intValue());

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

if (object.containsKey("item")) { // NON-NLS
  type = Optional.of(new ProbableValue<>(object, "item"));
} else {
  type = Optional.empty();
if (object.containsKey("data")) { // NON-NLS
  Object data = object.get("data"); // NON-NLS
  if (data instanceof String) {
    this.reflectiveData = Optional.of(new ReflectiveValue<Integer>((String) data));
  reflectiveData = Optional.empty();
if (object.containsKey("count")) { // NON-NLS
  count = Optional.of(new LootRandomValues(object));
} else {
  count = Optional.empty();
condition = (String) object.get("condition"); // NON-NLS

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

   * Parses a loot-table entry from JSON.
   * @param object a loot-table entry in JSON format.
  public DefaultLootItem(JSONObject object) {
    this.type = new ProbableValue<>(object, "item");
    this.count = new LootRandomValues(object);
    if (object.containsKey("data")) { // NON-NLS
      final Object data = object.get("data"); // NON-NLS
      if (data instanceof String) {
        this.reflectiveData = Optional
          .of(new ReflectiveValue<Integer>((String) data)); = Optional.empty();
      } else if (data instanceof Long) {
        this.reflectiveData = Optional
          .of(new ReflectiveValue<>(((Long) data).intValue())); = Optional.empty();
      } else {
        this.reflectiveData = Optional.empty(); = Optional.of(new ProbableValue<>(object, "data"));
    } else {
      this.reflectiveData = Optional.of(new ReflectiveValue<>(0)); = Optional.empty();

代码示例来源:origin: LawnchairLauncher/Lawnchair

if (!json.containsKey("travis_build_number")) {
  return null;
int buildNumber = Integer.valueOf((String) json.get("travis_build_number"));
String version = (String) json.get("app_version");
String downloadUrl = String.format(Updater.DOWNLOAD_URL, version);

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

   * Parses a loot table from JSON.
   * @param object a loot table in JSON form
  public EntityLootTable(JSONObject object) {
    if (object.containsKey("experience")) { // NON-NLS
          = new LootRandomValues((JSONObject) object.get("experience")); // NON-NLS
    } else {
      this.experience = null;
    if (object.containsKey("items")) { // NON-NLS
      JSONArray array = (JSONArray) object.get("items"); // NON-NLS
      this.items = new LootItem[array.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
        JSONObject json = (JSONObject) array.get(i);
        this.items[i] = new LootItem(json);
    } else {
      this.items = NO_ITEMS;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

} else if (entry.getValue() instanceof JSONObject) {
  JSONObject object = (JSONObject) entry.getValue();
  if (object.containsKey("value")) { // NON-NLS
    longValue = (Long) object.get("value"); // NON-NLS

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

securityKey = (String) payload.get("s"); // Not used by us anywhere
name = (String) payload.get("n");
hostname = (String) payload.get("h");
uuid = UuidUtils.fromFlatString((String) payload.get("u"));
address = new InetSocketAddress(
if (payload.containsKey("p")) {
  JSONArray props = (JSONArray) payload.get("p");

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

   * Reads a LootItem from its JSON form.
   * @param object a LootItem in JSON form
  public LootItem(JSONObject object) {
    defaultItem = new DefaultLootItem((JSONObject) object.get("default"));
    if (object.containsKey("conditions")) {
      JSONArray array = (JSONArray) object.get("conditions");
      conditionalItems = new ConditionalLootItem[array.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
        JSONObject json = (JSONObject) array.get(i);
        conditionalItems[i] = new ConditionalLootItem(json);
    } else {
      conditionalItems = NO_ITEMS;

代码示例来源:origin: ethereum/ethereumj

JSONObject envJSON = (JSONObject) testCaseJSONObj.get("env");
JSONObject execJSON = (JSONObject) testCaseJSONObj.get("exec");
JSONObject preJSON = (JSONObject) testCaseJSONObj.get("pre");
JSONObject postJSON = new JSONObject();
if (testCaseJSONObj.containsKey("post")) {
if (testCaseJSONObj.containsKey("callcreates"))
  callCreates = (JSONArray) testCaseJSONObj.get("callcreates");
if (testCaseJSONObj.containsKey("logs"))
  logsJSON = testCaseJSONObj.get("logs");
logs = new Logs(logsJSON);
if (testCaseJSONObj.containsKey("gas"))
  gasString = testCaseJSONObj.get("gas").toString();
this.gas = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(toBigInt(gasString));
if (testCaseJSONObj.containsKey("out"))
  outString = testCaseJSONObj.get("out").toString();
if (outString != null && outString.length() > 2)
if (testCaseJSONObj.containsKey("env"))
 this.env = new Env(envJSON);
if (testCaseJSONObj.containsKey("exec"))
 this.exec = new Exec(execJSON);

代码示例来源:origin: scouter-project/scouter

try {
  JSONObject json = (JSONObject) parser.parse(in);
  JSONObject objectInfo = (JSONObject) json.get("object");
  JSONArray countersArray = (JSONArray) json.get("counters");
  String objType = (String) objectInfo.get("type");
    objectType = new ObjectType();
    if (objectInfo.containsKey("display")) {
      if (counterInfo.containsKey("display")) {
      if (counterInfo.containsKey("total")) {
      if (counterInfo.containsKey("all")) {
    if (objectInfo.containsKey("display")) {
      if (counterInfo.containsKey("display")) {
      if (counterInfo.containsKey("total")) {
      if (counterInfo.containsKey("all")) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/metron

private JSONObject convertToInt(JSONObject obj, String key) {
  if (obj.containsKey(key)) {
    obj.put(key, Integer.valueOf((String) obj.get(key)));
  return obj;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/metron

public String getKey(JSONObject value) {
  try {
   String ipSrcAddr = null;
   String ipDstAddr = null;
   if (value.containsKey("ip_src_addr"))
    ipSrcAddr = value.get("ip_src_addr").toString();
   if (value.containsKey("ip_dst_addr"))
    ipDstAddr = value.get("ip_dst_addr").toString();
   if (ipSrcAddr == null && ipDstAddr == null)
    return "0";
   if (ipSrcAddr == null || ipSrcAddr.length() == 0)
    return ipDstAddr;
   if (ipDstAddr == null || ipDstAddr.length() == 0)
    return ipSrcAddr;
   double ip1 = Double.parseDouble(ipSrcAddr.replace(".", ""));
   double ip2 = Double.parseDouble(ipDstAddr.replace(".", ""));
   return String.valueOf(ip1 + ip2);
  } catch (Exception e) {
   return "0";

代码示例来源:origin: apache/metron

 public Optional<Long> currentTimeMillis(JSONObject message) {

  Long result;
  if(message != null && message.containsKey(timestampField)) {

   // extract the timestamp and convert to a long
   Object timestamp = message.get(timestampField);
   result = ConversionUtils.convert(timestamp, Long.class);

  } else {

   // the message does not contain the specified timestamp field
   LOG.debug("message does not contain timestamp field '{}': message will be ignored: message='{}'",
       timestampField, JSONObject.toJSONString(message));
   result = null;

  return Optional.ofNullable(result);

代码示例来源:origin: rhuss/jolokia

private void verifyBulkJsonResponse(JSONAware pJsonResponse) throws J4pException {
  if (!(pJsonResponse instanceof JSONArray)) {
    if (pJsonResponse instanceof JSONObject) {
      JSONObject errorObject = (JSONObject) pJsonResponse;
      if (!errorObject.containsKey("status") || (Long) errorObject.get("status") != 200) {
        throw new J4pRemoteException(null, errorObject);
    throw new J4pException("Invalid JSON answer for a bulk request (expected an array but got a " + pJsonResponse.getClass() + ")");

代码示例来源:origin: rhuss/jolokia

public <RESP extends J4pResponse<REQ>, REQ extends J4pRequest> RESP extract(REQ pRequest,
                                   JSONObject pJsonResp)
      throws J4pRemoteException {
  int status = 0;
  if( pJsonResp.containsKey("status")) {
    Object o = pJsonResp.get("status");
    if( o instanceof Long ) {
      status = ((Long)o).intValue();

    if (!allowedCodes.contains(status)) {
      throw new J4pRemoteException(pRequest, pJsonResp);
    return status == 200 ? pRequest.<RESP>createResponse(pJsonResp) : null;
