
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

public Plugin(String sourceId, JSONObject o) {
  super(sourceId, o, UpdateSite.this.url); = get(o,"wiki");
  this.title = get(o,"title");
  this.excerpt = get(o,"excerpt");
  this.compatibleSinceVersion = Util.intern(get(o,"compatibleSinceVersion"));
  this.minimumJavaVersion = Util.intern(get(o, "minimumJavaVersion"));
  this.requiredCore = Util.intern(get(o,"requiredCore"));
  this.categories = o.has("labels") ? internInPlace((String[])o.getJSONArray("labels").toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY)) : null;
  JSONArray ja = o.getJSONArray("dependencies");
  int depCount = (int)(;
  int optionalDepCount = (int)(;
  dependencies = getPresizedMutableMap(depCount);
  optionalDependencies = getPresizedMutableMap(optionalDepCount);
  for(Object jo : o.getJSONArray("dependencies")) {
    JSONObject depObj = (JSONObject) jo;
    // Make sure there's a name attribute and that the optional value isn't true.
    String depName = Util.intern(get(depObj,"name"));
    if (depName!=null) {
      if (get(depObj, "optional").equals("false")) {
        dependencies.put(depName, Util.intern(get(depObj, "version")));
      } else {
        optionalDependencies.put(depName, Util.intern(get(depObj, "version")));


try {   ...
   JSONObject rootJSON = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(jsonString);
   JSONArray dataList = (JSONArray) rootJSON.get("data");
   for(Object projectObj: dataList.toArray()){
     JSONObject project = (JSONObject)projectObj;
     JSONArray issueList = (JSONArray) project.get("issue");
     for(Object issueObj: issueList.toArray()){
       JSONObject issue = (JSONObject) issueObj;
       //do something with the issue
 } catch (ParseException e) {
   //do smth

代码示例来源:origin: zhangdaiscott/jeewx-api

public static Object json2Array(String json, Class valueClz) {
  JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject(json);
  return JSONArray.toArray(jsonArray, valueClz);

代码示例来源:origin: gooddata/GoodData-CL

 * Returns formatted error message if the message contains parameters
 * placeholder (%s)
 * @param error
 * @return
private static String formatErrorMessage(JSONObject error) {
  final String orig = error.getString("message");
  if (!orig.contains("%s")) {
    return orig;
  return new Formatter().format(orig, error.getJSONArray("parameters").toArray()).toString();


try {
   URL url = new URL("http://localhost/api.php");
   URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
   conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
   DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
   String content = "command=getCompanies";
   InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
   BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
   String wholeLine = "";
   String line;
   while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
     wholeLine = wholeLine + line;
   JSONArray array = (JSONArray) new JSONParser().parse(wholeLine);
   for(Object obj : array.toArray()){
 } catch (Exception e) {
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.zaproxy/zap

public void init(String config) {
  try {
    JSONObject json = JSONObject.fromObject(config);
    for (Object obj : ja.toArray()) {
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

代码示例来源:origin: itesla/ipst

public Collection<Collection<String>> getTopologyDescription(String id, String topoHash) {
  try (InputStream is = httpClient.getHttpRequest(new HistoDbUrl(config, "itesla/topos/" + id + "/" + topoHash + ".json", Collections.emptyMap()))) {
    byte[] bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(is);
    Collection<Collection<String>> result = new HashSet<>();
    JSONArray topology = JSONArray.fromObject(new String(bytes, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
    for (int i = 0; i < topology.size(); i++) {
      JSONArray jsonConnectedSet = topology.getJSONArray(i);
      Collection<String> connectedSet = Arrays.asList((String[]) jsonConnectedSet.toArray(new String[]{}));
    return result;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: itesla/ipst

public List<SecurityRule> getRules(String workflowId, RuleAttributeSet attributeSet, String contingencyId, SecurityIndexType securityIndexType) {
  StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
  if (contingencyId != null) {
  if (securityIndexType != null) {
  List<SecurityRule> result = new ArrayList<>();
  try (InputStream is = httpClient.getHttpRequest(new HistoDbUrl(config, path.toString(), Collections.emptyMap()))) {
    String stringResult = new String(ByteStreams.toByteArray(is), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    for (Object jsonRule: JSONArray.fromObject(stringResult).toArray()) {
      result.add(JsonSecurityRule.fromJSON((JSONObject) jsonRule));
  } catch (IOException e) {
    LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to encode rule", e);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.struts/struts2-rest-plugin

public void toObject(ActionInvocation invocation, Reader in, Object target) throws IOException {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  char[] buffer = new char[1024];
  int len = 0;
  while ((len = > 0) {
    sb.append(buffer, 0, len);
  if (target != null && sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(0) == '[') {
    JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject(sb.toString());
    if (target.getClass().isArray()) {
      JSONArray.toArray(jsonArray, target, new JsonConfig());
    } else {
      JSONArray.toList(jsonArray, target, new JsonConfig());
  } else {
    JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject(sb.toString());
    JSONObject.toBean(jsonObject, target, new JsonConfig());

代码示例来源:origin: edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy/oa4mp-server-loader-oauth2

public static AttributeRemoveRequest createRequest(AdminClient aSubj,
                          TypeAttribute typeAttribute,
                          ActionRemove actionRemove,
                          OA2Client cTarget,
                          JSON content) {
  //JSON content = SATFactory.getContent(json);
  if (!content.isArray()) {
    throw new GeneralException("Content must be a list of attributes to get");
  JSONArray array = (JSONArray) content;
  String[] arrayString = (String[]) array.toArray(new String[array.size()]);
  return new AttributeRemoveRequest(aSubj, cTarget, Arrays.asList(arrayString));

代码示例来源:origin: edu.uiuc.ncsa.myproxy/oa4mp-server-loader-oauth2

public static AttributeGetRequest createRequest(AdminClient aSubj,
                        TypeAttribute typeAttribute,
                        ActionGet actionGet,
                        OA2Client cTarget,
                        JSON content) {
  //JSON content = SATFactory.getContent(json);
  if (!content.isArray()) {
    throw new GeneralException("Content must be a list of attributes to get");
  JSONArray array = (JSONArray) content;
  String[] arrayString = (String[]) array.toArray(new String[array.size()]);
  return new AttributeGetRequest(aSubj, cTarget, Arrays.asList(arrayString));

代码示例来源:origin: gooddata/GoodData-CL

 * Constructs a new SLI column
 * @param column the JSON object from the GoodData REST API
public Column(JSONObject column) {
  name = column.getString("columnName");
  mode = column.getString("mode");
  JSONArray pa = column.getJSONArray("populates");
  populates = new String[pa.size()];
  for (int i = 0; i < pa.size(); i++) {
    populates[i] = pa.getString(i);
  populates = (String[]) pa.toArray(populates);
  if (column.containsKey("referenceKey"))
    referenceKey = column.getInt("referenceKey");

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core

String[] labels = (String[]) jsonObject.getJSONArray("labels").toArray(new String[0]);
for (String label : labels) {
  String category = getCategoryDisplayName(label);

代码示例来源:origin: gooddata/GoodData-CL

if (!failed.isEmpty()) {
  String errMsg = "Following users can't be added to the project:";
  for (Object uri : failed.toArray()) {
    errMsg += " " + uris.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x

public Plugin(String sourceId, JSONObject o) {
  super(sourceId, o); = get(o,"wiki");
  this.title = get(o,"title");
  this.excerpt = get(o,"excerpt");
  this.compatibleSinceVersion = get(o,"compatibleSinceVersion");
  this.requiredCore = get(o,"requiredCore");
  this.categories = o.has("labels") ? (String[])o.getJSONArray("labels").toArray(new String[0]) : null;
  for(Object jo : o.getJSONArray("dependencies")) {
    JSONObject depObj = (JSONObject) jo;
    // Make sure there's a name attribute, that that name isn't maven-plugin - we ignore that one -
    // and that the optional value isn't true.
    if (get(depObj,"name")!=null
      && !get(depObj,"name").equals("maven-plugin")
      && get(depObj,"optional").equals("false")) {
      dependencies.put(get(depObj,"name"), get(depObj,"version"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core

public Plugin(String sourceId, JSONObject o) {
  super(sourceId, o); = get(o,"wiki");
  this.title = get(o,"title");
  this.excerpt = get(o,"excerpt");
  this.compatibleSinceVersion = get(o,"compatibleSinceVersion");
  this.requiredCore = get(o,"requiredCore");
  this.categories = o.has("labels") ? (String[])o.getJSONArray("labels").toArray(new String[0]) : null;
  for(Object jo : o.getJSONArray("dependencies")) {
    JSONObject depObj = (JSONObject) jo;
    // Make sure there's a name attribute, that that name isn't maven-plugin - we ignore that one -
    // and that the optional value isn't true.
    if (get(depObj,"name")!=null
      && !get(depObj,"name").equals("maven-plugin")
      && get(depObj,"optional").equals("false")) {
      dependencies.put(get(depObj,"name"), get(depObj,"version"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core

public Plugin(String sourceId, JSONObject o) {
  super(sourceId, o); = get(o,"wiki");
  this.title = get(o,"title");
  this.excerpt = get(o,"excerpt");
  this.compatibleSinceVersion = get(o,"compatibleSinceVersion");
  this.requiredCore = get(o,"requiredCore");
  this.categories = o.has("labels") ? (String[])o.getJSONArray("labels").toArray(new String[0]) : null;
  for(Object jo : o.getJSONArray("dependencies")) {
    JSONObject depObj = (JSONObject) jo;
    // Make sure there's a name attribute, that that name isn't maven-plugin - we ignore that one -
    // and that the optional value isn't true.
    if (get(depObj,"name")!=null
      && !get(depObj,"name").equals("maven-plugin")
      && get(depObj,"optional").equals("false")) {
      dependencies.put(get(depObj,"name"), get(depObj,"version"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core

public Plugin(String sourceId, JSONObject o) {
  super(sourceId, o, UpdateSite.this.url); = get(o,"wiki");
  this.title = get(o,"title");
  this.excerpt = get(o,"excerpt");
  this.compatibleSinceVersion = get(o,"compatibleSinceVersion");
  this.requiredCore = get(o,"requiredCore");
  this.categories = o.has("labels") ? (String[])o.getJSONArray("labels").toArray(new String[0]) : null;
  for(Object jo : o.getJSONArray("dependencies")) {
    JSONObject depObj = (JSONObject) jo;
    // Make sure there's a name attribute and that the optional value isn't true.
    if (get(depObj,"name")!=null) {
      if (get(depObj, "optional").equals("false")) {
        dependencies.put(get(depObj, "name"), get(depObj, "version"));
      } else {
        optionalDependencies.put(get(depObj, "name"), get(depObj, "version"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core

public Plugin(String sourceId, JSONObject o) {
  super(sourceId, o);
  this.type = get(o, "type");
  if ((type == null) || "".equals(type)) {
    type = "others";
  } = get(o, "wiki");
  this.title = get(o, "title");
  this.excerpt = get(o, "excerpt");
  this.compatibleSinceVersion = get(o, "compatibleSinceVersion");
  this.requiredCore = get(o, "requiredCore");
  JSONArray labelsJsonArray = o.getJSONArray("labels");
  this.categories = o.has("labels") ? (String[]) labelsJsonArray.toArray(new String[labelsJsonArray.size()]) : null;
  for (Object jo : o.getJSONArray("dependencies")) {
    JSONObject depObj = (JSONObject) jo;
    // Make sure there's a name attribute, that that name isn't maven-plugin - we ignore that one -
    // and that the optional value isn't true.
    if (get(depObj, "name") != null
        && !get(depObj, "name").equals("maven-plugin")
        && get(depObj, "optional").equals("false")) {
      dependencies.put(get(depObj, "name"), get(depObj, "version"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/scriptler

   * Extracts the parameters from the given request
   * @param req
   *            the request potentially containing parameters
   * @return parameters - might be an empty array, but never <code>null</code>.
   * @throws ServletException
  public static Parameter[] extractParameters(JSONObject json) throws ServletException {
    Parameter[] parameters = new Parameter[0];
    final JSONObject defineParams = json.optJSONObject("defineParams");
    if (defineParams != null && !defineParams.isNullObject()) {
      JSONObject argsObj = defineParams.optJSONObject("parameters");
      if (argsObj == null) {
        JSONArray argsArrayObj = defineParams.optJSONArray("parameters");
        if (argsArrayObj != null) {
          parameters = (Parameter[]) JSONArray.toArray(argsArrayObj, Parameter.class);
      } else {
        Parameter param = (Parameter) JSONObject.toBean(argsObj, Parameter.class);
        parameters = new Parameter[] { param };
    return parameters;
