
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the optional JSONObject associated with an index. Null is returned if the key is not found, or null if the index has no value, or if the value is not a JSONObject.


代码示例来源:origin: com.tinkerpop.blueprints/blueprints-rexster-graph

public Iterable<Index<? extends Element>> getIndices() {
  List<Index<? extends Element>> indices = new ArrayList<Index<? extends Element>>();
  JSONArray json = RestHelper.getResultArray(this.graphURI + RexsterTokens.SLASH_INDICES);
  for (int ix = 0; ix < json.length(); ix++) {
    JSONObject index = json.optJSONObject(ix);
    Class c;
    String clazz = index.optString(RexsterTokens.CLASS);
    if (clazz.toLowerCase().contains(RexsterTokens.VERTEX))
      c = Vertex.class;
    else if (clazz.toLowerCase().contains(RexsterTokens.EDGE))
      c = Edge.class;
      throw new RuntimeException("Can not determine whether " + clazz + " is a vertex or edge class");
    indices.add(new RexsterIndex(this, index.optString(RexsterTokens.NAME), c));
  return indices;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private Map<String, Map<String, Long>> parseDagCounters( JSONObject countersNode ) throws JSONException
 if( countersNode == null )
  return null;
 JSONArray counterGroupNodes = countersNode.optJSONArray( ATSConstants.COUNTER_GROUPS );
 if( counterGroupNodes == null )
  return null;
 Map<String, Map<String, Long>> counters = new HashMap<>();
 int numCounterGroups = counterGroupNodes.length();
 for( int i = 0; i < numCounterGroups; i++ )
  parseCounterGroup( counters, counterGroupNodes.optJSONObject( i ) );
 return counters;

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-tez-stats

private Map<String, Map<String, Long>> parseDagCounters( JSONObject countersNode ) throws JSONException
 if( countersNode == null )
  return null;
 JSONArray counterGroupNodes = countersNode.optJSONArray( ATSConstants.COUNTER_GROUPS );
 if( counterGroupNodes == null )
  return null;
 Map<String, Map<String, Long>> counters = new HashMap<>();
 int numCounterGroups = counterGroupNodes.length();
 for( int i = 0; i < numCounterGroups; i++ )
  parseCounterGroup( counters, counterGroupNodes.optJSONObject( i ) );
 return counters;

代码示例来源:origin: com.tinkerpop.blueprints/blueprints-rexster-graph

protected void fillBuffer(final Queue<Edge> queue, final int start, final int end) {
    final JSONObject object = RestHelper.get(this.uri + this.createSeparator() + RexsterTokens.REXSTER_OFFSET_START + RexsterTokens.EQUALS + start + RexsterTokens.AND + RexsterTokens.REXSTER_OFFSET_END + RexsterTokens.EQUALS + end);

    JSONArray array = object.optJSONArray(RexsterTokens.RESULTS);
    for (int ix = 0; ix < array.length(); ix++) {
      queue.add(new RexsterEdge(array.optJSONObject(ix), this.graph));

代码示例来源:origin: com.tinkerpop.blueprints/blueprints-rexster-graph

protected void fillBuffer(final Queue<Vertex> queue, final int start, final int end) {
    final JSONObject object = RestHelper.get(this.uri + this.createSeparator() + RexsterTokens.REXSTER_OFFSET_START + RexsterTokens.EQUALS + start + RexsterTokens.AND + RexsterTokens.REXSTER_OFFSET_END + RexsterTokens.EQUALS + end);

    JSONArray array = object.optJSONArray(RexsterTokens.RESULTS);
    for (int ix = 0; ix < array.length(); ix++) {
      queue.add(new RexsterVertex(array.optJSONObject(ix), this.graph));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

public static enum TYPE_STRICT {any,all,should};

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tez/tez-history-parser

 * Parse events from json
 * @param eventNodes
 * @param eventList
 * @throws JSONException
public static void parseEvents(JSONArray eventNodes, List<Event> eventList) throws
  JSONException {
 if (eventNodes == null) {
 for (int i = 0; i < eventNodes.length(); i++) {
  JSONObject eventNode = eventNodes.optJSONObject(i);
  final String eventInfo = eventNode.optString(Constants.EVENT_INFO);
  final String eventType = eventNode.optString(Constants.EVENT_TYPE);
  final long time = eventNode.optLong(Constants.EVENT_TIME_STAMP);
  Event event = new Event(eventInfo, eventType, time);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

assertTrue("Fields MUST contain at least a single value!",jValues.length() > 0);
for(int i=0;i<jValues.length();i++){
  JSONObject fieldValue = jValues.optJSONObject(i);
  assertNotNull("Values for field "+key+" does contain an value " +
      "that is not an JSONObject "+jValues.optString(i),

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tez/tez-api

private TezCountersProto.Builder parseDagCounters(JSONObject countersNode)
  throws JSONException {
 if (countersNode == null) {
  return null;
 TezCountersProto.Builder countersProto = TezCountersProto.newBuilder();
 final JSONArray counterGroupNodes = countersNode.optJSONArray(ATSConstants.COUNTER_GROUPS);
 if (counterGroupNodes != null) {
  final int numCounterGroups = counterGroupNodes.length();
  for (int i = 0; i < numCounterGroups; i++) {
   TezCounterGroupProto.Builder counterGroupBuilder =
   if (counterGroupBuilder != null) {
 return countersProto;

代码示例来源:origin: dbs-leipzig/gradoop

JSONArray array = jsonObject.optJSONArray(key);
boolean listOrObject = array.optJSONObject(0) != null;
 String stringValue = listOrObject ? array.optJSONObject(i).toString() : array.optString(i);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tez/tez-history-parser

} else {
 JSONObject subJsonObject = relatedEntities.optJSONObject(0);
 if (subJsonObject != null) {
  String nodeId = subJsonObject.optString(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE);
 subJsonObject = relatedEntities.optJSONObject(1);
 if (subJsonObject != null) {
  String containerId = subJsonObject.optString(Constants.ENTITY_TYPE);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tez/tez-history-parser

if (counterGroupNodes != null) {
 for (int i = 0; i < counterGroupNodes.length(); i++) {
  JSONObject counterGroupNode = counterGroupNodes.optJSONObject(i);
  final String groupName = counterGroupNode.optString(Constants.COUNTER_GROUP_NAME);
  final String groupDisplayName = counterGroupNode.optString(
   JSONObject counterNode = counterNodes.optJSONObject(j);
   final String counterName = counterNode.getString(Constants.COUNTER_NAME);
   final String counterDisplayName =

代码示例来源:origin: thinkaurelius/faunus

private static void fromJSONEdges(final FaunusVertex vertex, final JSONArray edges, final Direction direction) throws JSONException, IOException {
  if (null != edges) {
    for (int i = 0; i < edges.length(); i++) {
      final JSONObject edge = edges.optJSONObject(i);
      FaunusEdge faunusEdge = null;
      if (direction.equals(Direction.IN)) {
        faunusEdge = (FaunusEdge) graphson.edgeFromJson(edge, new FaunusVertex(edge.optLong(GraphSONTokens._OUT_V)), vertex);
      } else if (direction.equals(Direction.OUT)) {
        faunusEdge = (FaunusEdge) graphson.edgeFromJson(edge, vertex, new FaunusVertex(edge.optLong(GraphSONTokens._IN_V)));
      if (faunusEdge != null) {
        vertex.addEdge(direction, faunusEdge);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

  public void testDefaultRangeConstraintDatatypeProperty() throws IOException, JSONException {
    FieldQueryTestCase test = new FieldQueryTestCase(
      "'selected': [ 'http:\\/\\/\\/test#field'], " +
      "'constraints': [{ " +
        "'type': 'range', " +
        "'field': 'http:\\/\\/\\/test#field', " +
        "'lowerBound': 1000," +
        "'inclusive': true," +
        "}]" +
      false); //expect BadRequest
    //now execute the test
    RequestExecutor re = executeQuery(test);
    JSONObject jQuery = assertResponseQuery(re.getContent());
    JSONArray jConstraints = jQuery.optJSONArray("constraints");
    assertNotNull("Result Query does not contain the constraints Array",jConstraints);
    assertTrue("Result Query Constraint Array does not contain the expected Constraint",
      jConstraints.length() == 1);
    JSONObject jConstraint = jConstraints.optJSONObject(0);
    assertNotNull("Constraint Array does not contain JSONObjects",jConstraint);
    assertTrue("Returned Query does not contain the default data type",jConstraint.has("datatype"));    }   

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

public void testValueConstraintDefaultDataType() throws IOException, JSONException {
  FieldQueryTestCase test = new FieldQueryTestCase(
    "'selected': [ 'http:\\/\\/\\/test#field'], " +
    "'constraints': [{ " +
      "'type': 'value'," +
      "'value': 'Paris'," +
      "'field': 'http:\\/\\/\\/test#field'" +
      "}]," +
    false); //expect BadRequest
  //now execute the test
  RequestExecutor re = executeQuery(test);
  JSONObject jQuery = assertResponseQuery(re.getContent());
  JSONArray jConstraints = jQuery.optJSONArray("constraints");
  assertNotNull("Result Query does not contain the constraints Array",jConstraints);
  assertTrue("Result Query Constraint Array does not contain the expected Constraint",
    jConstraints.length() == 1);
  JSONObject jConstraint = jConstraints.optJSONObject(0);
  assertNotNull("Constraint Array does not contain JSONObjects",jConstraint);
  assertTrue("Returned Query does not contain the default data type",jConstraint.has("datatype"));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

public void testDefaultTextConstraintPatternTypeProperty() throws IOException, JSONException {
  FieldQueryTestCase test = new FieldQueryTestCase(
    "'selected': [ 'http:\\/\\/\\/test#field'], " +
    "'constraints': [{ " +
      "'type': 'text', " +
      "'text': 'Paris', " + 
      "'field': 'http:\\/\\/\\/test#field', " +
      "}]" +
    false); //expect BadRequest
  //now execute the test
  RequestExecutor re = executeQuery(test);
  JSONObject jQuery = assertResponseQuery(re.getContent());
  JSONArray jConstraints = jQuery.optJSONArray("constraints");
  assertNotNull("Result Query does not contain the constraints Array",jConstraints);
  assertTrue("Result Query Constraint Array does not contain the expected Constraint",
    jConstraints.length() == 1);
  JSONObject jConstraint = jConstraints.optJSONObject(0);
  assertNotNull("Constraint Array does not contain JSONObjects",jConstraint);
  assertTrue("The 'patternType' property MUST BE set for returned TextConstraints",
  assertEquals("Default for patternType MUST BE 'none'", 
    "none", jConstraint.getString("patternType"));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

assertEquals("Result Query is expected to have a single constraint",
  1, jConstraints.length());
JSONObject constraint = jConstraints.optJSONObject(0);
assertNotNull("'constraints' array does not contain a JSONObject but "+jConstraints.get(0),
