
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: sun-jaxb/jaxb-xjc

 * Adds a statement to this block
 * @param s
 *        JStatement to be added
 * @return This block
public JBlock add(JStatement s) { // ## Needed?
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Creates an invocation statement and adds it to this block.
 * @param method
 *        Name of method to invoke
 * @return Newly generated JInvocation
public JInvocation invoke(String method) {
  return insert(new JInvocation((JExpression)null, method));

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Create a For statement and add it to this block
 * @return Newly generated For statement
public JForLoop _for() {
  return insert(new JForLoop());

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Create a Try statement and add it to this block
 * @return Newly generated Try statement
public JTryBlock _try() {
  return insert(new JTryBlock());

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Create a continue statement and add it to this block
public void _continue(JLabel label) {
  insert(new JContinue(label));

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Create an If statement and add it to this block
 * @param expr
 *        JExpression to be tested to determine branching
 * @return Newly generated conditional statement
public JConditional _if(JExpression expr) {
  return insert(new JConditional(expr));

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Create a switch/case statement and add it to this block
public JSwitch _switch(JExpression test) {
  return insert(new JSwitch(test));

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Create a throw statement and add it to this block
public void _throw(JExpression exp) {
  insert(new JThrow(exp));

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Creates a static invocation statement.
public JInvocation staticInvoke(JClass type, String method) {
  return insert(new JInvocation(type, method));

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.codemodel/codemodel

 * Creates an enhanced For statement based on j2se 1.5 JLS
 * and add it to this block
 * @return Newly generated enhanced For statement per j2se 1.5
 * specification
public JForEach forEach(JType varType, String name, JExpression collection) {
  return insert(new JForEach( varType, name, collection));
public void state(JFormatter f) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.metro/webservices-tools

 * Create a sub-block and add it to this block
public JBlock block() {
  JBlock b = new JBlock();
  b.bracesRequired = false;
  b.indentRequired = false;
  return insert(b);

代码示例来源:origin: sun-jaxb/jaxb-xjc

 * Create a While statement and add it to this block
 * @return Newly generated While statement
public JWhileLoop _while(JExpression test) {
  return insert(new JWhileLoop(test));

代码示例来源:origin: sun-jaxb/jaxb-xjc

 * Create a switch/case statement and add it to this block
public JSwitch _switch(JExpression test) {
  return insert(new JSwitch(test));

代码示例来源:origin: sun-jaxb/jaxb-xjc

 * Create a Do statement and add it to this block
 * @return Newly generated Do statement
public JDoLoop _do(JExpression test) {
  return insert(new JDoLoop(test));

代码示例来源:origin: sun-jaxb/jaxb-xjc

 * Create a return statement and add it to this block
public void _return(JExpression exp) {
  insert(new JReturn(exp));


 * Creates a static invocation statement.
public JInvocation staticInvoke(JClass type, String method) {
  return insert(new JInvocation(type, method));


 * Create an If statement and add it to this block
 * @param expr
 *        JExpression to be tested to determine branching
 * @return Newly generated conditional statement
public JConditional _if(JExpression expr) {
  return insert(new JConditional(expr));


 * Create a label, which can be referenced from
 * <code>continue</code> and <code>break</code> statements.
public JLabel label(String name) {
  JLabel l = new JLabel(name);
  return l;


 * Create a continue statement and add it to this block
public void _continue(JLabel label) {
  insert(new JContinue(label));

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/jaxb-v2

 * Create a Try statement and add it to this block
 * @return Newly generated Try statement
public JTryBlock _try() {
  return insert(new JTryBlock());
