
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Represents a JSON object, i.e. an unordered set of name/value pairs, where the names are strings and the values are JSON values.

Members can be added using the add(String, ...) methods which accept instances of JsonValue, strings, primitive numbers, and boolean values. To modify certain values of an object, use the set(String, ...) methods. Please note that the add methods are faster than set as they do not search for existing members. On the other hand, the add methods do not prevent adding multiple members with the same name. Duplicate names are discouraged but not prohibited by JSON.

Members can be accessed by their name using #get(String). A list of all names can be obtained from the method #names(). This class also supports iterating over the members in document order using an #iterator() or an enhanced for loop:

for( Member member : jsonObject ) { 
String name = member.getName(); 
JsonValue value = member.getValue(); 

Even though JSON objects are unordered by definition, instances of this class preserve the order of members to allow processing in document order and to guarantee a predictable output.

Note that this class is not thread-safe. If multiple threads access a JsonObject instance concurrently, while at least one of these threads modifies the contents of this object, access to the instance must be synchronized externally. Failure to do so may lead to an inconsistent state.

This class is not supposed to be extended by clients.
可以使用add(String, ...)方法添加成员,这些方法接受JsonValue、字符串、基元数和布尔值的实例。要修改对象的某些值,请使用set(String, ...)方法。请注意add方法比set更快,因为它们不搜索现有成员。另一方面,add方法并不阻止添加具有相同名称的多个成员。JSON不鼓励重复名称,但不禁止重复名称。

for( Member member : jsonObject ) { 
String name = member.getName(); 
JsonValue value = member.getValue(); 



代码示例来源:origin: Vedenin/useful-java-links

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // convert Java to writer
    JsonObject root = Json.object().add("message", "Hi").add(
        "place", Json.object().add("name", "World!")
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    String json = writer.toString();

    // convert writer to Java
    JsonObject obj = Json.parse(json).asObject();
    String message = obj.get("message").asString();
    String name = obj.get("place").asObject().get("name").asString();
    System.out.println(message + " " + name);

代码示例来源:origin: ralfstx/minimal-json

private static JsonObject extractMeasurement(JsonObject measurement) {
 JsonObject times = measurement.get("v").asObject()
 return new JsonObject().add("variables", measurement.get("k").asObject().get("variables"))
             .add("units", times.get("unitNames"))
             .add("values", extractTimes(times.get("measurements").asArray()));

代码示例来源:origin: ralfstx/minimal-json

 * Sets the value of the member with the specified name to the JSON representation of the
 * specified <code>long</code> value. If this object does not contain a member with this name, a
 * new member is added at the end of the object. If this object contains multiple members with
 * this name, only the last one is changed.
 * <p>
 * This method should <strong>only be used to modify existing objects</strong>. To fill a new
 * object with members, the method <code>add(name, value)</code> should be preferred which is much
 * faster (as it does not need to search for existing members).
 * </p>
 * @param name
 *          the name of the member to replace
 * @param value
 *          the value to set to the member
 * @return the object itself, to enable method chaining
public JsonObject set(String name, long value) {
 set(name, Json.value(value));
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/packr

JsonObject json = JsonObject.readFrom(FileUtils.readFileToString(configJson));
if (json.get("platform") != null) {
  platform = Platform.byDesc(json.get("platform").asString());
if (json.get("jdk") != null) {
  jdk = json.get("jdk").asString();
if (json.get("executable") != null) {
  executable = json.get("executable").asString();
if (json.get("classpath") != null) {
  classpath = toStringArray(json.get("classpath").asArray());
if (json.get("removelibs") != null) {
  removePlatformLibs = toStringArray(json.get("removelibs").asArray());
if (json.get("mainclass") != null) {
  mainClass = json.get("mainclass").asString();
if (json.get("vmargs") != null) {
  List<String> vmArgs = toStringArray(json.get("vmargs").asArray());
  this.vmArgs = new ArrayList<>();
  for (String vmArg : vmArgs) {
if (json.get("minimizejre") != null) {
  minimizeJre = json.get("minimizejre").asString();
if (json.get("cachejre") != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: ralfstx/minimal-json

protected void setUp() throws IOException {
 jsonObject = new JsonObject();
 for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) {
  String name = Integer.toHexString(index);
  jsonObject.add(name, index);

代码示例来源:origin: BTCPrivate/bitcoin-private-full-node-wallet

private void decomposeJSONValue(String name, JsonValue val, Map<String, String> map) {
  if (val.isObject()) {
    JsonObject obj = val.asObject();
    for (String memberName : obj.names()) {
      this.decomposeJSONValue(name + "." + memberName, obj.get(memberName), map);
  } else if (val.isArray()) {
    JsonArray arr = val.asArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
      this.decomposeJSONValue(name + "[" + i + "]", arr.get(i), map);
  } else {
    map.put(name, val.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: ralfstx/minimal-json

private static JsonValue extractTimes(JsonArray measurements) {
 JsonArray result = new JsonArray();
 for (JsonValue measurement : measurements) {
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: box/box-java-sdk

   * {@inheritDoc}
  void parseJSONMember(JsonObject.Member member) {
    String memberName = member.getName();
    JsonValue value = member.getValue();
    try {
      if (memberName.equals("assigned_to")) {
        JsonObject assignmentJSON = value.asObject();
        this.assignedToType = assignmentJSON.get("type").asString();
        this.assignedToID = assignmentJSON.get("id").asString();
      } else if (memberName.equals("storage_policy")) {
        JsonObject storagePolicyJSON = value.asObject();
        this.storagePolicyID = storagePolicyJSON.get("id").asString();
        this.storagePolicyType = storagePolicyJSON.get("type").asString();
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      assert false : "A ParseException indicates a bug in the SDK.";

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/leshan

public static Observation deserialize(byte[] data) {
  JsonObject v = (JsonObject) Json.parse(new String(data));
  EndpointContext endpointContext = EndpointContextSerDes.deserialize(v.get("peer").asObject());
  byte[] req = Hex.decodeHex(v.getString("request", null).toCharArray());
  RawData rawData = RawData.outbound(req, endpointContext, null, false);
  Request request = (Request) parser.parseMessage(rawData);
  JsonValue ctxValue = v.get("context");
  if (ctxValue != null) {
    Map<String, String> context = new HashMap<>();
    JsonObject ctxObject = (JsonObject) ctxValue;
    for (String name : ctxObject.names()) {
      context.put(name, ctxObject.getString(name, null));
  return new Observation(request, endpointContext);

代码示例来源:origin: org.wildfly.swarm/fraction-metadata

private void addDependencies(JsonObject fraction, FractionDescriptor parent) {
  fraction.get("fractionDependencies").asArray().forEach(entry -> {
    JsonObject dependency = entry.asObject();
    FractionDescriptor descriptor = getFractionDescriptor(dependency);
    if (parent != null) {
    addDependencies(dependency, descriptor);

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/leshan

private void sendError(String ticket, String message) {
  try (Jedis j = pool.getResource()) {
    JsonObject m = Json.object();
    m.add("ticket", ticket);
    JsonObject err = Json.object();
    err.add("errorMessage", message);
    m.add("err", err);
    j.publish(RESPONSE_CHANNEL, m.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: samczsun/Skype4J

public static String upload(byte[] data, ImageType type, JsonObject extra, ChatImpl chat) throws ConnectionException {
  JsonObject obj = new JsonObject();
  obj.add("type", type.mime);
  obj.add("permissions", new JsonObject().add(chat.getIdentity(), new JsonArray().add("read")));
  if (extra != null) extra.forEach(m -> obj.add(m.getName(), m.getValue()));
  JsonObject response = Endpoints.OBJECTS
      .expect(201, "While uploading data")
  String id = response.get("id").asString();
      .open(chat.getClient(), id, type.endpoint)
      .header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data")
      .expect(201, "While uploading data")
      .connect("PUT", data);
  Endpoints.EndpointConnection<JsonObject> econn = Endpoints.IMG_STATUS
      .open(chat.getClient(), id,
      .expect(200, "While getting upload status");
  while (true) {
    JsonObject status = econn.get();
    if (status.get("view_state").asString().equals("ready")) {
  return id;

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/packr

JsonArray reduceArray = minimizeJson.get("reduce").asArray();
for (JsonValue reduce : reduceArray) {
  String path = reduce.asObject().get("archive").asString();
  File file = new File(output, path);
  JsonArray removeArray = reduce.asObject().get("paths").asArray();
  for (JsonValue remove : removeArray) {
    File removeFile = new File(fileNoExt, remove.asString());
JsonArray removeArray = minimizeJson.get("remove").asArray();
for (JsonValue remove : removeArray) {
  String platform = remove.asObject().get("platform").asString();
  JsonArray removeFilesArray = remove.asObject().get("paths").asArray();
  for (JsonValue removeFile : removeFilesArray) {
    removeFileWildcard(output, removeFile.asString(), config);

代码示例来源:origin: BTCPrivate/bitcoin-private-full-node-wallet

public synchronized String[] getWalletPublicAddressesWithUnspentOutputs()
    throws WalletCallException, IOException, InterruptedException {
  JsonArray jsonUnspentOutputs = executeCommandAndGetJsonArray("listunspent", "0");
  Set<String> addresses = new HashSet<>();
  for (int i = 0; i < jsonUnspentOutputs.size(); i++) {
    JsonObject outp = jsonUnspentOutputs.get(i).asObject();
    addresses.add(outp.getString("address", "ERROR!"));
  return addresses.toArray(new String[0]);

代码示例来源:origin: box/box-java-sdk

private BoxFileUploadSession.Info createUploadSession(BoxAPIConnection boxApi, URL url, long fileSize) {
  BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(boxApi, url, HttpMethod.POST);
  //Creates the body of the request
  JsonObject body = new JsonObject();
  body.add("file_size", fileSize);
  BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
  JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
  String sessionId = jsonObject.get("id").asString();
  BoxFileUploadSession session = new BoxFileUploadSession(boxApi, sessionId);
  return Info(jsonObject);

代码示例来源:origin: io.thorntail/config-api-generator

public List<GeneratorTarget> getGeneratorTargets() {
  List<GeneratorTarget> references = new ArrayList<>();
  json.get("generatorTargets").asArray().forEach(ref -> {
    //JsonObject atts = ref.asObject();
    references.add(new GeneratorTarget(ref.asString()));
  return references;

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.leshan/leshan-server-cluster

public void updated(RegistrationUpdate update, Registration updatedRegistration,
    Registration previousRegistration) {
  JsonObject value = new JsonObject();
  value.add("regUpdate", RegistrationUpdateSerDes.jSerialize(update));
  value.add("regUpdated", RegistrationSerDes.jSerialize(updatedRegistration));
  try (Jedis j = pool.getResource()) {
    j.publish(UPDATE_EVENT, value.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: samczsun/Skype4J

private static JsonObject getObject(SkypeImpl skype, String username) throws ConnectionException {
  JsonArray array = Endpoints.PROFILE_INFO
      .expect(200, "While getting contact info")
      .post(new JsonObject()
          .add("usernames", new JsonArray()
  return array.get(0).asObject();

代码示例来源:origin: mvetsch/JWT4B

private KeyValuePair lookForJwtInJsonObject(JsonObject object) {
  KeyValuePair rec;
  for (String name : object.names()) {
    if (object.get(name).isString()) {
      if (TokenCheck.isValidJWT(object.get(name).asString())) {
        return new KeyValuePair(name, object.get(name).asString().trim());
    } else if (object.get(name).isObject()) {
      if ((rec = lookForJwtInJsonObject(object.get(name).asObject())) != null) {
        return rec;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: BTCPrivate/bitcoin-private-full-node-wallet

public synchronized String getOperationFinalErrorMessage(String opID)
    throws WalletCallException, IOException, InterruptedException {
  JsonArray response = this.executeCommandAndGetJsonArray(
      "z_getoperationstatus", wrapStringParameter("[\"" + opID + "\"]"));
  JsonObject jsonStatus = response.get(0).asObject();
  JsonObject jsonError = jsonStatus.get("error").asObject();
  return jsonError.getString("message", "ERROR!");
