
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the int value of the member with the specified name in this object. If this object does not contain a member with this name, the given default value is returned. If this object contains multiple members with the given name, the last one will be picked. If this member's value does not represent a JSON number or if it cannot be interpreted as Java int, an exception is thrown.


代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-json

   *  Process an object.
   *  @param object The object.
   *  @param targetcl    If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader,
   *    e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
   *  @return The processed object.
  public Object process(Object object, Type type, List<ITraverseProcessor> processors, 
    Traverser traverser, Map<Object, Object> traversed, boolean clone, ClassLoader targetcl, Object context)
    JsonObject obj = (JsonObject)object;
    int x = obj.getInt("x", 0);
    int y = obj.getInt("y", 0);
    int w = obj.getInt("w", 0);
    int h = obj.getInt("h", 0);
    Rectangle ret = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h);
//        traversed.put(object, ret);
//        ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret);
    JsonValue idx = (JsonValue)obj.get(JsonTraverser.ID_MARKER);
      ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret, idx.asInt());
    return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-json

   *  Process an object.
   *  @param object The object.
   *  @param targetcl    If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader,
   *    e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
   *  @return The processed object.
  public Object process(Object object, Type type, List<ITraverseProcessor> processors, 
    Traverser traverser, Map<Object, Object> traversed, boolean clone, ClassLoader targetcl, Object context)
    JsonObject obj = (JsonObject)object;
    int num = obj.getInt(JsonTraverser.REFERENCE_MARKER, 0);

    return ((JsonReadContext)context).getKnownObject(num);
//        return traversed.get(Integer.valueOf(num));

代码示例来源:origin: GSLabDev/pepper-box

int brokerPort = jsonObject.getInt(PropsKeys.PORT, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: GSLabDev/pepper-box

int brokerPort = jsonObject.getInt(PropsKeys.PORT, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-json

   *  Process an object.
   *  @param object The object.
   *  @param targetcl    If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader,
   *    e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
   *  @return The processed object.
  public Object process(Object object, Type type, List<ITraverseProcessor> processors, 
    Traverser traverser, Map<Object, Object> traversed, boolean clone, ClassLoader targetcl, Object context)
    JsonObject obj = (JsonObject)object;
    int rgb = obj.getInt("value", 0);
    Color ret = new Color(rgb);
//        traversed.put(object, ret);
//        ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret);
    JsonValue idx = (JsonValue)obj.get(JsonTraverser.ID_MARKER);
      ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret, idx.asInt());
    return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-json

int num = obj.getInt("id", 0);
ret = DEFAULT_LEVELS[num];
int val = obj.getInt("value", 0);

代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-json

   *  Process an object.
   *  @param object The object.
   *  @param targetcl    If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader,
   *    e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
   *  @return The processed object.
  public Object process(Object object, Type type, List<ITraverseProcessor> processors, 
    Traverser traverser, Map<Object, Object> traversed, boolean clone, ClassLoader targetcl, Object context)
    JsonObject obj = (JsonObject)object;
    long time = obj.getLong("time", 0);
    int nanos = obj.getInt("nanos", 0);
    Timestamp ret = new Timestamp(time);
//        traversed.put(object, ret);
//        ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret);
    JsonValue idx = (JsonValue)obj.get(JsonTraverser.ID_MARKER);
      ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret, idx.asInt());
    return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: BTCPrivate/bitcoin-private-full-node-wallet

public synchronized ShieldCoinbaseResponse shieldCoinbase(String from, String to)
    throws WalletCallException, IOException, InterruptedException {
  JsonObject objResponse = this.executeCommandAndGetJsonObject(
      "z_shieldcoinbase", wrapStringParameter(from),
  ShieldCoinbaseResponse shieldCoinbaseResponse = new ShieldCoinbaseResponse();
  shieldCoinbaseResponse.operationid = objResponse.getString("operationid", null);
  shieldCoinbaseResponse.shieldedUTXOs = objResponse.getInt("shieldedUTXOs", -1);
  if (shieldCoinbaseResponse.shieldedUTXOs == -1) {
    shieldCoinbaseResponse.shieldedUTXOs = objResponse.getInt("shieldingUTXOs", -1);
  shieldCoinbaseResponse.shieldedValue = objResponse.getDouble("shieldedValue", -1);
  if (shieldCoinbaseResponse.shieldedValue == -1) {
    shieldCoinbaseResponse.shieldedValue = objResponse.getDouble("shieldingValue", -1);
  shieldCoinbaseResponse.remainingUTXOs = objResponse.getInt("remainingUTXOs", -1);
  shieldCoinbaseResponse.remainingValue = objResponse.getDouble("remainingValue", -1);
  if (shieldCoinbaseResponse.shieldedValue != -1) {
    return shieldCoinbaseResponse;
  } else {
    throw new WalletCallException("Unexpected z_shieldcoinbase response from wallet: " + objResponse.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars.diferencia/diferencia-java-core

 * Gets Stats from input stream and closes the stream at the end.
 * @param is where data is present. It is closed at the end.
 * @return Stats object.
 * @throws IOException
public static final Stats fromInputStream(final InputStream is) throws IOException {
  final Stats currentStats = new Stats();
  try (final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is))) {
    final JsonValue parse = Json.parse(reader);
    final JsonArray arrayOfStats = parse.asArray();
    for (JsonValue value : arrayOfStats) {
      final JsonObject stat = value.asObject();
      final JsonObject endpoint = stat.get("endpoint").asObject();
      final String method = endpoint.getString("method", "");
      final String path = endpoint.getString("path", "");
      final int errors = stat.getInt("errors", 0);
      final int success = stat.getInt("success", 0);
      final double averagePrimaryDuration = stat.getDouble("averagePrimaryDuration", 0.0);
      final double averageCandidateDuration = stat.getDouble("averageCandidateDuration", 0.0);
      final List<ErrorDetail> errorDetailList = parseErrorDetails(stat);
        new Stat(method, path, errors, success, averagePrimaryDuration, averageCandidateDuration, errorDetailList)
  return currentStats;

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/leshan

public static LwM2mNode deserialize(JsonObject o) {
  String kind = o.getString("kind", null);
  int id = o.getInt("id", LwM2mObjectInstance.UNDEFINED);

代码示例来源:origin: org.activecomponents.jadex/jadex-json

   *  Process an object.
   *  @param object The object.
   *  @param targetcl    If not null, the traverser should make sure that the result object is compatible with the class loader,
   *    e.g. by cloning the object using the class loaded from the target class loader.
   *  @return The processed object.
  public Object process(Object object, Type type, List<ITraverseProcessor> processors, 
    Traverser traverser, Map<Object, Object> traversed, boolean clone, ClassLoader targetcl, Object context)
    Class<?> clazz = SReflect.getClass(type);
    JsonObject obj = (JsonObject)object;
    String classname = obj.getString("classname", null);
    String methodname = obj.getString("methodname", null);
    String filename = obj.getString("filename", null);
    int linenumber = obj.getInt("linenumber", 0);

    StackTraceElement ret = new StackTraceElement(classname, methodname, filename, linenumber);
//        traversed.put(object, ret);
//        ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret);
    JsonValue idx = (JsonValue)obj.get(JsonTraverser.ID_MARKER);
      ((JsonReadContext)context).addKnownObject(ret, idx.asInt());
    return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/leshan

  public ObjectModel deserialize(JsonObject o) {
    if (o == null)
      return null;

    if (!o.isObject())
      return null;

    int id = o.getInt("id", -1);
    if (id < 0)
      return null;

    String name = o.getString("name", null);
    String instancetype = o.getString("instancetype", null);
    boolean mandatory = o.getBoolean("mandatory", false);
    String description = o.getString("description", null);
    String version = o.getString("version", ObjectModel.DEFAULT_VERSION);
    List<ResourceModel> resourceSpecs = resourceModelSerDes.deserialize(o.get("resourcedefs").asArray());

    return new ObjectModel(id, name, description, version, "multiple".equals(instancetype), mandatory,

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/leshan

  public ResourceModel deserialize(JsonObject o) {
    if (o == null)
      return null;

    if (!o.isObject())
      return null;

    int id = o.getInt("id", -1);
    if (id < 0)
      return null;

    String name = o.getString("name", null);
    Operations operations = Operations.valueOf(o.getString("operations", null));
    String instancetype = o.getString("instancetype", null);
    boolean mandatory = o.getBoolean("mandatory", false);
    Type type = Type.valueOf(o.getString("type", "").toUpperCase());
    String range = o.getString("range", null);
    String units = o.getString("units", null);
    String description = o.getString("description", null);

    return new ResourceModel(id, name, operations, "multiple".equals(instancetype), mandatory, type, range, units,

代码示例来源:origin: com.lordofthejars.diferencia/diferencia-java-core

this.diferenciaConfiguration.candidate = configuration.getString("candidate", "");
this.diferenciaConfiguration.secondary = configuration.getString("secondary", null);
this.diferenciaConfiguration.port = configuration.getInt("port", 0);
this.diferenciaConfiguration.prometheusPort = configuration.getInt("prometheusPort", 0);
this.diferenciaConfiguration.adminPort = configuration.getInt("adminPort", 0);
this.diferenciaConfiguration.serviceName = configuration.getString("serviceName", "");
this.diferenciaConfiguration.storeResults = configuration.getString("storeResults", null);

代码示例来源:origin: BTCPrivate/bitcoin-private-full-node-wallet

int version          = message.getInt("ver",              -1);
String msg           = message.getString("message",       "");
String threadID      = message.getString("threadid",      "");
int version          = message.getInt("ver",              -1);
String from          = message.getString("from",          "");
String msg           = message.getString("message",       "");

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/leshan

public static Registration deserialize(JsonObject jObj) {
  Registration.Builder b = new Registration.Builder(jObj.getString("regId", null), jObj.getString("ep", null),
      new InetSocketAddress(jObj.getString("regAddr", null), jObj.getInt("regPort", 0)));
  b.bindingMode(BindingMode.valueOf(jObj.getString("bnd", null)));
  b.lastUpdate(new Date(jObj.getLong("lastUp", 0)));

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.leshan/leshan-server-cluster

public static Registration deserialize(JsonObject jObj) {
  Registration.Builder b = new Registration.Builder(jObj.getString("regId", null), jObj.getString("ep", null),
      new InetSocketAddress(jObj.getString("regAddr", null), jObj.getInt("regPort", 0)));
  b.bindingMode(BindingMode.valueOf(jObj.getString("bnd", null)));
  b.lastUpdate(new Date(jObj.getLong("lastUp", 0)));

代码示例来源:origin: ZencashOfficial/zencash-swing-wallet-ui

public void copyFromJSONObject(JsonObject obj)
  // Wire protocol fields
  this.version       = obj.getInt("ver",              1);
  this.from          = obj.getString("from",          "");
  this.message       = obj.getString("message",       "");
  this.sign          = obj.getString("sign",          "");
  this.threadID      = obj.getString("threadid",      "");	
  this.returnAddress = obj.getString("returnaddress", "");
  // Additional fields - may be missing, get default values
  this.transactionID = obj.getString("transactionID", "");
  this.time          = new Date(obj.getLong("time",   0));
  this.direction     = DIRECTION_TYPE.valueOf(
               obj.getString("direction", DIRECTION_TYPE.RECEIVED.toString()));
  this.verification  = VERIFICATION_TYPE.valueOf(
               obj.getString("verification", VERIFICATION_TYPE.UNVERIFIED.toString()));
  if (obj.get("isanonymous") != null)
    this.isAnonymous = obj.getBoolean("isanonymous", false);
  } else
    // Determine from content if it is anonymous
    this.isAnonymous = obj.get("threadid") != null; 

代码示例来源:origin: BTCPrivate/bitcoin-private-full-node-wallet

public void copyFromJSONObject(JsonObject obj)
  // Wire protocol fields
  this.version       = obj.getInt("ver",              1);
  this.from          = obj.getString("from",          "");
  this.message       = obj.getString("message",       "");
  this.sign          = obj.getString("sign",          "");
  this.threadID      = obj.getString("threadid",      "");
  this.returnAddress = obj.getString("returnaddress", "");
  // Additional fields - may be missing, get default values
  this.transactionID = obj.getString("transactionID", "");
  this.time          = new Date(obj.getLong("time",   0));
  this.direction     = DIRECTION_TYPE.valueOf(
      obj.getString("direction", DIRECTION_TYPE.RECEIVED.toString()));
  this.verification  = VERIFICATION_TYPE.valueOf(
      obj.getString("verification", VERIFICATION_TYPE.UNVERIFIED.toString()));
  if (obj.get("isanonymous") != null)
    this.isAnonymous = obj.getBoolean("isanonymous", false);
  } else
    // Determine from content if it is anonymous
    this.isAnonymous = obj.get("threadid") != null;

代码示例来源:origin: dernasherbrezon/r2cloud

public static ObservationFull fromJson(JsonObject meta) {
  ObservationRequest req = new ObservationRequest();
  req.setId(meta.getString("id", null));
  req.setStartTimeMillis(meta.getLong("start", -1L));
  req.setEndTimeMillis(meta.getLong("end", -1L));
  req.setOutputSampleRate(meta.getInt("sampleRate", -1));
  req.setInputSampleRate(meta.getInt("inputSampleRate", -1));
  req.setSatelliteFrequency(meta.getLong("frequency", -1));
  req.setActualFrequency(meta.getLong("actualFrequency", -1));
  req.setBandwidth(meta.getLong("bandwidth", -1));
  req.setDecoder(meta.getString("decoder", null));
  req.setSatelliteId(meta.getString("satellite", null));
  ObservationResult result = new ObservationResult();
  result.setGain(meta.getString("gain", null));
  result.setChannelA(meta.getString("channelA", null));
  result.setChannelB(meta.getString("channelB", null));
  JsonValue decodedPackets = meta.get("numberOfDecodedPackets");
  if (decodedPackets != null) {
  result.setaURL(meta.getString("aURL", null));
  result.setDataURL(meta.getString("data", null));
  result.setSpectogramURL(meta.getString("spectogramURL", null));
  ObservationFull full = new ObservationFull(req);
  return full;
