
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the genre of this item (to distinguish the top-level categories of item, such as nodes, atomic values, and functions)


代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

   * Get extra diagnostic information about why a supplied item does not conform to this
   * item type, if available. If extra information is returned, it should be in the form of a complete
   * sentence, minus the closing full stop. No information should be returned for obvious cases.
   * @param item the item that doesn't match this type
   * @param th   the type hierarchy cache
   * @return optionally, a message explaining why the item does not match the type
  default Optional<String> explainMismatch(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
    if (item instanceof AtomicValue) {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is of type " + ((AtomicValue) item).getItemType());
    } else {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + item.getGenre().getDescription());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

   * Get extra diagnostic information about why a supplied item does not conform to this
   * item type, if available. If extra information is returned, it should be in the form of a complete
   * sentence, minus the closing full stop. No information should be returned for obvious cases.
   * @param item the item that doesn't match this type
   * @param th   the type hierarchy cache
   * @return optionally, a message explaining why the item does not match the type
  default Optional<String> explainMismatch(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
    if (item instanceof AtomicValue) {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is of type " + ((AtomicValue) item).getItemType());
    } else {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + item.getGenre().getDescription());

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

 * Get extra diagnostic information about why a supplied item does not conform to this
 * item type, if available. If extra information is returned, it should be in the form of a complete
 * sentence, minus the closing full stop. No information should be returned for obvious cases.
 * @param item the item that doesn't match this type
 * @param th   the type hierarchy cache
 * @return optionally, a message explaining why the item does not match the type
public Optional<String> explainMismatch(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
  if (item instanceof NodeInfo) {
    UType actualKind = UType.getUType(item);
    if (!getUType().overlaps(actualKind)) {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + actualKind.toStringWithIndefiniteArticle());
    return Optional.empty();
  } else {
    return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + item.getGenre().getDescription());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

 * Get extra diagnostic information about why a supplied item does not conform to this
 * item type, if available. If extra information is returned, it should be in the form of a complete
 * sentence, minus the closing full stop. No information should be returned for obvious cases.
 * @param item the item that doesn't match this type
 * @param th   the type hierarchy cache
 * @return optionally, a message explaining why the item does not match the type
public Optional<String> explainMismatch(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
  if (item instanceof NodeInfo) {
    UType actualKind = UType.getUType(item);
    if (!getUType().overlaps(actualKind)) {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + actualKind.toStringWithIndefiniteArticle());
    return Optional.empty();
  } else {
    return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + item.getGenre().getDescription());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

 * Get extra diagnostic information about why a supplied item does not conform to this
 * item type, if available. If extra information is returned, it should be in the form of a complete
 * sentence, minus the closing full stop. No information should be returned for obvious cases.
 * @param item the item that doesn't match this type
 * @param th   the type hierarchy cache
 * @return optionally, a message explaining why the item does not match the type
public Optional<String> explainMismatch(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
  Optional<String> explanation = super.explainMismatch(item, th);
  if (explanation.isPresent()) {
    return explanation;
  if (item instanceof NodeInfo) {
    UType actualKind = UType.getUType(item);
    if (!getUType().overlaps(actualKind)) {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + actualKind.toStringWithIndefiniteArticle());
    } else {
      return Optional.empty();
  } else {
    return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + item.getGenre().getDescription());

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

 * Get extra diagnostic information about why a supplied item does not conform to this
 * item type, if available. If extra information is returned, it should be in the form of a complete
 * sentence, minus the closing full stop. No information should be returned for obvious cases.
 * @param item the item that doesn't match this type
 * @param th   the type hierarchy cache
 * @return optionally, a message explaining why the item does not match the type
public Optional<String> explainMismatch(Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
  Optional<String> explanation = super.explainMismatch(item, th);
  if (explanation.isPresent()) {
    return explanation;
  if (item instanceof NodeInfo) {
    UType actualKind = UType.getUType(item);
    if (!getUType().overlaps(actualKind)) {
      return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + actualKind.toStringWithIndefiniteArticle());
    } else {
      return Optional.empty();
  } else {
    return Optional.of("The supplied value is " + item.getGenre().getDescription());

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

 * Construct a full error message, displaying the item in error (suitable for use when
 * a type error is reported dynamically)
 * @param requiredItemType the item type required by the context of a particular expression
 * @param item the actual item in error. Must NOT be null (unlike earlier releases).
 * @return a message of the form "Required item type of A is R; supplied value has item type S"
public String composeErrorMessage(ItemType requiredItemType, Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
  FastStringBuffer message = new FastStringBuffer(256);
  message.append("; the supplied value ");
  if (requiredItemType.getGenre() != item.getGenre()) {
    message.append(" is ");
  } else {
    message.append(" does not match. ");
    if (th != null) {
      Optional<String> more = requiredItemType.explainMismatch(item, th);
  return message.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

 * Construct a full error message, displaying the item in error (suitable for use when
 * a type error is reported dynamically)
 * @param requiredItemType the item type required by the context of a particular expression
 * @param item the actual item in error. Must NOT be null (unlike earlier releases).
 * @return a message of the form "Required item type of A is R; supplied value has item type S"
public String composeErrorMessage(ItemType requiredItemType, Item item, TypeHierarchy th) {
  FastStringBuffer message = new FastStringBuffer(256);
  message.append("; the supplied value ");
  if (requiredItemType.getGenre() != item.getGenre()) {
    message.append(" is ");
  } else {
    message.append(" does not match. ");
    if (th != null) {
      Optional<String> more = requiredItemType.explainMismatch(item, th);
  return message.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

if (item.getGenre() == ATOMIC) {
  FastStringBuffer message = new FastStringBuffer(256);
  message.append("The required type is a union type allowing any of ");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

if (item.getGenre() == ATOMIC) {
  FastStringBuffer message = new FastStringBuffer(256);
  message.append("The required type is a union type allowing any of ");
