
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-22 转载在 其他  



[英]Gets the job identifier.


代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

@Override protected String process(Job job) throws Exception {"Processing job %d", job.getId());
 return PAYLOAD;

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

 * Constructs a new job runner
 * @param job
 *          the job to run
 * @param currentJob
 *          the current running job
JobRunner(Job job, Job currentJob) {
 jobId = job.getId();
 if (currentJob != null) {
  currentJobId = some(currentJob.getId());
 } else {
  currentJobId = none();

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

public void removeParentlessJobs(int lifetime) throws ServiceRegistryException {
 synchronized (jobs) {
  for (String serializedJob : jobs.values()) {
   Job job = null;
   try {
    job = JobParser.parseJob(serializedJob);
   } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Error unmarshaling job", e);
   Long parentJobId = job.getParentJobId();
   if (parentJobId == null | parentJobId < 1)

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

private void deleteChildJobs(EntityManager em, EntityTransaction tx, long jobId) throws ServiceRegistryException {
 List<Job> childJobs = getChildJobs(jobId);
 if (childJobs.isEmpty()) {
  logger.debug("No child jobs of job '{}' found to delete.", jobId);
 logger.debug("Start deleting child jobs of job '{}'", jobId);
 try {
  for (int i = childJobs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   Job job = childJobs.get(i);
   JpaJob jobToDelete = em.find(JpaJob.class, job.getId());
   logger.debug("Job '{}' deleted", job.getId());
  logger.debug("Deleted all child jobs of job '{}'", jobId);
 } catch (Exception e) {
  logger.error("Unable to remove child jobs from {}: {}", jobId, e);
  if (tx.isActive()) {
  throw new ServiceRegistryException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

private File customAnimation(final Job job, final URI input, final Map<String, String> metadata)
    throws IOException, NotFoundException {
 logger.debug("Start customizing the animation");
 File output = new File(workspace.rootDirectory(), String.format("animate/%d/%s.%s", job.getId(),
     FilenameUtils.getBaseName(input.getPath()), FilenameUtils.getExtension(input.getPath())));
 String animation;
 try {
  animation = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(input), "UTF-8");
 } catch (IOException e) {
  // Maybe no local file?
  logger.debug("Falling back to workspace to read {}", input);
  try (InputStream in = {
   animation = IOUtils.toString(in, "UTF-8");
 // replace all metadata
 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: metadata.entrySet()) {
  String value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml11(entry.getValue());
  animation = animation.replaceAll("\\{\\{" + entry.getKey() + "\\}\\}", value);
 // write new animation file
 FileUtils.write(output, animation, "utf-8");
 return output;

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

 * Creates a wrapper for <code>job</code>, using <code>registry</code> to poll for the job outcome. The
 * <code>waiter</code> is the job which is waiting for the other jobs to finish.
 * @param jobs
 *          the job to poll
 * @param registry
 *          the registry
 * @param pollingInterval
 *          the time in miliseconds between two polling operations
 * @param waiter
 *          the job waiting for the other jobs to finish
public JobBarrier(Job waiter, ServiceRegistry registry, long pollingInterval, Job... jobs) {
 if (registry == null)
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Service registry must not be null");
 if (jobs == null)
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Jobs must not be null");
 if (pollingInterval < 0)
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polling interval must be a positive number");
 this.serviceRegistry = registry;
 this.pollingInterval = pollingInterval;
 if (waiter != null)
  this.waiterJobId = Opt.some(waiter.getId());
  this.waiterJobId = Opt.none(); = new ArrayList<Job>(Arrays.asList(jobs));

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

 * {@inheritDoc}
 * @see org.opencastproject.serviceregistry.api.ServiceRegistry#updateJob(org.opencastproject.job.api.Job)
public Job updateJob(Job job) throws NotFoundException, ServiceRegistryException {
 if (job == null)
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Job cannot be null");
 Job updatedJob = null;
 synchronized (jobs) {
  try {
   updatedJob = updateInternal(job);
   jobs.put(updatedJob.getId(), JobParser.toXml(new JaxbJob(updatedJob)));
  } catch (IOException e) {
   throw new IllegalStateException("Error serializing job", e);
 return updatedJob;

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

String content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
Job r = JobParser.parseJob(content);"Converting job {} started on a remote caption service", r.getId());
return r;

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

 * Get the latest state of a job. Does not modify the <code>job</code> parameter.
 * @return the updated job or none, if it cannot be found
public static Opt<Job> update(ServiceRegistry reg, Job job) throws ServiceRegistryException {
 try {
  return Opt.some(reg.getJob(job.getId()));
 } catch (NotFoundException e) {
  return Opt.none();

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

 * Remove all files created by the given jobs
 * @param jobs
private void cleanupWorkspace(List<Job> jobs) {
 for (Job job : jobs) {
   String jobPayload = job.getPayload();
   if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(jobPayload)) {
    try {
     MediaPackageElement timelinepreviewsMpe = MediaPackageElementParser.getFromXml(jobPayload);
     URI timelinepreviewsUri = timelinepreviewsMpe.getURI();
    } catch (MediaPackageException ex) {
     // unexpected job payload
     logger.error("Can't parse timeline previews attachment from job {}", job.getId());
    } catch (NotFoundException ex) {
     // this is ok, because we want delete the file
    } catch (IOException ex) {
     logger.warn("Deleting timeline previews image file from workspace failed: {}", ex.getMessage());
     // this is ok, because workspace cleaner will remove old files if they exist

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

public Incident storeIncident(Job job, Date timestamp, String code, Incident.Severity severity,
    Map<String, String> descriptionParameters, List<Tuple<String, String>> details)
    throws IncidentServiceException, IllegalStateException {
 try {
  job = getServiceRegistry().getJob(job.getId());
  final IncidentDto dto = getPenv().tx(
      Queries.persist(, timestamp, code, severity, descriptionParameters, details)));
  return toIncident(job, dto);
 } catch (NotFoundException e) {
  throw new IllegalStateException("Can't create incident for not-existing job");
 } catch (Exception e) {
  logger.error("Could not store job incident: {}", e.getMessage());
  throw new IncidentServiceException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

private List<IncidentTree> getChildIncidents(long jobId) throws NotFoundException, ServiceRegistryException,
    IncidentServiceException {
 List<Job> childJobs = getServiceRegistry().getChildJobs(jobId);
 List<IncidentTree> incidentResults = new ArrayList<IncidentTree>();
 for (Job childJob : childJobs) {
  if (childJob.getParentJobId() != jobId)
  List<Incident> incidentsForJob = getIncidentsOfJob(childJob.getId());
  IncidentTree incidentTree = new IncidentTreeImpl(incidentsForJob, getChildIncidents(childJob.getId()));
  if (hasIncidents(Collections.list(incidentTree)))
 return incidentResults;

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

 * Sets j's blocking job ID (ie, the job which it is blocking) to waiter's ID
 * @param j
 *   The job doing the blocking
 * @param waiter
 *   The job blocking, waiting for its child to finish
 * @return
 *   True if j is an active job and has been successfully updated, false if it is not an active job
 * @throws ServiceRegistryException
 * @throws NotFoundException
private boolean setBlockerJob(Job j, Job waiter) throws ServiceRegistryException, NotFoundException {
 Job blockerJob = this.serviceRegistry.getJob(j.getId());
 if (j.getStatus().isActive()) {
  // FYI not updating local j in jobs collection
  return true;
 } else {
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

private void suspendWaiterJob() {
 if (this.waiterJobId.isSome()) {
  try {
   final Job waiter = serviceRegistry.getJob(waiterJobId.get());
   List<Long> blockedForJobs = new LinkedList<Long>();
   for (Job j : jobs) {
    try {
     if (setBlockerJob(j, waiter)) {
    } catch (OptimisticLockException e) {
     // Try again, this happens if the job finishes before we get here
     // If the same exception happens again then we're in a very weird state
     if (setBlockerJob(j, waiter)) {
  } catch (ServiceRegistryException e) {
   logger.warn("Unable to put {} into a waiting state, this may cause a deadlock: {}", waiterJobId, e.getMessage());
  } catch (NotFoundException e) {
   logger.warn("Unable to put {} into a waiting state, job not found by the service registry.  This may cause a deadlock: {}", waiterJobId, e.getMessage());
 } else {
  logger.debug("No waiting job set, unable to put waiting job into waiting state");

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

 * Record an incident for a given job caused by an uncatched exception. This method is intended to record incidents by
 * the job system itself, e.g. the job dispatcher.
private void unhandledException(Job job, String code, Severity severity, Throwable t) {
 if (!alreadyRecordedFailureIncident(job.getId())) {
  try {
       new Date(),
       Collections.singletonMap("exception", ExceptionUtils.getMessage(t)),
       Arrays.asList(tuple("job-type", job.getJobType()), tuple("job-operation", job.getOperation()),
           tuple("stack-trace", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(t))));
  } catch (IncidentServiceException e) {

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

private List<Incident> getIncidentsOfJob(long jobId) throws NotFoundException, IncidentServiceException {
 final Job job = findJob(jobId);
 try {
  return mlist(getPenv().tx(IncidentDto.findByJobId(jobId))).map(toIncident(job)).value();
 } catch (Exception e) {
  logger.error("Could not retrieve incidents of job '{}': {}", job.getId(), e.getMessage());
  throw new IncidentServiceException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

private void wakeWaiterJob() {
 if (this.waiterJobId.isSome()) {
  try {
   final Job waiter = serviceRegistry.getJob(waiterJobId.get());
   for (Job j : jobs) {
    Job updatedJob = this.serviceRegistry.getJob(j.getId());
    // FYI not updating local j in jobs collection
  } catch (ServiceRegistryException e) {
   logger.warn("Unable to put {} into a waiting state, this may cause a deadlock: {}", waiterJobId, e.getMessage());
  } catch (NotFoundException e) {
   logger.warn("Unable to put {} into a waiting state, job not found by the service registry.  This may cause a deadlock: {}", waiterJobId, e.getMessage());
 } else {
  logger.debug("No waiting job set, unable to put waiting job into waiting state");

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

private static Incident toIncident(Job job, IncidentDto dto) {
 return new IncidentImpl(dto.getId(), job.getId(), job.getJobType(), job.getProcessingHost(), dto.getTimestamp(),
     dto.getSeverity(), dto.getCode(), dto.getTechnicalInformation(), dto.getParameters());

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

public JaxbJob(Job job) {
 this(); = job.getId();
 this.dateCompleted = job.getDateCompleted();
 this.dateCreated = job.getDateCreated();
 this.dateStarted = job.getDateStarted();
 this.queueTime = job.getQueueTime();
 this.runTime = job.getRunTime();
 this.version = job.getVersion();
 this.payload = job.getPayload();
 this.processingHost = job.getProcessingHost();
 this.createdHost = job.getCreatedHost(); = job.getId();
 this.jobType = job.getJobType();
 this.operation = job.getOperation();
 if (job.getArguments() != null)
  this.arguments = unmodifiableList(job.getArguments());
 this.status = job.getStatus();
 this.parentJobId = job.getParentJobId();
 this.rootJobId = job.getRootJobId();
 this.dispatchable = job.isDispatchable();
 this.uri = job.getUri();
 this.creator = job.getCreator();
 this.organization = job.getOrganization();
 this.jobLoad = job.getJobLoad();
 if (job.getBlockedJobIds() != null)
  this.blockedJobIds = unmodifiableList(job.getBlockedJobIds());
 this.blockingJobId = job.getBlockingJobId();

代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast

public static JpaJob from(Job job) {
 JpaJob newJob = new JpaJob(); = job.getId();
 newJob.dateCompleted = job.getDateCompleted();
 newJob.dateCreated = job.getDateCreated();
 newJob.dateStarted = job.getDateStarted();
 newJob.queueTime = job.getQueueTime();
 newJob.runTime = job.getRunTime();
 newJob.version = job.getVersion();
 newJob.payload = job.getPayload();
 newJob.jobType = job.getJobType();
 newJob.operation = job.getOperation();
 newJob.arguments = job.getArguments();
 newJob.status = job.getStatus().ordinal();
 newJob.parentJobId = job.getParentJobId();
 newJob.rootJobId = job.getRootJobId();
 newJob.dispatchable = job.isDispatchable();
 newJob.uri = job.getUri();
 newJob.creator = job.getCreator();
 newJob.organization = job.getOrganization();
 newJob.jobLoad = job.getJobLoad();
 newJob.blockedJobIds = job.getBlockedJobIds();
 newJob.blockingJobId = job.getBlockingJobId();
 return newJob;
