
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-23 转载在 其他  



[英]Is debug logging currently enabled?

Call this method to prevent having to perform expensive operations (for example, String concatenation) when the log level is more than debug.


代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.cmi/cmi-ha

 * Obtains a new connection.
 * @return the connection
 * @throws Exception
private Connection getConnection() throws Exception {
  Connection conn;
  conn = getDatasource().getConnection();
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("Tx table connection, isolation level: "
              + conn.getTransactionIsolation()
              + " autocommit: " + conn.getAutoCommit());
  return conn;

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.easybeans/easybeans-component-jdbcpool

 * Free item and return it in the free list.
 * @param item The item to be freed
private synchronized void freeItem(final IManagedConnection item) {
  // Add it to the free list
  // Even if maxage is reached, because we avoids going under min pool
  // size.
  // PoolKeeper will manage aged connections.
  if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    this.logger.debug("item added to freeList: " + item.getIdentifier());
  // Notify 1 thread waiting for a Connection.
  if (this.currentWaiters > 0) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.easybeans/easybeans-jacc-provider

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
  logger.debug("Checking permission ''{0}'' with permissions of Principal ''{1}''.", permission, principals[i]
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("Permission implied with principal ''{0}''.", principals[i].getName());

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.cmi/cmi-ha

 * Processes a committing message data.
 * @param data the message data
private void processCommittingMessage(final HaMessageData data) {
  logger.debug("Processing committing message: " + data);
  // Process piggy-backed messages
  Iterator<HaMessageData> it = data.getOtherMessages().iterator();
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    if (it.hasNext()) {
      logger.debug("Processing piggy backed messages");
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    HaMessageData hmd =;
  // If there are not entity bean modified process the message
  if (data.isReadOnly()) {
  } else {
    committingMessages.put(data.getRequestId().getObjectId(), data);

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.util.deploy/deployment-system-impl

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("Context root for War deployable ''{0}'' was found in the EAR "
          + "{1} file, the value is ''{2}''", warDeployable, APPLICATION_XML_ENTRY, ctxRoot);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
  logger.debug("The entry for War deployable ''{0}'' was not found in the EAR "
      + "application.xml file, using a default context-root value ''{1}''", warDeployable, ctxRoot);

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.easybeans/easybeans-component-jdbcpool

setMaxWaiters((new Integer(maxwaiters)).intValue());
setSamplingPeriod((new Integer(samplingperiod)).intValue());
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
  this.logger.debug("ConnectionManager configured with:");
  this.logger.debug("   jdbcConnCheckLevel  = {0}", connchecklevel);

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.cmi/cmi-ha

 * Processes the replication messages received. Depending on the message's type
 * a concrete process will be performed
public Object handle(final Message message) {
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logger.debug("Processing message: " + message + " in: " + dispatcher.getChannel().getLocalAddress());
  Object o = message.getObject();
  if (o instanceof HaMessageData) {
    synchronized (messages) {
      messages.add((HaMessageData) o);
      // COMPLETE: Check if this should be > 0
      if (messages.size() == 1) {
  } else {
    logger.debug("\tNo action performed, unknown message format!!!");
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.cmi/cmi-ha

 * Correlates the changes made on a modified bean with a concrete client request.
 * @param reqId the request id from the client
 * @param bean the bean reference
public void addEntityBean(final RequestId reqId, final EntityBeanReference bean) {
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    try {
      logger.debug("Adding to request " + reqId + " entity bean: " + bean.getPrimaryKey());
    } catch (Exception e) {
  ActiveExecutionObject aeo = activeExecutionObjects.get(reqId);
  if (aeo == null) {
    logger.debug("\tCreating new ActiveExecutionObject");
    aeo = new ActiveExecutionObject(reqId, null, null);
  Vector<EntityBeanReference> entityBeans = aeo.getEntityBeans();
  if (entityBeans == null) {
    logger.debug("\tCreating new entity beans vector");
    entityBeans = new Vector<EntityBeanReference>();
  activeExecutionObjects.put(reqId, aeo);

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.cmi/cmi-ha

 * Process a message an include it info the bean info table.
 * @param md the message
private void messageToBeanInfo(final HaMessageData md) {
  // Add the beans to backupBeanInfo table
  Iterator<BeanInfo> it = md.getBeans().iterator();
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    if (it.hasNext()) {
      logger.debug("\tMessage has beans");
    } else {
      logger.debug("\tMessage don't have beans");
  while (it.hasNext()) {
    BeanInfo bi =;
    if (bi.getState() != null) {
      logger.debug("\tBean added to backupBeanInfo: " + bi.getBId());
      backupBeanInfo.put(bi.getBId(), bi);
    } else {
      logger.debug("\tBean removed from backupBeanInfo: " + bi.getBId());
  // Add the response to requestResponse table
  backupRequestReponse.put(md.getRequestId(), md.getResponse());

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.easybeans/easybeans-security

 * Checks the security for the given invocation context.
 * @param invocationContext the context to check.
 * @param runAsBean if true, the bean is a run-as bean.
 * @return true if the access has been granted, else false.
public boolean checkSecurity(final EasyBeansInvocationContext invocationContext, final boolean runAsBean) {
  // Build Protection Domain with a codesource and array of principal
  // Get roles.
  Principal[] principals = SecurityCurrent.getCurrent().getSecurityContext().getCallerRoles(runAsBean);
  ProtectionDomain protectionDomain = new ProtectionDomain(this.codeSource, null, null, principals);
  boolean accessOK = getPolicy().implies(protectionDomain, invocationContextToMethodPermission(invocationContext));
  if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    this.logger.debug("Policy.implies result = {0} ", Boolean.valueOf(accessOK));
  return accessOK;

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.cmi/cmi-ha

public void sendMessage(final HaMessageData messageData) {
  Message message = new Message(null, null, messageData);
  // Compute statistics
  messagesSize += message.size();
  RspList rspList = dispatcher.castMessage(null, message, GroupRequest.GET_FIRST, 0);
  if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    Address localAddress = dispatcher.getChannel().getLocalAddress();
    logger.debug("Message sended. Length: " + message.getBuffer().length + " From: " + localAddress);
    logger.debug("Response: " + rspList.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.cmi/cmi-ha

synchronized (otherMessages) {
  if (otherMessages.size() > 0) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug("\tPiggy back messages");
      for (HaMessageData md : otherMessages) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.easybeans/easybeans-jacc-provider

if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
  logger.debug("Check permission");
  logger.debug("Excluded permissions = " + excludedPermissions);



