
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java3-jersey2x

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey, int timeout) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey, timeout);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java4-jersey2x

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java4-jersey2x

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey, int timeout) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey, timeout);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java4-jboss

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java3-jersey2x

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java4-jboss

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey, int timeout) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey, timeout);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java4-jersey1x

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey, int timeout) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey, timeout);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-connectivity-java4-jersey1x

public RemoteSessionEventHandler(URI serverUrl, String accessKey) {
  this(new Logger(), serverUrl, accessKey);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-selenium-java3

 * Set the viewport size using the driver. Call this method if for some
 * reason you don't want to call {@link #open(WebDriver, String, String)}
 * (or one of its variants) yet.
 * @param driver The driver to use for setting the viewport.
 * @param size   The required viewport size.
public static void setViewportSize(WebDriver driver, RectangleSize size) {
  ArgumentGuard.notNull(driver, "driver");
  EyesSeleniumUtils.setViewportSize(new Logger(), driver, size);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-selenium-java3

 * Call this method if for some
 * reason you don't want to call {@link #open(WebDriver, String, String)}
 * (or one of its variants) yet.
 * @param driver The driver to use for getting the viewport.
 * @return The viewport size of the current context.
public static RectangleSize getViewportSize(WebDriver driver) {
  ArgumentGuard.notNull(driver, "driver");
  return EyesSeleniumUtils.getViewportSizeOrDisplaySize(new Logger(), driver);

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-selenium-java3

 * Sets a handler of log messages generated by this API.
 * @param logHandler Handles log messages generated by this API.
public void setLogHandler(LogHandler logHandler) {
  if (getIsDisabled()) return;
  LogHandler currentLogHandler = logger.getLogHandler();
  this.logger = new Logger();
  this.logger.setLogHandler(new MultiLogHandler(currentLogHandler, logHandler));
  if (currentLogHandler.isOpen() && !logHandler.isOpen()) {;

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-sdk-java

logger = new Logger();
scaleProviderHandler = new SimplePropertyHandler<ScaleProvider>();
scaleProviderHandler.set(new NullScaleProvider());

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-sdk-java-jersey2x

logger = new Logger();
scaleProviderHandler = new SimplePropertyHandler<ScaleProvider>();
scaleProviderHandler.set(new NullScaleProvider());

代码示例来源:origin: com.applitools/eyes-sdk-core-java3-jersey2x

logger = new Logger();
scaleProviderHandler = new SimplePropertyHandler<>();
scaleProviderHandler.set(new NullScaleProvider());
