
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Method that allows Children to change the parent children of the node when the node is add to a children.


代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-nodes

public void useNodes(Collection<Node> nodes) {
  // forces creation of the array
  ChildrenArray arr = getArray(null);
  arr.useNodes(this, nodes);
  // assign all there nodes the new children
  for (Node n : nodes) {
    n.assignTo(EntrySupportDefault.this.children, -1);
    n.fireParentNodeChange(null, children.parent);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-nodes

/** Notifies that a set of nodes has been add to
 * children. It is necessary that the system is already
 * in consistent state, so any callbacks will return
 * valid values.
 * @param nodes list of removed nodes
void notifyAdd(Collection<Node> nodes) {
  if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
    LOGGER.finer("notifyAdd: " + nodes);
  // notify about parent change
  for (Node n : nodes) {
    n.assignTo(children, -1);
    n.fireParentNodeChange(null, children.parent);
  Node[] arr = nodes.toArray(new Node[nodes.size()]);
  Node n = children.parent;
  if (n != null && children.getEntrySupport() == this) {
    n.fireSubNodesChange(true, arr, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-nodes

n.assignTo(children, i);
n.fireParentNodeChange(null, children.parent);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-nodes

node.assignTo(ch, -1);
node.fireParentNodeChange(null, ch.parent);
return node;

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-nodes

/** This method can be called by subclasses that
* directly modify the nodes collection to update the
* state of the nodes appropriatelly.
* This method should be called under
* MUTEX.writeAccess.
final void refreshImpl() {
  if (isInitialized()) {
  } else if (nodes != null) {
    for (Node n : nodes) {
      n.assignTo(this, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-nodes

node.assignTo(Children.this, i);
node.fireParentNodeChange(null, parent);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

public void useNodes (Collection nodes) {
  // forces creation of the array
  ChildrenArray arr = getArray (null);
  arr.useNodes (this, nodes);
  // assign all there nodes the new children
  Iterator it = nodes.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Node n = (Node) ();
    n.assignTo (Children.this, -1);
    n.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

public void useNodes (Collection nodes) {
  // forces creation of the array
  ChildrenArray arr = getArray (null);
  arr.useNodes (this, nodes);
  // assign all there nodes the new children
  Iterator it = nodes.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Node n = (Node) ();
    n.assignTo (Children.this, -1);
    n.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

/** Notifies that a set of nodes has been add to
* children. It is necessary that the system is already 
* in consistent state, so any callbacks will return 
* valid values.
* @param nodes list of removed nodes
private void notifyAdd (Collection nodes) {
  // notify about parent change
  Iterator it = nodes.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Node n = (Node) ();
    n.assignTo (this, -1);
    n.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);
  Node[] arr = (Node[])nodes.toArray (new Node[nodes.size ()]);
  Node n = parent;
  if (n != null) {
    n.fireSubNodesChange (
      true, arr, null

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** Notifies that a set of nodes has been add to
* children. It is necessary that the system is already 
* in consistent state, so any callbacks will return 
* valid values.
* @param nodes list of removed nodes
private void notifyAdd (Collection nodes) {
  // notify about parent change
  Iterator it = nodes.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Node n = (Node) ();
    n.assignTo (this, -1);
    n.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);
  Node[] arr = (Node[])nodes.toArray (new Node[nodes.size ()]);
  Node n = parent;
  if (n != null) {
    n.fireSubNodesChange (
      true, arr, null

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

/** Computes the nodes now.
final Node[] justComputeNodes () {
  if (map == null) {
    map = new HashMap (17);
    //      debug.append ("Map initialized\n"); // NOI18N
    //      printStackTrace();
  LinkedList l = new LinkedList ();
  Iterator it = entries.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Entry entry = (Entry) ();
    Info info = findInfo (entry);
    try {
      l.addAll (info.nodes ());
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
      NodeOp.warning (ex);
  Node[] arr = (Node[])l.toArray (new Node[l.size ()]);
  // initialize parent nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    Node n = arr[i];
    n.assignTo (this, i);
    n.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);
  return arr;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** Computes the nodes now.
final Node[] justComputeNodes () {
  if (map == null) {
    map = new HashMap (17);
    //      debug.append ("Map initialized\n"); // NOI18N
    //      printStackTrace();
  LinkedList l = new LinkedList ();
  Iterator it = entries.iterator ();
  while (it.hasNext ()) {
    Entry entry = (Entry) ();
    Info info = findInfo (entry);
    try {
      l.addAll (info.nodes ());
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
      NodeOp.warning (ex);
  Node[] arr = (Node[])l.toArray (new Node[l.size ()]);
  // initialize parent nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    Node n = arr[i];
    n.assignTo (this, i);
    n.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);
  return arr;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

/** This method can be called by subclasses that
* directly modify the nodes collection to update the 
* state of the nodes appropriatelly.
* This method should be called under 
* MUTEX.writeAccess.
final void refreshImpl () {
  if ( isInitialized() ) {
    Array.this.refreshEntry (getNodesEntry ());
    super.getArray (null).nodes ();
  else if ( nodes != null ) {
    for( Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      Node n = (Node);
      n.assignTo( this, -1 );

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** This method can be called by subclasses that
* directly modify the nodes collection to update the 
* state of the nodes appropriatelly.
* This method should be called under 
* MUTEX.writeAccess.
final void refreshImpl () {
  if ( isInitialized() ) {
    Array.this.refreshEntry (getNodesEntry ());
    super.getArray (null).nodes ();
  else if ( nodes != null ) {
    for( Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      Node n = (Node);
      n.assignTo( this, -1 );

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

node.assignTo (Children.this, i);
node.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

node.assignTo (Children.this, i);
node.fireParentNodeChange (null, parent);



