
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Find an intelligent source of paste types in a transferable. Note that AbstractNode#createPasteTypes looks for this by default, so cut/copied nodes may specify how they may be pasted to some external node target.


代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-nodes

/** Accumulate the paste types that this node can handle
* for a given transferable.
* <P>
* The default implementation simply tests whether the transferable supports
* intelligent pasting via {@link NodeTransfer#findPaste}, and if so, it obtains the paste types
* from the {@link NodeTransfer.Paste transfer data} and inserts them into the set.
* <p>Subclass implementations should typically call super (first or last) so that they
* add to, rather than replace, a superclass's available paste types; especially as the
* default implementation in <code>AbstractNode</code> is generally desirable to retain.
* @param t a transferable containing clipboard data
* @param s a list of {@link PasteType}s that will have added to it all types
*    valid for this node (ordered as they will be presented to the user)
protected void createPasteTypes(Transferable t, List<PasteType> s) {
  NodeTransfer.Paste p = NodeTransfer.findPaste(t);
  if (p != null) {
    // adds all its types into the set

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

/** Accumulate the paste types that this node can handle
* for a given transferable.
* <P>
* The default implementation simply tests whether the transferable supports
* intelligent pasting via {@link NodeTransfer#findPaste}, and if so, it obtains the paste types
* from the {@link NodeTransfer.Paste transfer data} and inserts them into the set.
* <p>Subclass implementations should typically call super (first or last) so that they
* add to, rather than replace, a superclass's available paste types; especially as the
* default implementation in <code>AbstractNode</code> is generally desirable to retain.
* @param t a transferable containing clipboard data
* @param s a list of {@link PasteType}s that will have added to it all types
*    valid for this node (ordered as they will be presented to the user)
protected void createPasteTypes (Transferable t, List s) {
  NodeTransfer.Paste p = NodeTransfer.findPaste (t);
  if (p != null) {
    // adds all its types into the set
    s.addAll (Arrays.asList (p.types (this)));

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

/** Accumulate the paste types that this node can handle
* for a given transferable.
* <P>
* The default implementation simply tests whether the transferable supports
* intelligent pasting via {@link NodeTransfer#findPaste}, and if so, it obtains the paste types
* from the {@link NodeTransfer.Paste transfer data} and inserts them into the set.
* <p>Subclass implementations should typically call super (first or last) so that they
* add to, rather than replace, a superclass's available paste types; especially as the
* default implementation in <code>AbstractNode</code> is generally desirable to retain.
* @param t a transferable containing clipboard data
* @param s a list of {@link PasteType}s that will have added to it all types
*    valid for this node (ordered as they will be presented to the user)
protected void createPasteTypes (Transferable t, List s) {
  NodeTransfer.Paste p = NodeTransfer.findPaste (t);
  if (p != null) {
    // adds all its types into the set
    s.addAll (Arrays.asList (p.types (this)));
