
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Method for removing all field properties out of this ObjectNode except for ones specified in argument.


代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.jackson/jackson-mapper-asl

 * Method for removing all field properties out of this ObjectNode
 * <b>except</b> for ones specified in argument.
 * @param fieldNames Fields to <b>retain</b> in this ObjectNode
 * @return This ObjectNode (to allow call chaining)
 * @since 1.6
public ObjectNode retain(String... fieldNames) {
  return retain(Arrays.asList(fieldNames));

代码示例来源:origin: camunda/camunda-bpm-platform

 * Method for removing all field properties out of this ObjectNode
 * <b>except</b> for ones specified in argument.
 * @param fieldNames Fields to <b>retain</b> in this ObjectNode
 * @return This ObjectNode (to allow call chaining)
 * @since 1.6
public ObjectNode retain(String... fieldNames) {
  return retain(Arrays.asList(fieldNames));

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.jackson/jackson-mapper-lgpl

 * Method for removing all field properties out of this ObjectNode
 * <b>except</b> for ones specified in argument.
 * @param fieldNames Fields to <b>retain</b> in this ObjectNode
 * @return This ObjectNode (to allow call chaining)
 * @since 1.6
public ObjectNode retain(String... fieldNames) {
  return retain(Arrays.asList(fieldNames));

代码示例来源:origin: com.barchart.wrap/barchart-wrap-jackson

 * Method for removing all field properties out of this ObjectNode
 * <b>except</b> for ones specified in argument.
 * @param fieldNames Fields to <b>retain</b> in this ObjectNode
 * @return This ObjectNode (to allow call chaining)
 * @since 1.6
public ObjectNode retain(String... fieldNames) {
  return retain(Arrays.asList(fieldNames));

代码示例来源:origin: ovea-deprecated/jetty-session-redis

 * Method for removing all field properties out of this ObjectNode
 * <b>except</b> for ones specified in argument.
 * @param fieldNames Fields to <b>retain</b> in this ObjectNode
 * @return This ObjectNode (to allow call chaining)
 * @since 1.6
public ObjectNode retain(String... fieldNames) {
  return retain(Arrays.asList(fieldNames));
