
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the owner element of this attribute



 * Construct an XPath expression from a given attribute.
 * The string representation of the expression is taken from the attribute
 * value, while the attribute's owner element is used to determine the
 * namespace context of the expression. 
 * @param attribute the attribute to construct the expression from
 * @throws JaxenException if there is a syntax error while parsing the expression
 *                        or if the namespace context could not be set up
public AXIOMXPath(OMAttribute attribute) throws JaxenException {
  this(attribute.getOwner(), attribute.getAttributeValue());


 * Returns the parent of the given context node.
 * <p>
 * The parent of any node must either be a document node or an element node.
 * @param contextNode the context node
 * @return Returns the parent of the context node, or null if this is a document node.
 * @throws UnsupportedAxisException if the parent axis is not supported by the model
 * @see #isDocument
 * @see #isElement
public Object getParentNode(Object contextNode) throws UnsupportedAxisException {
  if (contextNode == null ||
      contextNode instanceof OMDocument) {
    return null;
  } else if (contextNode instanceof OMAttribute) {
    return ((OMAttribute) contextNode).getOwner();
  } else if (contextNode instanceof OMNamespaceEx) {
    return ((OMNamespaceEx) contextNode).getParent();
  return ((OMNode) contextNode).getParent();

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

public QName[] getNodesAsQNames( OMElement contextNode, XPath xpath ) {
  QName[] values = null;
  List<?> nl = getNodes( contextNode, xpath );
  if ( nl != null ) {
    values = new QName[nl.size()];
    for ( int i = 0; i < nl.size(); i++ ) {
      Object node = nl.get( i );
      QName value = null;
      if ( node instanceof OMText ) {
        value = ( (OMText) node ).getTextAsQName();
      } else if ( node instanceof OMElement ) {
        OMElement element = (OMElement) node;
        value = element.resolveQName( element.getText() );
      } else if ( node instanceof OMAttribute ) {
        OMAttribute attribute = (OMAttribute) node;
        value = attribute.getOwner().resolveQName( attribute.getAttributeValue() );
      } else {
        String msg = "Unexpected node type '" + node.getClass() + "'.";
        throw new XMLParsingException( this, contextNode, msg );
      values[i] = value;
  } else {
    values = new QName[0];
  return values;

代码示例来源:origin: deegree/deegree3

public QName getNodeAsQName( OMElement context, XPath xpath, QName defaultValue )
            throws XMLParsingException {
  QName value = defaultValue;
  Object node = getNode( context, xpath );
  if ( node != null ) {
    if ( node instanceof OMText ) {
      value = ( (OMText) node ).getTextAsQName();
    } else if ( node instanceof OMElement ) {
      OMElement element = (OMElement) node;
      value = element.resolveQName( element.getText() );
    } else if ( node instanceof OMAttribute ) {
      OMAttribute attribute = (OMAttribute) node;
      value = attribute.getOwner().resolveQName( attribute.getAttributeValue() );
    } else {
      String msg = "Unexpected node type '" + node.getClass() + "'.";
      throw new XMLParsingException( this, context, msg );
  return value;

代码示例来源:origin: org.wso2.carbon.governance/org.wso2.carbon.governance.list.ui

OMElement parentElement = ((OMAttribute)resultNode).getOwner();
if(parentElement.getAttributeValue(new QName("class")).equals(defaultLifecycleGeneratorClass)){
  Iterator childrenIterator = parentElement.getParent().getChildrenWithLocalName("name");


 * Retrieves an <code>Iterator</code> matching the <code>parent</code> XPath axis.
 * @param contextNode the original context node
 * @return Returns an Iterator capable of traversing the axis, not null.
 * @throws UnsupportedAxisException if the semantics of the parent axis are not supported by
 *                                  this object model
public Iterator getParentAxisIterator(Object contextNode) throws UnsupportedAxisException {
  if (contextNode instanceof OMNode) {
    return new SingleObjectIterator(((OMNode) contextNode).getParent());
  } else if (contextNode instanceof OMNamespaceEx) {
    return new SingleObjectIterator(
        ((OMNamespaceEx) contextNode).getParent());
  } else if (contextNode instanceof OMAttribute) {
    return new SingleObjectIterator(
        ((OMAttribute) contextNode).getOwner());
  return JaxenConstants.EMPTY_ITERATOR;
