
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 * Returns true if the path component (i.e. directory) of this URI is
 * absolute.
 * @return whether this URI's path is absolute
public boolean isUriPathAbsolute() {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(uri.getPath());
 return uri.getPath().startsWith(SEPARATOR, start);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 * Determine whether a given path string represents an absolute path on
 * Windows. e.g. "C:/a/b" is an absolute path. "C:a/b" is not.
 * @param pathString the path string to evaluate
 * @param slashed true if the given path is prefixed with "/"
 * @return true if the supplied path looks like an absolute path with a Windows
 * drive-specifier
public static boolean isWindowsAbsolutePath(final String pathString,
                      final boolean slashed) {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(pathString);
 return start > 0
   && pathString.length() > start
   && ((pathString.charAt(start) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) ||
     (pathString.charAt(start) == '\\'));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 * Merge 2 paths such that the second path is appended relative to the first.
 * The returned path has the scheme and authority of the first path.  On
 * Windows, the drive specification in the second path is discarded.
 * @param path1 the first path
 * @param path2 the second path, to be appended relative to path1
 * @return the merged path
public static Path mergePaths(Path path1, Path path2) {
 String path2Str = path2.toUri().getPath();
 path2Str = path2Str.substring(startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path2Str));
 // Add path components explicitly, because simply concatenating two path
 // string is not safe, for example:
 // "/" + "/foo" yields "//foo", which will be parsed as authority in Path
 return new Path(path1.toUri().getScheme(), 
   path1.toUri().getPath() + path2Str);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 * Returns the parent of a path or null if at root.
 * @return the parent of a path or null if at root
public Path getParent() {
 String path = uri.getPath();
 int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path);
 if ((path.length() == start) ||               // empty path
   (lastSlash == start && path.length() == start+1)) { // at root
  return null;
 String parent;
 if (lastSlash==-1) {
  parent = CUR_DIR;
 } else {
  parent = path.substring(0, lastSlash==start?start+1:lastSlash);
 return new Path(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), parent);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 * Normalize a path string to use non-duplicated forward slashes as
 * the path separator and remove any trailing path separators.
 * @param scheme the URI scheme. Used to deduce whether we
 * should replace backslashes or not
 * @param path the scheme-specific part
 * @return the normalized path string
private static String normalizePath(String scheme, String path) {
 // Remove double forward slashes.
 path = StringUtils.replace(path, "//", "/");
 // Remove backslashes if this looks like a Windows path. Avoid
 // the substitution if it looks like a non-local URI.
 if (WINDOWS &&
   (hasWindowsDrive(path) ||
    (scheme == null) ||
    (scheme.isEmpty()) ||
    (scheme.equals("file")))) {
  path = StringUtils.replace(path, "\\", "/");
 // trim trailing slash from non-root path (ignoring windows drive)
 int minLength = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path) + 1;
 if (path.length() > minLength && path.endsWith(SEPARATOR)) {
  path = path.substring(0, path.length()-1);
 return path;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

 *  True if the path component (i.e. directory) of this URI is absolute.
public boolean isUriPathAbsolute() {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(uri.getPath());
 return uri.getPath().startsWith(SEPARATOR, start);

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-common

 * Returns true if the path component (i.e. directory) of this URI is
 * absolute.
 * @return whether this URI's path is absolute
public boolean isUriPathAbsolute() {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(uri.getPath());
 return uri.getPath().startsWith(SEPARATOR, start);


 *  True if the path component (i.e. directory) of this URI is absolute.
public boolean isUriPathAbsolute() {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(uri.getPath());
 return uri.getPath().startsWith(SEPARATOR, start);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 *  True if the path component (i.e. directory) of this URI is absolute.
public boolean isUriPathAbsolute() {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(uri.getPath());
 return uri.getPath().startsWith(SEPARATOR, start);

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-common

 * Determine whether a given path string represents an absolute path on
 * Windows. e.g. "C:/a/b" is an absolute path. "C:a/b" is not.
 * @param pathString the path string to evaluate
 * @param slashed true if the given path is prefixed with "/"
 * @return true if the supplied path looks like an absolute path with a Windows
 * drive-specifier
public static boolean isWindowsAbsolutePath(final String pathString,
                      final boolean slashed) {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(pathString);
 return start > 0
   && pathString.length() > start
   && ((pathString.charAt(start) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) ||
     (pathString.charAt(start) == '\\'));


 * Determine whether a given path string represents an absolute path on
 * Windows. e.g. "C:/a/b" is an absolute path. "C:a/b" is not.
 * @param pathString Supplies the path string to evaluate.
 * @param slashed true if the given path is prefixed with "/".
 * @return true if the supplied path looks like an absolute path with a Windows
 * drive-specifier.
public static boolean isWindowsAbsolutePath(final String pathString,
                      final boolean slashed) {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(pathString);
 return start > 0
   && pathString.length() > start
   && ((pathString.charAt(start) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) ||
     (pathString.charAt(start) == '\\'));

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 * Determine whether a given path string represents an absolute path on
 * Windows. e.g. "C:/a/b" is an absolute path. "C:a/b" is not.
 * @param pathString Supplies the path string to evaluate.
 * @param slashed true if the given path is prefixed with "/".
 * @return true if the supplied path looks like an absolute path with a Windows
 * drive-specifier.
public static boolean isWindowsAbsolutePath(final String pathString,
                      final boolean slashed) {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(pathString);
 return start > 0
   && pathString.length() > start
   && ((pathString.charAt(start) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) ||
     (pathString.charAt(start) == '\\'));

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

 * Determine whether a given path string represents an absolute path on
 * Windows. e.g. "C:/a/b" is an absolute path. "C:a/b" is not.
 * @param pathString Supplies the path string to evaluate.
 * @param slashed true if the given path is prefixed with "/".
 * @return true if the supplied path looks like an absolute path with a Windows
 * drive-specifier.
public static boolean isWindowsAbsolutePath(final String pathString,
                      final boolean slashed) {
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(pathString);
 return start > 0
   && pathString.length() > start
   && ((pathString.charAt(start) == SEPARATOR_CHAR) ||
     (pathString.charAt(start) == '\\'));

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

/** Returns the parent of a path or null if at root. */
public Path getParent() {
 String path = uri.getPath();
 int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path);
 if ((path.length() == start) ||               // empty path
   (lastSlash == start && path.length() == start+1)) { // at root
  return null;
 String parent;
 if (lastSlash==-1) {
  parent = CUR_DIR;
 } else {
  parent = path.substring(0, lastSlash==start?start+1:lastSlash);
 return new Path(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), parent);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

/** Returns the parent of a path or null if at root. */
public Path getParent() {
 String path = uri.getPath();
 int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path);
 if ((path.length() == start) ||               // empty path
   (lastSlash == start && path.length() == start+1)) { // at root
  return null;
 String parent;
 if (lastSlash==-1) {
  parent = CUR_DIR;
 } else {
  parent = path.substring(0, lastSlash==start?start+1:lastSlash);
 return new Path(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), parent);


/** Returns the parent of a path or null if at root. */
public Path getParent() {
 String path = uri.getPath();
 int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
 int start = startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path);
 if ((path.length() == start) ||               // empty path
   (lastSlash == start && path.length() == start+1)) { // at root
  return null;
 String parent;
 if (lastSlash==-1) {
  parent = CUR_DIR;
 } else {
  parent = path.substring(0, lastSlash==start?start+1:lastSlash);
 return new Path(uri.getScheme(), uri.getAuthority(), parent);


 * Merge 2 paths such that the second path is appended relative to the first.
 * The returned path has the scheme and authority of the first path.  On
 * Windows, the drive specification in the second path is discarded.
 * @param path1 Path first path
 * @param path2 Path second path, to be appended relative to path1
 * @return Path merged path
public static Path mergePaths(Path path1, Path path2) {
 String path2Str = path2.toUri().getPath();
 path2Str = path2Str.substring(startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path2Str));
 // Add path components explicitly, because simply concatenating two path
 // string is not safe, for example:
 // "/" + "/foo" yields "//foo", which will be parsed as authority in Path
 return new Path(path1.toUri().getScheme(), 
   path1.toUri().getPath() + path2Str);

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-common

 * Merge 2 paths such that the second path is appended relative to the first.
 * The returned path has the scheme and authority of the first path.  On
 * Windows, the drive specification in the second path is discarded.
 * @param path1 the first path
 * @param path2 the second path, to be appended relative to path1
 * @return the merged path
public static Path mergePaths(Path path1, Path path2) {
 String path2Str = path2.toUri().getPath();
 path2Str = path2Str.substring(startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path2Str));
 // Add path components explicitly, because simply concatenating two path
 // string is not safe, for example:
 // "/" + "/foo" yields "//foo", which will be parsed as authority in Path
 return new Path(path1.toUri().getScheme(), 
   path1.toUri().getPath() + path2Str);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

 * Merge 2 paths such that the second path is appended relative to the first.
 * The returned path has the scheme and authority of the first path.  On
 * Windows, the drive specification in the second path is discarded.
 * @param path1 Path first path
 * @param path2 Path second path, to be appended relative to path1
 * @return Path merged path
public static Path mergePaths(Path path1, Path path2) {
 String path2Str = path2.toUri().getPath();
 path2Str = path2Str.substring(startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path2Str));
 // Add path components explicitly, because simply concatenating two path
 // string is not safe, for example:
 // "/" + "/foo" yields "//foo", which will be parsed as authority in Path
 return new Path(path1.toUri().getScheme(), 
   path1.toUri().getPath() + path2Str);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 * Merge 2 paths such that the second path is appended relative to the first.
 * The returned path has the scheme and authority of the first path.  On
 * Windows, the drive specification in the second path is discarded.
 * @param path1 Path first path
 * @param path2 Path second path, to be appended relative to path1
 * @return Path merged path
public static Path mergePaths(Path path1, Path path2) {
 String path2Str = path2.toUri().getPath();
 path2Str = path2Str.substring(startPositionWithoutWindowsDrive(path2Str));
 // Add path components explicitly, because simply concatenating two path
 // string is not safe, for example:
 // "/" + "/foo" yields "//foo", which will be parsed as authority in Path
 return new Path(path1.toUri().getScheme(), 
   path1.toUri().getPath() + path2Str);
