
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  



[英]Create a new PropertyValue instance.


代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Overloaded version of {@code addPropertyValue} that takes
 * a property name and a property value.
 * <p>Note: As of Spring 3.0, we recommend using the more concise
 * and chaining-capable variant {@link #add}.
 * @param propertyName name of the property
 * @param propertyValue value of the property
 * @see #addPropertyValue(PropertyValue)
public void addPropertyValue(String propertyName, Object propertyValue) {
  addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue(propertyName, propertyValue));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Add a PropertyValue object, replacing any existing one for the
 * corresponding property or getting merged with it (if applicable).
 * @param propertyName name of the property
 * @param propertyValue value of the property
 * @return this in order to allow for adding multiple property values in a chain
public MutablePropertyValues add(String propertyName, @Nullable Object propertyValue) {
  addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue(propertyName, propertyValue));
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Add all property values from the given Map.
 * @param other a Map with property values keyed by property name,
 * which must be a String
 * @return this in order to allow for adding multiple property values in a chain
public MutablePropertyValues addPropertyValues(@Nullable Map<?, ?> other) {
  if (other != null) {
    other.forEach((attrName, attrValue) -> addPropertyValue(
        new PropertyValue(attrName.toString(), attrValue)));
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Construct a new MutablePropertyValues object from a Map.
 * @param original a Map with property values keyed by property name Strings
 * @see #addPropertyValues(Map)
public MutablePropertyValues(@Nullable Map<?, ?> original) {
  // We can optimize this because it's all new:
  // There is no replacement of existing property values.
  if (original != null) {
    this.propertyValueList = new ArrayList<>(original.size());
    original.forEach((attrName, attrValue) -> this.propertyValueList.add(
        new PropertyValue(attrName.toString(), attrValue)));
  else {
    this.propertyValueList = new ArrayList<>(0);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Copy all given PropertyValues into this object. Guarantees PropertyValue
 * references are independent, although it can't deep copy objects currently
 * referenced by individual PropertyValue objects.
 * @param other the PropertyValues to copy
 * @return this in order to allow for adding multiple property values in a chain
public MutablePropertyValues addPropertyValues(@Nullable PropertyValues other) {
  if (other != null) {
    PropertyValue[] pvs = other.getPropertyValues();
    for (PropertyValue pv : pvs) {
      addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue(pv));
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Apply the given property value to the corresponding bean.
protected void applyPropertyValue(
    ConfigurableListableBeanFactory factory, String beanName, String property, String value) {
  BeanDefinition bd = factory.getBeanDefinition(beanName);
  BeanDefinition bdToUse = bd;
  while (bd != null) {
    bdToUse = bd;
    bd = bd.getOriginatingBeanDefinition();
  PropertyValue pv = new PropertyValue(property, value);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testChangesOnEquals() {
  MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("forname", "Tony"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("surname", "Blair"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("age", "50"));
  MutablePropertyValues pvs2 = pvs;
  PropertyValues changes = pvs2.changesSince(pvs);
  assertTrue("changes are empty", changes.getPropertyValues().length == 0);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testAddOrOverride() {
  MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("forname", "Tony"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("surname", "Blair"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("age", "50"));
  PropertyValue addedPv = new PropertyValue("rod", "Rod");
  PropertyValue changedPv = new PropertyValue("forname", "Greg");

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void setPropertyValue(String propertyName, @Nullable Object value) throws BeansException {
  AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor nestedPa;
  try {
    nestedPa = getPropertyAccessorForPropertyPath(propertyName);
  catch (NotReadablePropertyException ex) {
    throw new NotWritablePropertyException(getRootClass(), this.nestedPath + propertyName,
        "Nested property in path '" + propertyName + "' does not exist", ex);
  PropertyTokenHolder tokens = getPropertyNameTokens(getFinalPath(nestedPa, propertyName));
  nestedPa.setPropertyValue(tokens, new PropertyValue(propertyName, value));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

private PropertyValue createDefaultPropertyValue(PropertyTokenHolder tokens) {
  TypeDescriptor desc = getPropertyTypeDescriptor(tokens.canonicalName);
  if (desc == null) {
    throw new NullValueInNestedPathException(getRootClass(), this.nestedPath + tokens.canonicalName,
        "Could not determine property type for auto-growing a default value");
  Object defaultValue = newValue(desc.getType(), desc, tokens.canonicalName);
  return new PropertyValue(tokens.canonicalName, defaultValue);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testValid() {
  MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("forname", "Tony"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("surname", "Blair"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("age", "50"));
  MutablePropertyValues deepCopy = new MutablePropertyValues(pvs);
  deepCopy.setPropertyValueAt(new PropertyValue("name", "Gordon"), 0);
  assertEquals("Gordon", deepCopy.getPropertyValue("name").getValue());

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Merges the value of the supplied 'new' {@link PropertyValue} with that of
 * the current {@link PropertyValue} if merging is supported and enabled.
 * @see Mergeable
private PropertyValue mergeIfRequired(PropertyValue newPv, PropertyValue currentPv) {
  Object value = newPv.getValue();
  if (value instanceof Mergeable) {
    Mergeable mergeable = (Mergeable) value;
    if (mergeable.isMergeEnabled()) {
      Object merged = mergeable.merge(currentPv.getValue());
      return new PropertyValue(newPv.getName(), merged);
  return newPv;

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testComplexObject() {
  TestBean tb = new TestBean();
  String newName = "Rod";
  String tbString = "Kerry_34";
  BeanWrapper bw = new BeanWrapperImpl(tb);
  bw.registerCustomEditor(ITestBean.class, new TestBeanEditor());
  MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("age", new Integer(55)));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("name", newName));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("touchy", "valid"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("spouse", tbString));
  assertTrue("spouse is non-null", tb.getSpouse() != null);
  assertTrue("spouse name is Kerry and age is 34",
      tb.getSpouse().getName().equals("Kerry") && tb.getSpouse().getAge() == 34);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testAspectsAndAdvisorAreAppliedEvenIfComingFromParentFactory() {
  ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ac = newContext("aspectsPlusAdvisor.xml");
  GenericApplicationContext childAc = new GenericApplicationContext(ac);
  // Create a child factory with a bean that should be woven
  RootBeanDefinition bd = new RootBeanDefinition(TestBean.class);
  bd.getPropertyValues().addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("name", "Adrian"))
      .addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("age", 34));
  childAc.registerBeanDefinition("adrian2", bd);
  // Register the advisor auto proxy creator with subclass
  childAc.registerBeanDefinition(AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator.class.getName(), new RootBeanDefinition(
  ITestBean beanFromChildContextThatShouldBeWeaved = (ITestBean) childAc.getBean("adrian2");
  //testAspectsAndAdvisorAreApplied(childAc, (ITestBean) ac.getBean("adrian"));
  doTestAspectsAndAdvisorAreApplied(childAc, beanFromChildContextThatShouldBeWeaved);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testExtensiveCircularReference() {
  DefaultListableBeanFactory lbf = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
    pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("spouse", new RuntimeBeanReference("bean" + (i < 99 ? i + 1 : 0))));
    RootBeanDefinition bd = new RootBeanDefinition(TestBean.class);
    lbf.registerBeanDefinition("bean" + i, bd);
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
    TestBean bean = (TestBean) lbf.getBean("bean" + i);
    TestBean otherBean = (TestBean) lbf.getBean("bean" + (i < 99 ? i + 1 : 0));
    assertTrue(bean.getSpouse() == otherBean);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void nestedBindingWithDisabledAutoGrow() throws Exception {
  FieldAccessBean rod = new FieldAccessBean();
  DataBinder binder = new DataBinder(rod, "person");
  MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("", "Kerry"));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void nestedBindingWithDefaultConversionNoErrors() throws Exception {
  FieldAccessBean rod = new FieldAccessBean();
  DataBinder binder = new DataBinder(rod, "person");
  MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("", "Kerry"));
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("spouse.jedi", "on"));
  assertEquals("Kerry", rod.getSpouse().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void testAutowireWithUnsatisfiedConstructorDependency() {
  DefaultListableBeanFactory lbf = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();
  MutablePropertyValues pvs = new MutablePropertyValues();
  pvs.addPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("name", "Rod"));
  RootBeanDefinition bd = new RootBeanDefinition(TestBean.class);
  lbf.registerBeanDefinition("rod", bd);
  assertEquals(1, lbf.getBeanDefinitionCount());
  try {
    lbf.autowire(UnsatisfiedConstructorDependency.class, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR, true);
    fail("Should have unsatisfied constructor dependency on SideEffectBean");
  catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException ex) {
    // expected

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void setUnknownOptionalProperty() {
  Simple target = new Simple("John", 2);
  AbstractPropertyAccessor accessor = createAccessor(target);
  try {
    PropertyValue value = new PropertyValue("foo", "value");
  catch (NotWritablePropertyException e) {
    fail("Should not have failed to set an unknown optional property.");

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void setAnotherNestedProperty() throws Exception {
  ITestBean target = new TestBean("rod", 31);
  ITestBean kerry = new TestBean("kerry", 0);
  AbstractPropertyAccessor accessor = createAccessor(target);
  accessor.setPropertyValue("spouse", kerry);
  assertTrue("nested set worked", target.getSpouse() == kerry);
  assertTrue("no back relation", kerry.getSpouse() == null);
  accessor.setPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("spouse.spouse", target));
  assertTrue("nested set worked", kerry.getSpouse() == target);
  assertTrue("kerry age not set", kerry.getAge() == 0);
  accessor.setPropertyValue(new PropertyValue("spouse.age", 35));
  assertTrue("Set primitive on spouse", kerry.getAge() == 35);
  assertEquals(kerry, accessor.getPropertyValue("spouse"));
  assertEquals(target, accessor.getPropertyValue("spouse.spouse"));
