
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: Sable/soot

public String getPhaseList() {
  return ""
      + padOpt("jb", "Creates a JimpleBody for each method")
        + padVal("jb.dtr", "Reduces chains of catch-all traps")
        + padVal("jb.ese", "Removes empty switch statements")
        + padVal("", "Local splitter: one local per DU-UD web")
        + padVal("jb.a", "Aggregator: removes some unnecessary copies")
        + padVal("jb.ule", "Unused local eliminator")
        + padVal("", "Assigns types to locals")
        + padVal("jb.ulp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
        + padVal("jb.lns", "Local name standardizer")
        + padVal("jb.cp", "Copy propagator")
        + padVal("jb.dae", "Dead assignment eliminator")
        + padVal("jb.cp-ule", "Post-copy propagation unused local eliminator")
        + padVal("jb.lp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
        + padVal("", "Nop eliminator")
        + padVal("jb.uce", "Unreachable code eliminator")
        + padVal("", "Trap Tightener")
      + padOpt("jj", "Creates a JimpleBody for each method directly from source")
        + padVal("", "Local splitter: one local per DU-UD web")
        + padVal("jj.a", "Aggregator: removes some unnecessary copies")
        + padVal("jj.ule", "Unused local eliminator")
        + padVal("", "Assigns types to locals")
        + padVal("jj.ulp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
        + padVal("jj.lns", "Local name standardizer")
        + padVal("jj.cp", "Copy propagator")
        + padVal("jj.dae", "Dead assignment eliminator")
        + padVal("jj.cp-ule", "Post-copy propagation unused local eliminator")
        + padVal("jj.lp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
        + padVal("", "Nop eliminator")

代码示例来源:origin: Sable/soot

+ padOpt("-ast-metrics", "Compute AST Metrics if performing java to jimple")
+ padOpt("-src-prec ARG", "Sets source precedence to ARG files")
  + padVal("c class (default)", "Favour class files as Soot source")
  + padVal("only-class", "Use only class files as Soot source")
  + padVal("J jimple", "Favour Jimple files as Soot source")
  + padVal("java", "Favour Java files as Soot source")
  + padVal("apk", "Favour APK files as Soot source")
  + padVal("apk-class-jimple apk-c-j", "Favour APK files as Soot source, disregard Java files")
+ padOpt("-full-resolver", "Force transitive resolving of referenced classes")
+ padOpt("-allow-phantom-refs", "Allow unresolved classes; may cause errors")
+ padOpt("-d ARG -output-dir ARG", "Store output files in ARG")
+ padOpt("-f ARG -output-format ARG", "Set output format for Soot")
  + padVal("J jimple", "Produce .jimple Files")
  + padVal("j jimp", "Produce .jimp (abbreviated Jimple) files")
  + padVal("S shimple", "Produce .shimple files")
  + padVal("s shimp", "Produce .shimp (abbreviated Shimple) files")
  + padVal("B baf", "Produce .baf files")
  + padVal("b", "Produce .b (abbreviated Baf) files")
  + padVal("G grimple", "Produce .grimple files")
  + padVal("g grimp", "Produce .grimp (abbreviated Grimp) files")
  + padVal("X xml", "Produce .xml Files")
  + padVal("dex", "Produce Dalvik Virtual Machine files")
  + padVal("force-dex", "Produce Dalvik DEX files")
  + padVal("n none", "Produce no output")
  + padVal("jasmin", "Produce .jasmin files")
  + padVal("c class (default)", "Produce .class Files")
  + padVal("d dava", "Produce dava-decompiled .java files")
  + padVal("t template", "Produce .java files with Jimple templates.")

代码示例来源:origin: Sable/soot

+ padOpt("safe-newinstance (false)", "Handle Class.newInstance() calls conservatively")
+ padOpt("library", "Specifies whether the target classes should be treated as an application or a library.")
  + padVal("disabled (default)", "Call(and pointer assignment) graph construction treat the target classes as application starting from the entry points.")
  + padVal("any-subtype", "In this mode types of any accessible field, method parameter, this local, or caugth exception is set to any possible sub type according to the class hierarchy of the target library.")
  + padVal("signature-resolution", "In this mode types of any accessible field, method parameter, this local, or caugth exception is set to any possible sub type according to a possible extended class hierarchy of the target library.")
+ padOpt("verbose (false)", "Print warnings about where the call graph may be incomplete")
+ padOpt("jdkver (3)", "JDK version for native methods")
+ padOpt("ignore-types-for-sccs (false)", "Ignore declared types when determining node equivalence for SCCs")
+ padOpt("propagator", "Select propagation algorithm")
  + padVal("iter", "Simple iterative algorithm")
  + padVal("worklist (default)", "Fast, worklist-based algorithm")
  + padVal("cycle", "Unfinished on-the-fly cycle detection algorithm")
  + padVal("merge", "Unfinished field reference merging algorithms")
  + padVal("alias", "Alias-edge based algorithm")
  + padVal("none", "Disable propagation")
+ padOpt("set-impl", "Select points-to set implementation")
  + padVal("hash", "Use Java HashSet")
  + padVal("bit", "Bit vector")
  + padVal("hybrid", "Hybrid representation using bit vector for large sets")
  + padVal("array", "Sorted array representation")
  + padVal("heintze", "Heintze's shared bit-vector and overflow list representation")
  + padVal("sharedlist", "Shared list representation")
  + padVal("double (default)", "Double set representation for incremental propagation")
+ padOpt("double-set-old", "Select implementation of points-to set for old part of double set")
  + padVal("hash", "Use Java HashSet")
  + padVal("bit", "Bit vector")
  + padVal("hybrid (default)", "Hybrid representation using bit vector for large sets")
  + padVal("array", "Sorted array representation")

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

+padVal("", "Local splitter: one local per DU-UD web")
+padVal("jb.a", "Aggregator: removes some unnecessary copies")
+padVal("jb.ule", "Unused local eliminator")
+padVal("", "Assigns types to locals")
+padVal("jb.ulp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("jb.lns", "Local name standardizer")
+padVal("jb.cp", "Copy propagator")
+padVal("jb.dae", "Dead assignment eliminator")
+padVal("jb.cp-ule", "Post-copy propagation unused local eliminator")
+padVal("jb.lp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("", "Nop eliminator")
+padVal("jb.uce", "Unreachable code eliminator")
+padVal("", "Trap Tightener")
+padOpt("jj", "Creates a JimpleBody for each method directly from source")
+padVal("", "Local splitter: one local per DU-UD web")
+padVal("jj.a", "Aggregator: removes some unnecessary copies")
+padVal("jj.ule", "Unused local eliminator")
+padVal("", "Assigns types to locals")
+padVal("jj.ulp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("jj.lns", "Local name standardizer")
+padVal("jj.cp", "Copy propagator")
+padVal("jj.dae", "Dead assignment eliminator")
+padVal("jj.cp-ule", "Post-copy propagation unused local eliminator")
+padVal("jj.lp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("", "Nop eliminator")
+padVal("jj.uce", "Unreachable code eliminator")
+padOpt("wjpp", "Whole Jimple Pre-processing Pack")
+padOpt("wspp", "Whole Shimple Pre-processing Pack")
+padOpt("cg", "Call graph constructor")

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-soot

+padVal("", "Local splitter: one local per DU-UD web")
+padVal("jb.a", "Aggregator: removes some unnecessary copies")
+padVal("jb.ule", "Unused local eliminator")
+padVal("", "Assigns types to locals")
+padVal("jb.ulp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("jb.lns", "Local name standardizer")
+padVal("jb.cp", "Copy propagator")
+padVal("jb.dae", "Dead assignment eliminator")
+padVal("jb.cp-ule", "Post-copy propagation unused local eliminator")
+padVal("jb.lp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("", "Nop eliminator")
+padVal("jb.uce", "Unreachable code eliminator")
+padVal("", "Trap Tightener")
+padOpt("jj", "Creates a JimpleBody for each method directly from source")
+padVal("", "Local splitter: one local per DU-UD web")
+padVal("jj.a", "Aggregator: removes some unnecessary copies")
+padVal("jj.ule", "Unused local eliminator")
+padVal("", "Assigns types to locals")
+padVal("jj.ulp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("jj.lns", "Local name standardizer")
+padVal("jj.cp", "Copy propagator")
+padVal("jj.dae", "Dead assignment eliminator")
+padVal("jj.cp-ule", "Post-copy propagation unused local eliminator")
+padVal("jj.lp", "Local packer: minimizes number of locals")
+padVal("", "Nop eliminator")
+padVal("jj.uce", "Unreachable code eliminator")
+padOpt("wjpp", "Whole Jimple Pre-processing Pack")
+padOpt("wspp", "Whole Shimple Pre-processing Pack")
+padOpt("cg", "Call graph constructor")

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

+padOpt(" -ast-metrics", "Compute AST Metrics if performing java to jimple" )
+padOpt(" -src-prec FORMAT", "Sets source precedence to FORMAT files" )
+padVal(" c class (default)", "Favour class files as Soot source" )
+padVal(" only-class", "Use only class files as Soot source" )
+padVal(" J jimple", "Favour Jimple files as Soot source" )
+padVal(" java", "Favour Java files as Soot source" )
+padOpt(" -full-resolver", "Force transitive resolving of referenced classes" )
+padOpt(" -allow-phantom-refs", "Allow unresolved classes; may cause errors" )
+padVal(" J jimple", "Produce .jimple Files" )
+padVal(" j jimp", "Produce .jimp (abbreviated Jimple) files" )
+padVal(" S shimple", "Produce .shimple files" )
+padVal(" s shimp", "Produce .shimp (abbreviated Shimple) files" )
+padVal(" B baf", "Produce .baf files" )
+padVal(" b", "Produce .b (abbreviated Baf) files" )
+padVal(" G grimple", "Produce .grimple files" )
+padVal(" g grimp", "Produce .grimp (abbreviated Grimp) files" )
+padVal(" X xml", "Produce .xml Files" )
+padVal(" n none", "Produce no output" )
+padVal(" jasmin", "Produce .jasmin files" )
+padVal(" c class (default)", "Produce .class Files" )
+padVal(" d dava", "Produce dava-decompiled .java files" )
+padVal(" t template", "Produce .java files with Jimple templates." )
+padOpt(" -outjar -output-jar", "Make output dir a Jar file instead of dir" )
+padOpt(" -xml-attributes", "Save tags to XML attributes for Eclipse" )
+padOpt(" -via-shimple", "Enable Shimple SSA representation" )
+padOpt(" -throw-analysis ARG", "" )
+padVal(" pedantic (default)", "Pedantically conservative throw analysis" )

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-soot

+padOpt(" -ast-metrics", "Compute AST Metrics if performing java to jimple" )
+padOpt(" -src-prec FORMAT", "Sets source precedence to FORMAT files" )
+padVal(" c class (default)", "Favour class files as Soot source" )
+padVal(" only-class", "Use only class files as Soot source" )
+padVal(" J jimple", "Favour Jimple files as Soot source" )
+padVal(" java", "Favour Java files as Soot source" )
+padOpt(" -full-resolver", "Force transitive resolving of referenced classes" )
+padOpt(" -allow-phantom-refs", "Allow unresolved classes; may cause errors" )
+padVal(" J jimple", "Produce .jimple Files" )
+padVal(" j jimp", "Produce .jimp (abbreviated Jimple) files" )
+padVal(" S shimple", "Produce .shimple files" )
+padVal(" s shimp", "Produce .shimp (abbreviated Shimple) files" )
+padVal(" B baf", "Produce .baf files" )
+padVal(" b", "Produce .b (abbreviated Baf) files" )
+padVal(" G grimple", "Produce .grimple files" )
+padVal(" g grimp", "Produce .grimp (abbreviated Grimp) files" )
+padVal(" X xml", "Produce .xml Files" )
+padVal(" n none", "Produce no output" )
+padVal(" jasmin", "Produce .jasmin files" )
+padVal(" c class (default)", "Produce .class Files" )
+padVal(" d dava", "Produce dava-decompiled .java files" )
+padVal(" t template", "Produce .java files with Jimple templates." )
+padOpt(" -outjar -output-jar", "Make output dir a Jar file instead of dir" )
+padOpt(" -xml-attributes", "Save tags to XML attributes for Eclipse" )
+padOpt(" -via-shimple", "Enable Shimple SSA representation" )
+padOpt(" -throw-analysis ARG", "" )
+padVal(" pedantic (default)", "Pedantically conservative throw analysis" )

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

+padOpt( "ignore-types-for-sccs (false)", "Ignore declared types when determining node equivalence for SCCs" )
+padOpt( "propagator", "Select propagation algorithm" )
+padVal( "iter", "Simple iterative algorithm" )
+padVal( "worklist (default)", "Fast, worklist-based algorithm" )
+padVal( "cycle", "Unfinished on-the-fly cycle detection algorithm" )
+padVal( "merge", "Unfinished field reference merging algorithms" )
+padVal( "alias", "Alias-edge based algorithm" )
+padVal( "none", "Disable propagation" )
+padVal( "hash", "Use Java HashSet" )
+padVal( "bit", "Bit vector" )
+padVal( "hybrid", "Hybrid representation using bit vector for large sets" )
+padVal( "array", "Sorted array representation" )
+padVal( "heintze", "Heintze's shared bit-vector and overflow list representation" )
+padVal( "sharedlist", "Shared list representation" )
+padVal( "double (default)", "Double set representation for incremental propagation" )
+padVal( "hash", "Use Java HashSet" )

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-soot

+padOpt( "ignore-types-for-sccs (false)", "Ignore declared types when determining node equivalence for SCCs" )
+padOpt( "propagator", "Select propagation algorithm" )
+padVal( "iter", "Simple iterative algorithm" )
+padVal( "worklist (default)", "Fast, worklist-based algorithm" )
+padVal( "cycle", "Unfinished on-the-fly cycle detection algorithm" )
+padVal( "merge", "Unfinished field reference merging algorithms" )
+padVal( "alias", "Alias-edge based algorithm" )
+padVal( "none", "Disable propagation" )
+padVal( "hash", "Use Java HashSet" )
+padVal( "bit", "Bit vector" )
+padVal( "hybrid", "Hybrid representation using bit vector for large sets" )
+padVal( "array", "Sorted array representation" )
+padVal( "heintze", "Heintze's shared bit-vector and overflow list representation" )
+padVal( "sharedlist", "Shared list representation" )
+padVal( "double (default)", "Double set representation for incremental propagation" )
+padVal( "hash", "Use Java HashSet" )



