
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Search for a ref by (possibly abbreviated) name.


代码示例来源:origin: jphp-group/jphp

public Memory findRef(String name) throws IOException {
  Ref ref = getWrappedObject().getRepository().findRef(name);
  return ref == null ? Memory.NULL : GitUtils.valueOf(ref);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config

private MergeResult merge(Git git, String label) {
  try {
    MergeCommand merge = git.merge();
    merge.include(git.getRepository().findRef("origin/" + label));
    MergeResult result =;
    if (!result.getMergeStatus().isSuccessful()) {
      this.logger.warn("Merged from remote " + label + " with result "
          + result.getMergeStatus());
    return result;
  catch (Exception ex) {
    String message = "Could not merge remote for " + label + " remote: " + git
        .getRepository().getConfig().getString("remote", "origin", "url");
    warn(message, ex);
    return null;

代码示例来源:origin: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-config

return git.getRepository().findRef("HEAD").getObjectId().getName();

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      Ref head = repository.findRef("refs/heads/master");
      System.out.println("Found head: " + head);

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());

        System.out.println("\nCommit-Message: " + commit.getFullMessage());


代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      Ref head = repository.findRef("refs/heads/master");
      System.out.println("Found head: " + head);

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());

        System.out.println("\nCommit-Message: " + commit.getFullMessage());


代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      // a RevWalk allows to retrieve information from the repository
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        // a simple tag that is not annotated
        Ref simpleTag = repository.findRef("initialtag");
        RevObject any = walk.parseAny(simpleTag.getObjectId());
        System.out.println("Commit: " + any);

        // an annotated tag
        Ref annotatedTag = repository.findRef("secondtag");
        any = walk.parseAny(annotatedTag.getObjectId());
        System.out.println("Tag: " + any);

        // finally try to print out the tag-content
        System.out.println("\nTag-Content: \n");
        ObjectLoader loader =;


代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      // a RevWalk allows to retrieve information from the repository
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        // a simple tag that is not annotated
        Ref simpleTag = repository.findRef("initialtag");
        RevObject any = walk.parseAny(simpleTag.getObjectId());
        System.out.println("Commit: " + any);

        // an annotated tag
        Ref annotatedTag = repository.findRef("secondtag");
        any = walk.parseAny(annotatedTag.getObjectId());
        System.out.println("Tag: " + any);

        // finally try to print out the tag-content
        System.out.println("\nTag-Content: \n");
        ObjectLoader loader =;


代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List<Note> call() throws GitAPIException {
  List<Note> notes = new ArrayList<>();
  NoteMap map = NoteMap.newEmptyMap();
  try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
    Ref ref = repo.findRef(notesRef);
    // if we have a notes ref, use it
    if (ref != null) {
      RevCommit notesCommit = walk.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId());
      map =, notesCommit);
    Iterator<Note> i = map.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new JGitInternalException(e.getMessage(), e);
  return notes;

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
  final File localPath;
  try (Repository repository = cloneRepository()) {
    localPath = repository.getWorkTree();
    System.out.println("Having repository: " + repository.getDirectory() + " with head: " +
        repository.findRef(Constants.HEAD) + "/" + repository.resolve("HEAD") + "/" +
    // TODO: why do we get null here for HEAD?!? See also
    try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
      PullResult call = git.pull().call();
      System.out.println("Pulled from the remote repository: " + call);
  // clean up here to not keep using more and more disk-space for these samples

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
  final File localPath;
  try (Repository repository = cloneRepository()) {
    localPath = repository.getWorkTree();
    System.out.println("Having repository: " + repository.getDirectory() + " with head: " +
        repository.findRef(Constants.HEAD) + "/" + repository.resolve("HEAD") + "/" +
    // TODO: why do we get null here for HEAD?!? See also
    try (Git git = new Git(repository)) {
      PullResult call = git.pull().call();
      System.out.println("Pulled from the remote repository: " + call);
  // clean up here to not keep using more and more disk-space for these samples

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      // See e.g. GetRevCommitFromObjectId for how to use a SHA-1 directly
      Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");
      System.out.println("Ref of HEAD: " + head + ": " + head.getName() + " - " + head.getObjectId().getName());

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
        System.out.println("Commit: " + commit);

        // a commit points to a tree
        RevTree tree = walk.parseTree(commit.getTree().getId());
        System.out.println("Found Tree: " + tree);


代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      // See e.g. GetRevCommitFromObjectId for how to use a SHA-1 directly
      Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");
      System.out.println("Ref of HEAD: " + head + ": " + head.getName() + " - " + head.getObjectId().getName());

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
        System.out.println("Commit: " + commit);

        // a commit points to a tree
        RevTree tree = walk.parseTree(commit.getTree().getId());
        System.out.println("Found Tree: " + tree);


代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
        RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
        System.out.println("Having tree: " + tree);

        // now use a TreeWalk to iterate over all files in the Tree recursively
        // you can set Filters to narrow down the results if needed
        try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repository)) {
          while ( {
            System.out.println("found: " + treeWalk.getPathString());

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
        RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
        System.out.println("Having tree: " + tree);

        // now use a TreeWalk to iterate over all files in the Tree
        // you can set Filters to narrow down the results if needed
        try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repository)) {
          // not walk the tree recursively so we only get the elements in the top-level directory
          while ( {
            System.out.println("found: " + treeWalk.getPathString());

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
        RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
        System.out.println("Having tree: " + tree);

        // now use a TreeWalk to iterate over all files in the Tree recursively
        // you can set Filters to narrow down the results if needed
        try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repository)) {
          while ( {
            System.out.println("found: " + treeWalk.getPathString());

代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    try (Repository repository = CookbookHelper.openJGitCookbookRepository()) {
      Ref head = repository.findRef("HEAD");

      // a RevWalk allows to walk over commits based on some filtering that is defined
      try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository)) {
        RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
        RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
        System.out.println("Having tree: " + tree);

        // now use a TreeWalk to iterate over all files in the Tree
        // you can set Filters to narrow down the results if needed
        try (TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repository)) {
          // not walk the tree recursively so we only get the elements in the top-level directory
          while ( {
            System.out.println("found: " + treeWalk.getPathString());

代码示例来源:origin: git-commit-id/maven-git-commit-id-plugin

public void prepareGitToExtractMoreDetailedRepoInformation() throws GitCommitIdExecutionException {
 try {
  // more details parsed out bellow
  Ref evaluateOnCommitReference = git.findRef(evaluateOnCommit);
  ObjectId evaluateOnCommitResolvedObjectId = git.resolve(evaluateOnCommit);
  if ((evaluateOnCommitReference == null) && (evaluateOnCommitResolvedObjectId == null)) {
   throw new GitCommitIdExecutionException("Could not get " + evaluateOnCommit + " Ref, are you sure you have set the dotGitDirectory property of this plugin to a valid path?");
  revWalk = new RevWalk(git);
  ObjectId headObjectId;
  if (evaluateOnCommitReference != null) {
   headObjectId = evaluateOnCommitReference.getObjectId();
  } else {
   headObjectId = evaluateOnCommitResolvedObjectId;
  if (headObjectId == null) {
   throw new GitCommitIdExecutionException("Could not get " + evaluateOnCommit + " Ref, are you sure you have some commits in the dotGitDirectory?");
  evalCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(headObjectId);
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new GitCommitIdExecutionException("Error", e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Note call() throws GitAPIException {
  NoteMap map = NoteMap.newEmptyMap();
  RevCommit notesCommit = null;
  try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo);
      ObjectInserter inserter = repo.newObjectInserter()) {
    Ref ref = repo.findRef(notesRef);
    // if we have a notes ref, use it
    if (ref != null) {
      notesCommit = walk.parseCommit(ref.getObjectId());
      map =, notesCommit);
    map.set(id, message, inserter);
    commitNoteMap(repo, notesRef, walk, map, notesCommit, inserter,
        "Notes added by 'git notes add'"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    return map.getNote(id);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new JGitInternalException(e.getMessage(), e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit

private void updateStashRef(ObjectId commitId, PersonIdent refLogIdent,
    String refLogMessage) throws IOException {
  if (ref == null)
  Ref currentRef = repo.findRef(ref);
  RefUpdate refUpdate = repo.updateRef(ref);
  refUpdate.setRefLogMessage(refLogMessage, false);
  if (currentRef != null)

代码示例来源:origin: FlowCI/flow-platform

 * Get latest commit by ref name from local .git
public GitCommit commit(String refName) throws GitException {
  try (Git git = gitOpen()) {
    Repository repo = git.getRepository();
    Ref head = repo.findRef(refName);
    if (head == null) {
      return null;
    try (RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repo)) {
      RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(head.getObjectId());
      String id = commit.getId().getName();
      String message = commit.getFullMessage();
      String author = commit.getAuthorIdent().getName();
      return new GitCommit(id, message, author);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new GitException("Fail to get commit message", e);




