
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Gets a collection of QuadEdges whose origin vertices are a unique set which includes all vertices in the subdivision. The frame vertices can be included if required.

This is useful for algorithms which require traversing the subdivision starting at all vertices. Returning a quadedge for each vertex is more efficient than the alternative of finding the actual vertices using #getVertices and then locating quadedges attached to them.


代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

  * Gets a List of {@link Polygon}s for the Voronoi cells 
  * of this triangulation.
 * <p>
 * The userData of each polygon is set to be the {@link Coordinate}
 * of the cell site.  This allows easily associating external 
 * data associated with the sites to the cells.
  * @param geomFact a geometry factory
  * @return a List of Polygons
public List getVoronoiCellPolygons(GeometryFactory geomFact)
   * Compute circumcentres of triangles as vertices for dual edges.
   * Precomputing the circumcentres is more efficient, 
   * and more importantly ensures that the computed centres
   * are consistent across the Voronoi cells.
  visitTriangles(new TriangleCircumcentreVisitor(), true);
 List cells = new ArrayList();
 Collection edges = getVertexUniqueEdges(false);
 for (Iterator i = edges.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   QuadEdge qe = (QuadEdge);
  cells.add(getVoronoiCellPolygon(qe, geomFact));
 return cells;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts-core

  * Gets a List of {@link Polygon}s for the Voronoi cells 
  * of this triangulation.
 * <p>
 * The userData of each polygon is set to be the {@link Coordinate}
 * of the cell site.  This allows easily associating external 
 * data associated with the sites to the cells.
  * @param geomFact a geometry factory
  * @return a List of Polygons
public List getVoronoiCellPolygons(GeometryFactory geomFact)
   * Compute circumcentres of triangles as vertices for dual edges.
   * Precomputing the circumcentres is more efficient, 
   * and more importantly ensures that the computed centres
   * are consistent across the Voronoi cells.
  visitTriangles(new TriangleCircumcentreVisitor(), true);
 List cells = new ArrayList();
 Collection edges = getVertexUniqueEdges(false);
 for (Iterator i = edges.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   QuadEdge qe = (QuadEdge);
  cells.add(getVoronoiCellPolygon(qe, geomFact));
 return cells;
