
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]This method is DEPRECATED: Use Resource#getMemorySize() instead Get memory of the resource. Note - while memory has never had a unit specified, all YARN configurations have specified memory in MB. The assumption has been that the daemons and applications are always using the same units. With the introduction of the ResourceInformation class we have support for units - so this function will continue to return memory but in the units of MB


代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public void limitContainerSize(Resource maxResource) throws AMException {
 if (taskSpec.containerSpec.memoryMb > maxResource.getMemory()) {
  LOG.warn( + " requires " + taskSpec.containerSpec.memoryMb
    + " MB but the maximum YARN container size is "
    + maxResource.getMemory() + " MB");
  taskSpec.containerSpec.memoryMb = maxResource.getMemory();
 if (taskSpec.containerSpec.vCores > maxResource.getVirtualCores()) {
  LOG.warn( + " requires " + taskSpec.containerSpec.vCores
    + " vcores but the maximum YARN container size is "
    + maxResource.getVirtualCores() + " vcores");
  taskSpec.containerSpec.vCores = maxResource.getVirtualCores();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

private String buildContainerCommand(Container container, String helixInstanceName) {
 String containerProcessName = GobblinYarnTaskRunner.class.getSimpleName();
 return new StringBuilder()
   .append(" -Xmx").append(container.getResource().getMemory()).append("M")
   .append(" ").append(JvmUtils.formatJvmArguments(this.containerJvmArgs))
   .append(" ").append(GobblinYarnTaskRunner.class.getName())
   .append(" --").append(GobblinClusterConfigurationKeys.APPLICATION_NAME_OPTION_NAME)
   .append(" ").append(this.applicationName)
   .append(" --").append(GobblinClusterConfigurationKeys.HELIX_INSTANCE_NAME_OPTION_NAME)
   .append(" ").append(helixInstanceName)
   .append(" 1>").append(ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR).append(File.separator).append(
   .append(" 2>").append(ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR).append(File.separator).append(

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

private ClusterResourceDescription getCurrentFreeClusterResources(YarnClient yarnClient) throws YarnException, IOException {
  List<NodeReport> nodes = yarnClient.getNodeReports(NodeState.RUNNING);
  int totalFreeMemory = 0;
  int containerLimit = 0;
  int[] nodeManagersFree = new int[nodes.size()];
  for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
    NodeReport rep = nodes.get(i);
    int free = rep.getCapability().getMemory() - (rep.getUsed() != null ? rep.getUsed().getMemory() : 0);
    nodeManagersFree[i] = free;
    totalFreeMemory += free;
    if (free > containerLimit) {
      containerLimit = free;
  return new ClusterResourceDescription(totalFreeMemory, containerLimit, nodeManagersFree);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

protected void requestNewWorkers(int numWorkers) {
  final Resource capability = getContainerResource();
  for (int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) {
    numPendingContainerRequests++;"Requesting new TaskManager container with {} megabytes memory. Pending requests: {}",
      capability.getMemory(), numPendingContainerRequests);
  // make sure we transmit the request fast and receive fast news of granted allocations

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

private Resource prepareContainerResource(GetNewApplicationResponse newApplicationResponse) {
 int memoryMbs = this.config.getInt(GobblinYarnConfigurationKeys.APP_MASTER_MEMORY_MBS_KEY);
 int maximumMemoryCapacity = newApplicationResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability().getMemory();
 if (memoryMbs > maximumMemoryCapacity) {"Specified AM memory [%d] is above the maximum memory capacity [%d] of the "
    + "cluster, using the maximum memory capacity instead.", memoryMbs, maximumMemoryCapacity));
  memoryMbs = maximumMemoryCapacity;
 int vCores = this.config.getInt(GobblinYarnConfigurationKeys.APP_MASTER_CORES_KEY);
 int maximumVirtualCoreCapacity = newApplicationResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability().getVirtualCores();
 if (vCores > maximumVirtualCoreCapacity) {"Specified AM vcores [%d] is above the maximum vcore capacity [%d] of the "
    + "cluster, using the maximum vcore capacity instead.", memoryMbs, maximumMemoryCapacity));
  vCores = maximumVirtualCoreCapacity;
 // Set up resource type requirements for ApplicationMaster
 return Resource.newInstance(memoryMbs, vCores);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public Resource getTotalResources() {
 int memory = 0;
 int vcores = 0;
 try {
  int numInstancesFound = 0;
  for (LlapServiceInstance inst : activeInstances.getAll()) {
   Resource r = inst.getResource();
   memory += r.getMemory();
   vcores += r.getVirtualCores();
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
   LOG.debug("GetTotalResources: numInstancesFound={}, totalMem={}, totalVcores={}",
     numInstancesFound, memory, vcores);
 } finally {
 return Resource.newInstance(memory, vcores);

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/jstorm

public String info() throws TException {
  StringBuffer sbRet = new StringBuffer();
  sbRet.append("Instance Name:" + jstormMasterContext.instanceName + "\n");
  sbRet.append("Jstorm's location on hdfs:" + jstormMasterContext.deployPath + "\n");
  if (jstormMasterContext.user != null) {
    sbRet.append("Jstorm's data path:" + jstormMasterContext.nimbusDataDirPrefix + jstormMasterContext.instanceName + "\n");
    sbRet.append("Cluster userName:" + jstormMasterContext.user + "\n");
  sbRet.append("Nimbus Count:" + jstormMasterContext.nimbusContainers.size() + "\n");
  sbRet.append("Supervisor Count:" + jstormMasterContext.supervisorContainers.size() + "\n");
  sbRet.append("detail :\n");
  sbRet.append("Type      \tContainerId                              \tHost      \tContainerMemory\tContainerVCores\n");
  for (Container container : jstormMasterContext.nimbusContainers) {
    sbRet.append("Nimbus    \t" + container.getId().toString() + "\t" + container.getNodeId().getHost() + "\t" + container.getResource().getMemory()
        + "\t        " + container.getResource().getVirtualCores() + "\n");
  for (Container container : jstormMasterContext.supervisorContainers) {
    sbRet.append("Supervisor\t" + container.getId().toString() + "\t" + container.getNodeId().getHost() + "\t" + container.getResource().getMemory()
        + "\t        " + container.getResource().getVirtualCores() + "\n");
  }"info is: " + sbRet.toString());
  return sbRet.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

for (NodeReport rep : nodes) {
  final Resource res = rep.getCapability();
  totalMemory += res.getMemory();
  totalCores += res.getVirtualCores();
  ps.format(format, "NodeID", rep.getNodeId());
  ps.format(format, "Memory", res.getMemory() + " MB");
  ps.format(format, "vCores", res.getVirtualCores());
  ps.format(format, "HealthReport", rep.getHealthReport());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

 * Utility method to display YARN container information in a useful way for
 * log messages.
 * @param container
 * @return
public static String describeContainer(Container container) {
 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder()
   .append("[id: ")
   .append(", host: ")
   .append(", priority: ")
   .append(", memory: ")
   .append(" MB, vcores: ")
 return buf.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private void yarnReport() {
 RegisterApplicationMasterResponse response = yarn.getRegistrationResponse();"YARN queue: " + response.getQueue());
 Resource resource = response.getMaximumResourceCapability();"YARN max resource: " + resource.getMemory() + " MB, "
   + resource.getVirtualCores() + " cores");
 EnumSet<SchedulerResourceTypes> types = response
 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
 String sep = "";
 for (SchedulerResourceTypes type : types) {
  sep = ", ";
 }"YARN scheduler resource types: " + buf.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

if (jobManagerMemoryMb > maximumResourceCapability.getMemory()) {
  throw new YarnDeploymentException("The cluster does not have the requested resources for the JobManager available!\n"
    + "Maximum Memory: " + maximumResourceCapability.getMemory() + "MB Requested: " + jobManagerMemoryMb + "MB. " + note);
if (taskManagerMemoryMb > maximumResourceCapability.getMemory()) {
  throw new YarnDeploymentException("The cluster does not have the requested resources for the TaskManagers available!\n"
    + "Maximum Memory: " + maximumResourceCapability.getMemory() + " Requested: " + taskManagerMemoryMb + "MB. " + note);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ignite

 * @return {@code True} if cluster contains available resources.
private boolean checkAvailableResource() {
  Resource availableRes = rmClient.getAvailableResources();
  return availableRes == null || availableRes.getMemory() >= props.totalMemoryPerNode()
    && availableRes.getVirtualCores() >= props.cpusPerNode();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

private void requestContainer(Optional<String> preferredNode) {
 Priority priority = Records.newRecord(Priority.class);
 Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class);
 int maxMemoryCapacity = this.maxResourceCapacity.get().getMemory();
 capability.setMemory(this.requestedContainerMemoryMbs <= maxMemoryCapacity ?
   this.requestedContainerMemoryMbs : maxMemoryCapacity);
 int maxCoreCapacity = this.maxResourceCapacity.get().getVirtualCores();
 capability.setVirtualCores(this.requestedContainerCores <= maxCoreCapacity ?
   this.requestedContainerCores : maxCoreCapacity);
 String[] preferredNodes = preferredNode.isPresent() ? new String[] {preferredNode.get()} : null;
   new AMRMClient.ContainerRequest(capability, preferredNodes, null, priority));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

if (nodeInfo != null && !nodeInfo.isDisabled()) {
 Resource r = inst.getResource();
 memory += r.getMemory();
 vcores += r.getVirtualCores();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/flink

ContaineredTaskManagerParameters.create(flinkConfig, resource.getMemory(), numberOfTaskSlots);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private void validateResources( AppSpec master ) throws ClientException {
 // Memory and core checks per YARN app specs.
 int maxMemory = appResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability().getMemory();
 int maxCores = appResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability().getVirtualCores();
 if (verbose) {
  System.out.println("Max Memory: " + maxMemory);
  System.out.println("Max Cores: " + maxCores);
 // YARN behaves very badly if we request a container larger than the
 // maximum.
 if (master.memoryMb > maxMemory) {
  throw new ClientException( "YARN maximum memory is " + maxMemory
    + " but the application master requests " + master.memoryMb );
 if (master.vCores > maxCores) {
  throw new ClientException("YARN maximum vcores is " + maxCores
    + " but the application master requests " + master.vCores);
 // Verify the limits for the Drillbit as well.
 if (config.getInt(DrillOnYarnConfig.DRILLBIT_MEMORY) > maxMemory) {
  throw new ClientException(
    "YARN maximum memory is " + maxMemory + " but the Drillbit requests "
      + config.getInt(DrillOnYarnConfig.DRILLBIT_MEMORY));
 if (config.getInt(DrillOnYarnConfig.DRILLBIT_VCORES) > maxCores) {
  throw new ClientException("YARN maximum vcores is " + maxCores
    + " but the Drillbit requests "
    + config.getInt(DrillOnYarnConfig.DRILLBIT_VCORES));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private void buildNodeMap() throws YarnFacadeException {
 List<NodeReport> nodes = yarn.getNodeReports();
 for (NodeReport node : nodes) {
  String hostName = node.getNodeId().getHost();
  nodeMap.put(hostName, node.getHttpAddress());
  yarnNodes.put(hostName, node);
 if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"YARN Node report");
  for (NodeReport node : nodes) {"Node: " + node.getHttpAddress() + ", Rack: "
     + node.getRackName() + " has " + node.getCapability().getMemory()
     + " MB, " + node.getCapability().getVirtualCores()
     + " vcores, labels: " + node.getNodeLabels());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

int memoryPerInstance = serviceInstance.getResource().getMemory();
int memoryPerExecutor = (int)(memoryPerInstance / (double) numVcores);
resourcePerExecutor = Resource.newInstance(memoryPerExecutor, 1);"Setting up node: {} with available capacity={}, pendingQueueSize={}, memory={}",
   serviceInstance, serviceInstance.getResource().getVirtualCores(),
   pendingQueueCapacityString, serviceInstance.getResource().getMemory());
 if (pendingQueueCapacityString != null) {
  pendingQueueuCapacity = Integer.parseInt(pendingQueueCapacityString);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ignite

 * @param cont Container.
 * @return {@code True} if container satisfies requirements.
private boolean checkContainer(Container cont) {
  // Check limit on running nodes.
  if (props.instances() <= containers.size())
    return false;
  // Check host name
  if (props.hostnameConstraint() != null
      && props.hostnameConstraint().matcher(cont.getNodeId().getHost()).matches())
    return false;
  // Check that slave satisfies min requirements.
  if (cont.getResource().getVirtualCores() < props.cpusPerNode()
    || cont.getResource().getMemory() < props.totalMemoryPerNode()) {
    log.log(Level.FINE, "Container resources not sufficient requirements. Host: {0}, cpu: {1}, mem: {2}",
      new Object[]{cont.getNodeId().getHost(), cont.getResource().getVirtualCores(),
    return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

for (LlapServiceInstance instance : llapRegistryService.getInstances().getAll()) {
 ss.out.println(Joiner.on("\t").join(appId, instance.getWorkerIdentity(), instance.getHost(),
  instance.getRpcPort(), instance.getResource().getMemory() * 1024L * 1024L,
