
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

protected void initStatusListeners (Element config)  throws ConfigurationException{
  final Iterator iter = config.getChildren ("status-listener").iterator();
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    final Element e = (Element);
    final QFactory factory = getFactory();
    final TransactionStatusListener listener = (TransactionStatusListener) factory.newInstance (e.getAttributeValue ("class"));
    factory.setConfiguration (listener, config);

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS-EE

private Collection<ISORequestListener> getListeners(QServer server) throws ConfigurationException {
  QFactory factory = server.getFactory();
  Iterator iter = server.getPersist().getChildren("request-listener").iterator();
  Collection<ISORequestListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ISORequestListener>();
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    Element l = (Element);
    ISORequestListener listener = (ISORequestListener) factory.newInstance(l.getAttributeValue("class"));
    factory.setLogger(listener, l);
    factory.setConfiguration(listener, l);
  return listeners;

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

protected void startService () throws Exception {
  getServer().getFactory().setConfiguration(task, getPersist());
  NameRegistrar.register (getName (), task);
  if (task instanceof Runnable) {
    new Thread ((Runnable) task).start ();
protected void stopService () throws Exception {

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public TransactionParticipant createParticipant (Element e) 
  throws ConfigurationException
  QFactory factory = getFactory();
  TransactionParticipant participant = (TransactionParticipant) 
    factory.newInstance (e.getAttributeValue ("class")
  factory.setLogger (participant, e);
  QFactory.invoke (participant, "setTransactionManager", this, TransactionManager.class);
  factory.setConfiguration (participant, e);
  String realm = e.getAttributeValue("realm");
  if (realm != null && realm.trim().length() > 0)
    realm = ":" + realm;
    realm = "";
  names.put(participant, Caller.shortClassName(participant.getClass().getName())+realm);
  if (participant instanceof Destroyable) {
    destroyables.add((Destroyable) participant);
  return participant;

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

private void addListeners ()
  throws ConfigurationException
  QFactory factory = getFactory ();
  Iterator iter = getPersist().getChildren (
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    Element l = (Element);
    ISORequestListener listener = (ISORequestListener)
      factory.newInstance (l.getAttributeValue ("class"));
    factory.setLogger        (listener, l);
    factory.setConfiguration (listener, l);
    server.addISORequestListener (listener);

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

private void addListeners () 
  throws ConfigurationException
  QFactory factory = getFactory ();
  Iterator iter = getPersist().getChildren (
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    Element l = (Element);
    ISORequestListener listener = (ISORequestListener) 
      factory.newInstance (l.getAttributeValue ("class"));
    factory.setLogger        (listener, l);
    factory.setConfiguration (listener, l);
    addISORequestListener (listener);
public void addISORequestListener(ISORequestListener l) {

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

private void addISOServerConnectionListeners()
   throws ConfigurationException
  QFactory factory = getFactory ();
  Iterator iter = getPersist().getChildren (
  while (iter.hasNext()) {
    Element l = (Element);
    ISOServerEventListener listener = (ISOServerEventListener)
      factory.newInstance (l.getAttributeValue ("class"));
    factory.setLogger        (listener, l);
    factory.setConfiguration (listener, l);

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

protected void addFilters (FilteredChannel channel, Element e, QFactory fact)
  throws ConfigurationException
  for (Object o : e.getChildren("filter")) {
    Element f = (Element) o;
    String clazz = f.getAttributeValue("class");
    ISOFilter filter = (ISOFilter) fact.newInstance(clazz);
    fact.setLogger(filter, f);
    fact.setConfiguration(filter, f);
    String direction = f.getAttributeValue("direction");
    if (direction == null)
    else if ("incoming".equalsIgnoreCase(direction))
    else if ("outgoing".equalsIgnoreCase(direction))
    else if ("both".equalsIgnoreCase(direction)) {

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

protected void initService () throws Exception {
  Element e = getPersist ();
  QFactory factory = getServer().getFactory();
  sm = (SMAdapter) factory.newInstance (getImpl ());
  factory.setLogger  (sm, e);
  factory.setConfiguration (sm, e);

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

private void addFilters (FilteredChannel channel, Element e, QFactory fact) 
  throws ConfigurationException
  for (Object o : e.getChildren("filter")) {
    Element f = (Element) o;
    String clazz = f.getAttributeValue("class");
    ISOFilter filter = (ISOFilter) fact.newInstance(clazz);
    fact.setLogger(filter, f);
    fact.setConfiguration(filter, f);
    String direction = f.getAttributeValue("direction");
    if (direction == null)
    else if ("incoming".equalsIgnoreCase(direction))
    else if ("outgoing".equalsIgnoreCase(direction))
    else if ("both".equalsIgnoreCase(direction)) {

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

private void addServerSocketFactory () throws ConfigurationException {
  QFactory factory = getFactory ();
  Element persist = getPersist ();
  Element serverSocketFactoryElement = persist.getChild ("server-socket-factory");
  if (serverSocketFactoryElement != null) {
    ISOServerSocketFactory serverSocketFactory = (ISOServerSocketFactory) factory.newInstance (serverSocketFactoryElement.getAttributeValue ("class"));
    factory.setLogger        (serverSocketFactory, serverSocketFactoryElement);
    factory.setConfiguration (serverSocketFactory, serverSocketFactoryElement);

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

protected void initService () throws Exception {
  Element e = getPersist ();
  QFactory factory = getServer().getFactory();
  ks = (SecureKeyStore) factory.newInstance (getImpl ());
  factory.setLogger  (ks, e);
  factory.setConfiguration (ks, e);
  NameRegistrar.register (getName (), ks);

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void testSetConfigurationThrowsNullPointerException() throws Throwable {
  String[] args = new String[0];
  try {
    new QFactory(new ObjectName(""), new Q2(args)).setConfiguration(new IVA_ALPHANUM(true, 100, 1000,
        "testQFactoryDescription"), null);
    fail("Expected NullPointerException to be thrown");
  } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    assertNull("ex.getMessage()", ex.getMessage());

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS-EE

private void registerTask (Element e) 
  throws ConfigurationException
  QFactory qf = getServer().getFactory();
  Object obj  = qf.newInstance (e.getChildTextTrim ("class"));
  if (!(obj instanceof MonitorTask)) {
    throw new ConfigurationException (
      obj.toString() + " is not an instance of MonitorTask"
  qf.setLogger (obj, e);
  qf.setConfiguration (obj, e);
  timer.schedule (
    new MonitorTimerTask (
      (MonitorTask) obj), 
      getLong (e.getAttributeValue ("delay")),
      getLong (e.getAttributeValue ("period"))
private long getLong (String l)

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void testSetConfiguration() throws Throwable {
  String[] args = new String[0];
  Element e = new Element("testQFactoryName");
  new QFactory(new ObjectName(""), new Q2(args)).setConfiguration("", e);
  assertEquals("e.getName()", "testQFactoryName", e.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void testSetConfiguration1() throws Throwable {
  String[] args = new String[0];
  ISOFieldValidator obj = new ISOFieldValidator(true);
  new QFactory(new ObjectName(""), new Q2(args)).setConfiguration(obj, new Element("testQFactoryName"));
  assertFalse("obj.breakOnError()", obj.breakOnError());

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

protected ISOChannel initChannel () throws ConfigurationException {
  Element persist = getPersist ();
  Element e = persist.getChild ("channel");
  if (e == null)
    throw new ConfigurationException ("channel element missing");
  ISOChannel c = newChannel (e, getFactory());
  String socketFactoryString = getSocketFactory();
  if (socketFactoryString != null && c instanceof FactoryChannel) {
    ISOClientSocketFactory sFac = (ISOClientSocketFactory) getFactory().newInstance(socketFactoryString);
    if (sFac != null && sFac instanceof LogSource) {
      ((LogSource) sFac).setLogger(log.getLogger(),getName() + ".socket-factory");
    getFactory().setConfiguration (sFac, e);
  return c;
protected void initSpaceAndQueues () throws ConfigurationException {

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void testSetConfigurationThrowsConfigurationException() throws Throwable {
  String[] args = new String[0];
  try {
    new QFactory(null, new Q2(args)).setConfiguration(new BSHTransactionParticipant(), null);
    fail("Expected ConfigurationException to be thrown");
  } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
    assertEquals("ex.getMessage()", "org.jpos.core.ConfigurationException (java.lang.NullPointerException)", ex.getMessage());
    assertNull("ex.getNested().getMessage()", ex.getNested().getMessage());

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void initChannel () throws ConfigurationException {
  Element persist = getPersist ();
  Element e = persist.getChild ("channel");
  if (e == null)
    throw new ConfigurationException ("channel element missing");
  channel = newChannel (e, getFactory());
  String socketFactoryString = getSocketFactory();
  if (socketFactoryString != null && channel instanceof FactoryChannel) {
    ISOClientSocketFactory sFac = (ISOClientSocketFactory) getFactory().newInstance(socketFactoryString);
    if (sFac != null && sFac instanceof LogSource) {
      ((LogSource) sFac).setLogger(log.getLogger(),getName() + ".socket-factory");
    getFactory().setConfiguration (sFac, e);
private ISOChannel newChannel (Element e, QFactory f)

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void testSetConfiguration3() throws Throwable {
  String[] args = new String[0];
  Element e = new Element("testQFactoryName", "testQFactoryPrefix", "testQFactoryUri");
  new QFactory(null, new Q2(args)).setConfiguration(new BSHTransactionParticipant(), e);
  assertEquals("e.getName()", "testQFactoryName", e.getName());
