
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Is class var defined? Ruby C equivalent = "rb_cvar_defined"
[中]是否定义了类变量?Ruby C equired=“rb_cvar_defined”


代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

public static RubyClass getClassFromPath(Ruby runtime, String path) {
  final RubyModule value = getConstantFromPath(runtime, path);
  if ( ! value.isClass() ) throw runtime.newArgumentError(path + " does not refer class");
  return (RubyClass) value;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

public static RubyClass getClassFromPath(Ruby runtime, String path) {
  final RubyModule value = getConstantFromPath(runtime, path);
  if ( ! value.isClass() ) throw runtime.newArgumentError(path + " does not refer class");
  return (RubyClass) value;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

public static RubyClass getClassFromPath(Ruby runtime, String path) {
  RubyModule value = runtime.getClassFromPath(path);
  if (!value.isClass()) throw runtime.newArgumentError(path + " does not refer class");
  return (RubyClass)value;

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

public static RubyClass getClassFromPath(Ruby runtime, String path) {
  RubyModule value = runtime.getClassFromPath(path);
  if (!value.isClass()) throw runtime.newArgumentError(path + " does not refer class");
  return (RubyClass)value;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

public final void checkFrozen() {
  if ( isFrozen() ) {
    throw getRuntime().newFrozenError(isClass() ? "class" : "module");

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

public final void checkFrozen() {
  if ( isFrozen() ) {
    throw getRuntime().newFrozenError(isClass() ? "class" : "module");

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

private IRubyObject getConstantSkipAutoload(String name, boolean inherit, boolean includeObject) {
  IRubyObject constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, this, inherit, false);
  if (constant == null && !isClass() && includeObject) {
    constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, getRuntime().getObject(), inherit, false);
  return constant;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

public IRubyObject getConstantNoConstMissing(String name, boolean inherit, boolean includeObject) {
  IRubyObject constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, this, inherit, true);
  if (constant == null && !isClass() && includeObject) {
    constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, getRuntime().getObject(), inherit, true);
  return constant;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

private IRubyObject getConstantSkipAutoload(String name, boolean inherit, boolean includeObject) {
  IRubyObject constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, this, inherit, false);
  if (constant == null && !isClass() && includeObject) {
    constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, getRuntime().getObject(), inherit, false);
  return constant;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

public IRubyObject getConstantNoConstMissing(String name, boolean inherit, boolean includeObject) {
  IRubyObject constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, this, inherit, true);
  if (constant == null && !isClass() && includeObject) {
    constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, getRuntime().getObject(), inherit, true);
  return constant;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

public IRubyObject getConstantNoConstMissing(String name, boolean inherit, boolean includeObject) {
  assert IdUtil.isConstant(name);
  IRubyObject constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, this, inherit);
  if (constant == null && !isClass() && includeObject) {
    constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, getRuntime().getObject(), inherit);
  return constant;

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

public IRubyObject getConstantNoConstMissing(String name, boolean inherit, boolean includeObject) {
  assert IdUtil.isConstant(name);
  IRubyObject constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, this, inherit);
  if (constant == null && !isClass() && includeObject) {
    constant = iterateConstantNoConstMissing(name, getRuntime().getObject(), inherit);
  return constant;

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

public static String getPathFromClass(RubyModule clazz) {
  String path = clazz.getName();
  if (path.charAt(0) == '#') {
    String classOrModule = clazz.isClass() ? "class" : "module";
    throw clazz.getRuntime().newTypeError("can't dump anonymous " + classOrModule + " " + path);
  RubyModule real = clazz.isModule() ? clazz : ((RubyClass)clazz).getRealClass();
  if (clazz.getRuntime().getClassFromPath(path) != real) {
    throw clazz.getRuntime().newTypeError(path + " can't be referred");
  return path;

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

public static String getPathFromClass(RubyModule clazz) {
  String path = clazz.getName();
  if (path.charAt(0) == '#') {
    String classOrModule = clazz.isClass() ? "class" : "module";
    throw clazz.getRuntime().newTypeError("can't dump anonymous " + classOrModule + " " + path);
  RubyModule real = clazz.isModule() ? clazz : ((RubyClass)clazz).getRealClass();
  if (clazz.getRuntime().getClassFromPath(path) != real) {
    throw clazz.getRuntime().newTypeError(path + " can't be referred");
  return path;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

/** separate path for MetaClass construction
protected RubyModule(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, boolean objectSpace) {
  super(runtime, metaClass, objectSpace);
  id = runtime.allocModuleId();
  // if (parent == null) parent = runtime.getObject();
  setFlag(NEEDSIMPL_F, !isClass());
  if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isProfiling()) {
    cacheEntryFactory = new ProfilingCacheEntryFactory(runtime, NormalCacheEntryFactory);
  } else {
    cacheEntryFactory = NormalCacheEntryFactory;
  // set up an invalidator for use in new optimization strategies
  methodInvalidator = OptoFactory.newMethodInvalidator(this);

代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

/** separate path for MetaClass construction
protected RubyModule(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, boolean objectSpace) {
  super(runtime, metaClass, objectSpace);
  id = runtime.allocModuleId();
  // if (parent == null) parent = runtime.getObject();
  setFlag(USER7_F, !isClass());
  generationObject = generation = runtime.getNextModuleGeneration();
  if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isProfiling()) {
    cacheEntryFactory = new ProfilingCacheEntryFactory(NormalCacheEntryFactory);
  } else {
    cacheEntryFactory = NormalCacheEntryFactory;
  // set up an invalidator for use in new optimization strategies
  methodInvalidator = OptoFactory.newMethodInvalidator(this);

代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-jruby

/** separate path for MetaClass construction
protected RubyModule(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, boolean objectSpace) {
  super(runtime, metaClass, objectSpace);
  id = runtime.allocModuleId();
  // if (parent == null) parent = runtime.getObject();
  setFlag(USER7_F, !isClass());
  generationObject = generation = runtime.getNextModuleGeneration();
  if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isProfiling()) {
    cacheEntryFactory = new ProfilingCacheEntryFactory(NormalCacheEntryFactory);
  } else {
    cacheEntryFactory = NormalCacheEntryFactory;
  // set up an invalidator for use in new optimization strategies
  methodInvalidator = OptoFactory.newMethodInvalidator(this);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

/** separate path for MetaClass construction
protected RubyModule(Ruby runtime, RubyClass metaClass, boolean objectSpace) {
  super(runtime, metaClass, objectSpace);
  id = runtime.allocModuleId();
  // if (parent == null) parent = runtime.getObject();
  setFlag(NEEDSIMPL_F, !isClass());
  if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().isProfiling()) {
    cacheEntryFactory = new ProfilingCacheEntryFactory(runtime, NormalCacheEntryFactory);
  } else {
    cacheEntryFactory = NormalCacheEntryFactory;
  // set up an invalidator for use in new optimization strategies
  methodInvalidator = OptoFactory.newMethodInvalidator(this);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-complete

public static String getPathFromClass(RubyModule clazz) {
  RubyString path = clazz.rubyName();
  if (path.charAt(0) == '#') {
    Ruby runtime = clazz.getRuntime();
    String type = clazz.isClass() ? "class" : "module";
    throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, "can't dump anonymous " + type + " ", types(runtime, clazz)));
  RubyModule real = clazz.isModule() ? clazz : ((RubyClass)clazz).getRealClass();
  Ruby runtime = clazz.getRuntime();
  // FIXME: This is weird why we do this.  rubyName should produce something which can be referred so what example
  // will this fail on?  If there is a failing case then passing asJavaString may be broken since it will not be
  // a properly encoded string.  If this is an issue we should make a clazz.IdPath where all segments are returned
  // by their id names.
  if (runtime.getClassFromPath(path.asJavaString()) != real) {
    throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, types(runtime, clazz), " can't be referred"));
  return path.asJavaString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jruby/jruby-core

public static String getPathFromClass(RubyModule clazz) {
  RubyString path = clazz.rubyName();
  if (path.charAt(0) == '#') {
    Ruby runtime = clazz.getRuntime();
    String type = clazz.isClass() ? "class" : "module";
    throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, "can't dump anonymous " + type + " ", types(runtime, clazz)));
  RubyModule real = clazz.isModule() ? clazz : ((RubyClass)clazz).getRealClass();
  Ruby runtime = clazz.getRuntime();
  // FIXME: This is weird why we do this.  rubyName should produce something which can be referred so what example
  // will this fail on?  If there is a failing case then passing asJavaString may be broken since it will not be
  // a properly encoded string.  If this is an issue we should make a clazz.IdPath where all segments are returned
  // by their id names.
  if (runtime.getClassFromPath(path.asJavaString()) != real) {
    throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, types(runtime, clazz), " can't be referred"));
  return path.asJavaString();




