
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Specify the table object since sometimes no connections
 * to the metastore will be opened.
 * @param table table object.
 * @return builder
public Builder withTableObject(Table table) {
 this.tableObject = table;
 this.isPartitioned = tableObject.getPartitionKeys() != null
   && !tableObject.getPartitionKeys().isEmpty();
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

static Map<String, String> createPtnKeyValueMap(Table table, Partition ptn)
  throws IOException {
  List<String> values = ptn.getValues();
  if (values.size() != table.getPartitionKeys().size()) {
   throw new IOException(
     "Partition values in partition inconsistent with table definition, table "
       + table.getTableName() + " has "
       + table.getPartitionKeys().size()
       + " partition keys, partition has " + values.size()
       + "partition values");

  Map<String, String> ptnKeyValues = new HashMap<String, String>();

  int i = 0;
  for (FieldSchema schema : table.getPartitionKeys()) {
   // CONCERN : the way this mapping goes, the order *needs* to be
   // preserved for table.getPartitionKeys() and ptn.getValues()
   ptnKeyValues.put(schema.getName().toLowerCase(), values.get(i));

  return ptnKeyValues;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * return the partition columns from a table instance
 * @param table the instance to extract partition columns from
 * @return HCatSchema instance which contains the partition columns
 * @throws IOException
public static HCatSchema getPartitionColumns(Table table) throws IOException {
 HCatSchema cols = new HCatSchema(new LinkedList<HCatFieldSchema>());
 if (table.getPartitionKeys().size() != 0) {
  for (FieldSchema fs : table.getPartitionKeys()) {
 return cols;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private static String getColTypeOf(Table tbl, String partKey) throws SemanticException{
 for (FieldSchema fs : tbl.getPartitionKeys()) {
  if (partKey.equalsIgnoreCase(fs.getName())) {
   return fs.getType().toLowerCase();
 throw new SemanticException("Unknown partition key : " + partKey);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public static HCatSchema getTableSchemaWithPtnCols(Table table) throws IOException {
 HCatSchema tableSchema = new HCatSchema(HCatUtil.getHCatFieldSchemaList(table.getCols()));
 if (table.getPartitionKeys().size() != 0) {
  // add partition keys to table schema
  // NOTE : this assumes that we do not ever have ptn keys as columns
  // inside the table schema as well!
  for (FieldSchema fs : table.getPartitionKeys()) {
 return tableSchema;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private String getColTypeOf (String partKey) throws SemanticException{
 for (FieldSchema fs : tbl.getPartitionKeys()) {
  if (partKey.equalsIgnoreCase(fs.getName())) {
   return fs.getType().toLowerCase();
 throw new SemanticException ("Unknown partition key : " + partKey);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Convert the partition value map to a value list in the partition key order.
 * @param table the table being written to
 * @param valueMap the partition value map
 * @return the partition value list
 * @throws
static List<String> getPartitionValueList(Table table, Map<String, String> valueMap) throws IOException {
 if (valueMap.size() != table.getPartitionKeys().size()) {
  throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUES,
   "Table "
    + table.getTableName() + " has " +
    table.getPartitionKeys().size() + " partition keys, got " +
 List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
 for (FieldSchema schema : table.getPartitionKeys()) {
  String value = valueMap.get(schema.getName().toLowerCase());
  if (value == null) {
   throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_MISSING_PARTITION_KEY,
    "Key " + schema.getName() + " of table " + table.getTableName());
 return values;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

protected void preparePartitioningFields() {
 final int numPartitions = table.getPartitionKeys().size();
 this.partitionFieldData = new Object[numPartitions];
 this.partitionObjInspectors = new ObjectInspector[numPartitions];
 int startIdx = inputRowObjectInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs().size() - numPartitions;
 int endIdx = inputRowObjectInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs().size();
 int j = 0;
 for (int i = startIdx; i < endIdx; i++) {
  StructField structField = inputRowObjectInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs().get(i);
  partitionObjInspectors[j++] = structField.getFieldObjectInspector();
 this.partitionStructFields = new StructField[partitionColumns.size()];
 for (int i = 0; i < partitionColumns.size(); i++) {
  String partCol = partitionColumns.get(i);
  partitionStructFields[i] = inputRowObjectInspector.getStructFieldRef(partCol);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public String[] getPartitionKeys(String location, Job job)
 throws IOException {
 Table table = phutil.getTable(location,
  hcatServerUri != null ? hcatServerUri : PigHCatUtil.getHCatServerUri(job),
  job);   // Pass job to initialize metastore conf overrides
 List<FieldSchema> tablePartitionKeys = table.getPartitionKeys();
 String[] partitionKeys = new String[tablePartitionKeys.size()];
 for (int i = 0; i < tablePartitionKeys.size(); i++) {
  partitionKeys[i] = tablePartitionKeys.get(i).getName();
 return partitionKeys;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

private void checkPartitionedTableCompatibility(Table desiredTargetTable, Table existingTargetTable)
  throws IOException {
 if (!desiredTargetTable.getDataLocation().equals(existingTargetTable.getDataLocation())) {
  throw new HiveTableLocationNotMatchException(desiredTargetTable.getDataLocation(),
 if (HiveUtils.isPartitioned(desiredTargetTable) != HiveUtils.isPartitioned(existingTargetTable)) {
  throw new IOException(String.format(
    "%s: Desired target table %s partitioned, existing target table %s partitioned. Tables are incompatible.",
    this.dataset.tableIdentifier, HiveUtils.isPartitioned(desiredTargetTable) ? "is" : "is not",
    HiveUtils.isPartitioned(existingTargetTable) ? "is" : "is not"));
 if (desiredTargetTable.isPartitioned()
   && !desiredTargetTable.getPartitionKeys().equals(existingTargetTable.getPartitionKeys())) {
  throw new IOException(String.format(
    "%s: Desired target table has partition keys %s, existing target table has partition keys %s. "
      + "Tables are incompatible.",
    this.dataset.tableIdentifier, gson.toJson(desiredTargetTable.getPartitionKeys()),

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private String getFinalDynamicPartitionDestination(Table table, Map<String, String> partKVs,
  OutputJobInfo jobInfo) {
 Path partPath = new Path(table.getTTable().getSd().getLocation());
 if (!customDynamicLocationUsed) {
  // file:///tmp/hcat_junit_warehouse/employee/_DYN0.7770480401313761/emp_country=IN/emp_state=KA  ->
  // file:///tmp/hcat_junit_warehouse/employee/emp_country=IN/emp_state=KA
  for (FieldSchema partKey : table.getPartitionKeys()) {
   partPath = constructPartialPartPath(partPath, partKey.getName().toLowerCase(), partKVs);
  return partPath.toString();
 } else {
  // if custom root specified, update the parent path
  if (jobInfo.getCustomDynamicRoot() != null
    && jobInfo.getCustomDynamicRoot().length() > 0) {
   partPath = new Path(partPath, jobInfo.getCustomDynamicRoot());
  return new Path(partPath, HCatFileUtil.resolveCustomPath(jobInfo, partKVs, false)).toString();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private void validateTable() throws InvalidTable, ConnectionError {
 try {
  tableObject = new Table(getMSC().getTable(database, table));
 } catch (Exception e) {
  LOG.warn("Unable to validate the table for connection: " + toConnectionInfoString(), e);
  throw new InvalidTable(database, table, e);
 // 1 - check that the table is Acid
 if (!AcidUtils.isFullAcidTable(tableObject)) {
  LOG.error("HiveEndPoint " + this + " must use an acid table");
  throw new InvalidTable(database, table, "is not an Acid table");
 if (tableObject.getPartitionKeys() != null && !tableObject.getPartitionKeys().isEmpty()) {
 } else {
 // partition values are specified on non-partitioned table
 if (!isPartitionedTable() && (staticPartitionValues != null && !staticPartitionValues.isEmpty())) {
  // Invalid if table is not partitioned, but endPoint's partitionVals is not empty
  String errMsg = this.toString() + " specifies partitions for un-partitioned table";
  throw new ConnectionError(errMsg);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Generate the statement of SELECT compute_stats(col1) compute_stats(col2),...,
 * similar to the one generated from ANALYZE TABLE t1 COMPUTE STATISTICS FOR COLUMNS,
 * but t1 is replaced by a TABLE(VALUES(cast(null as int),cast(null as string))) AS t1(col1,col2).
 * We use TABLE-VALUES statement for computing stats for CTAS statement because in those cases
 * the table has not been created yet. Once the plan for the SELECT statement is generated,
 * we connect it to the existing CTAS plan as we do for INSERT or INSERT OVERWRITE.
public void insertTableValuesAnalyzePipeline() throws SemanticException {
 // Instead of starting from analyze statement, we just generate the Select plan
 boolean isPartitionStats = conf.getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVE_STATS_COLLECT_PART_LEVEL_STATS) && tbl.isPartitioned();
 if (isPartitionStats) {
  partSpec = new HashMap<>();
  List<String> partKeys = Utilities.getColumnNamesFromFieldSchema(tbl.getPartitionKeys());
  for (String partKey : partKeys) {
   partSpec.put(partKey, null);
 String command = ColumnStatsSemanticAnalyzer.genRewrittenQuery(
   tbl, Utilities.getColumnNamesFromFieldSchema(tbl.getCols()), conf, partSpec, isPartitionStats, true);
 insertAnalyzePipeline(command, true);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

public HiveWorkUnit(HiveDataset hiveDataset, Partition partition) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public Properties getSchemaFromTableSchema(Properties tblSchema) {
 return MetaStoreUtils.getPartSchemaFromTableSchema(tPartition.getSd(), table.getTTable().getSd(),
   tPartition.getParameters(), table.getDbName(), table.getTableName(), table.getPartitionKeys(),

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-gobblin

public void testDroppedPartitions() throws Exception {
 WorkUnitState previousWus = new WorkUnitState();
 previousWus.setProp(ConfigurationKeys.DATASET_URN_KEY, "db@test_dataset_urn");
 previousWus.setProp(PartitionLevelWatermarker.IS_WATERMARK_WORKUNIT_KEY, true);
   .setActualHighWatermark(new MultiKeyValueLongWatermark(ImmutableMap.of("2015-01", 100l, "2015-02", 101l)));
 SourceState state = new SourceState(new State(), Lists.newArrayList(previousWus));
 PartitionLevelWatermarker watermarker = new PartitionLevelWatermarker(state);
 Table table = mockTable("test_dataset_urn");
 Mockito.when(table.getPartitionKeys()).thenReturn(ImmutableList.of(new FieldSchema("year", "string", "")));
 Partition partition2015 = mockPartition(table, ImmutableList.of("2015"));
 // partition 2015 replaces 2015-01 and 2015-02
   ImmutableMap.of(AbstractAvroToOrcConverter.REPLACED_PARTITIONS_HIVE_METASTORE_KEY, "2015-01|2015-02"));
 watermarker.onPartitionProcessBegin(partition2015, 0l, 0l);
 Assert.assertEquals(watermarker.getExpectedHighWatermarks().get("db@test_dataset_urn"), ImmutableMap.of("2015", 0l));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private boolean createDynPartSpec(ASTNode ast) {
 if(ast.getToken().getType() != HiveParser.TOK_CREATETABLE &&
   ast.getToken().getType() != HiveParser.TOK_CREATE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW &&
   ast.getToken().getType() != HiveParser.TOK_ALTER_MATERIALIZED_VIEW &&
   tableHandle.getPartitionKeys().size() > 0
   && (ast.getParent() != null && (ast.getParent().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_INSERT_INTO
   || ast.getParent().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_INSERT)
   || ast.getParent().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_DESTINATION
   || ast.getParent().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_ANALYZE)) {
  return true;
 return false;
public TableSpec(Hive db, HiveConf conf, ASTNode ast, boolean allowDynamicPartitionsSpec,

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public PartitionDesc(final Partition part, final TableDesc tableDesc) throws HiveException {
 PartitionDescConstructorHelper(part, tableDesc, true);
 if (Utilities.isInputFileFormatSelfDescribing(this)) {
  // if IF is self describing no need to send column info per partition, since its not used anyway.
  Table tbl = part.getTable();
    part.getParameters(), tbl.getDbName(), tbl.getTableName(), tbl.getPartitionKeys()));
 } else {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private DynamicPartitionCtx checkDynPart(QB qb, QBMetaData qbm, Table dest_tab,
                     Map<String, String> partSpec, String dest) throws SemanticException {
 List<FieldSchema> parts = dest_tab.getPartitionKeys();
 if (parts == null || parts.isEmpty()) {
  return null; // table is not partitioned
 if (partSpec == null || partSpec.size() == 0) { // user did NOT specify partition
  throw new SemanticException(generateErrorMessage(qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(dest),
 DynamicPartitionCtx dpCtx = qbm.getDPCtx(dest);
 if (dpCtx == null) {
  dest_tab.validatePartColumnNames(partSpec, false);
  dpCtx = new DynamicPartitionCtx(partSpec,
  qbm.setDPCtx(dest, dpCtx);
 if (!HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.DYNAMICPARTITIONING)) { // allow DP
  throw new SemanticException(generateErrorMessage(qb.getParseInfo().getDestForClause(dest),
 if ((dest_tab.getNumBuckets() > 0)) {
 return dpCtx;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public PartitionDesc(final Partition part) throws HiveException {
 PartitionDescConstructorHelper(part, getTableDesc(part.getTable()), true);
 if (Utilities.isInputFileFormatSelfDescribing(this)) {
  // if IF is self describing no need to send column info per partition, since its not used anyway.
  Table tbl = part.getTable();
  setProperties(MetaStoreUtils.getSchemaWithoutCols(part.getTPartition().getSd(), part.getTPartition().getSd(),
    part.getParameters(), tbl.getDbName(), tbl.getTableName(), tbl.getPartitionKeys()));
 } else {




