
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-core-utilities

 * copy views from the relevant span from ta to newTA.  If ta is smaller than newTA, map all constituents,
 *    changing offsets according to the value 'offset'.
 * Otherwise, only map those constituents within the span sourceStartTokenIndex, sourceEndTokenIndex to  newTA.
 * @param ta
 * @param newTA
 * @param sourceStartTokenIndex
 * @param sourceEndTokenIndex
 * @param offset
public static void copyViewsFromTo(TextAnnotation ta, TextAnnotation newTA, int sourceStartTokenIndex,
                  int sourceEndTokenIndex, int offset) {
  for (String vuName : ta.getAvailableViews()) {
    if (ViewNames.TOKENS.equals(vuName) || ViewNames.SENTENCE.equals(vuName))
    copyViewFromTo(vuName, ta, newTA, sourceStartTokenIndex, sourceEndTokenIndex, offset);

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

 * copy views from the relevant span from ta to newTA.  If ta is smaller than newTA, map all constituents,
 *    changing offsets according to the value 'offset'.
 * Otherwise, only map those constituents within the span sourceStartTokenIndex, sourceEndTokenIndex to  newTA.
 * @param ta
 * @param newTA
 * @param sourceStartTokenIndex
 * @param sourceEndTokenIndex
 * @param offset
public static void copyViewsFromTo(TextAnnotation ta, TextAnnotation newTA, int sourceStartTokenIndex,
                  int sourceEndTokenIndex, int offset) {
  for (String vuName : ta.getAvailableViews()) {
    if (ViewNames.TOKENS.equals(vuName) || ViewNames.SENTENCE.equals(vuName))
    copyViewFromTo(vuName, ta, newTA, sourceStartTokenIndex, sourceEndTokenIndex, offset);

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

public static String printTextAnnotation(TextAnnotation ta ) throws IOException
  StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
  bldr.append( "TextAnnotation for text: " );
  bldr.append( ta.getText() );
  for ( String vName: ta.getAvailableViews() ) {
    bldr.append(printView( ta.getView( vName )));
  return bldr.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-core-utilities

public static String printTextAnnotation(TextAnnotation ta ) throws IOException
  StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
  bldr.append( "TextAnnotation for text: " );
  bldr.append( ta.getText() );
  for ( String vName: ta.getAvailableViews() ) {
    bldr.append(printView( ta.getView( vName )));
  return bldr.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

static public void printTextAnnotation(PrintStream out, TextAnnotation ta) {
  out.println("TextAnnotation with id: " + ta.getId());
  String rawText = ta.getText();
  out.println("Raw Text: " + rawText);
  out.println("TextAnnotation Views:");
  for (String name : ta.getAvailableViews()) {
    out.println("View Name: " + name);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-core-utilities

static public void printTextAnnotation(PrintStream out, TextAnnotation ta) {
  out.println("TextAnnotation with id: " + ta.getId());
  String rawText = ta.getText();
  out.println("Raw Text: " + rawText);
  out.println("TextAnnotation Views:");
  for (String name : ta.getAvailableViews()) {
    out.println("View Name: " + name);

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId, String text)
    throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewProviders.keySet())
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId,
    String text, Tokenizer.Tokenization tokenization) throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text, tokenization);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewProviders.keySet())
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-curator

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId, String text)
    throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewProviders.keySet())
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-curator

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId,
    String text, Tokenizer.Tokenization tokenization) throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text, tokenization);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewProviders.keySet())
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId,
    String text, Set<String> viewNames) throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewNames)
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-curator

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId,
    String text, Set<String> viewNames) throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewNames)
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId,
    String text, Tokenizer.Tokenization tokenization, Set<String> viewNames)
    throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text, tokenization);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewNames)
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-curator

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId,
    String text, Tokenizer.Tokenization tokenization, Set<String> viewNames)
    throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text, tokenization);
  if (annotationCache != null && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    ta = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    // clone the views
    HashSet<String> views = new HashSet<>(viewProviders.keySet());
    if(views.size() == 0) {
      // it contains the required views; otherwise continue
      return ta;
  for (String viewName : viewNames)
    addView(ta, viewName);
  return ta;

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ServerClientAnnotator annotator = new ServerClientAnnotator();
    String sentA = "This is the best sentence ever.";
    annotator.setUrl("", "8080");
    annotator.setViews(ViewNames.POS, ViewNames.LEMMA);
    try {
      TextAnnotation ta = annotator.annotate(sentA);;
    } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-pipeline-client

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ServerClientAnnotator annotator = new ServerClientAnnotator();
    String sentA = "This is the best sentence ever.";
    annotator.setUrl("", "8080");
    annotator.setViews(ViewNames.POS, ViewNames.LEMMA);
    try {
      TextAnnotation ta = annotator.annotate(sentA);;
    } catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId, String text, Set<String> viewsToAnnotate) throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text);
  // if it already contains its, return it.
  if (!forceUpdate && !disableCache && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    TextAnnotation taFromCache = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    boolean containsAll = true;
    for(String vu : viewsToAnnotate) {
      if(!taFromCache.getAvailableViews().contains(vu)) {
        containsAll = false;
    if(containsAll) return taFromCache;
  return addViewsAndCache(ta, viewsToAnnotate, false);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-core-utilities

public TextAnnotation createAnnotatedTextAnnotation(String corpusId, String textId, String text, Set<String> viewsToAnnotate) throws AnnotatorException {
  TextAnnotation ta = createBasicTextAnnotation(corpusId, textId, text);
  // if it already contains its, return it.
  if (!forceUpdate && !disableCache && annotationCache.contains(ta)) {
    TextAnnotation taFromCache = annotationCache.getTextAnnotation(ta);
    boolean containsAll = true;
    for(String vu : viewsToAnnotate) {
      if(!taFromCache.getAvailableViews().contains(vu)) {
        containsAll = false;
    if(containsAll) return taFromCache;
  return addViewsAndCache(ta, viewsToAnnotate, false);

代码示例来源:origin: CogComp/cogcomp-nlp

  protected void addView(TextAnnotation ta) throws AnnotatorException {
    SpanLabelView view = new SpanLabelView(ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, ta, 1.0);
    assert ta.getAvailableViews().contains(ViewNames.SHALLOW_PARSE) && ta.getAvailableViews().contains(ViewNames.NER_CONLL) &&
        ta.getAvailableViews().contains(ViewNames.NER_ONTONOTES): "the annotator does not have the required views ";
    String fineLabel = fine.discreteValue(ta);
    Double fineLabelScore = fine.scores(ta).getScore(fineLabel).score;
    String coarseLabel = coarse.discreteValue(ta);
    Double coarseLabelScore = coarse.scores(ta).getScore(coarseLabel).score;
    Constituent cFine = new Constituent(fineLabel, fineLabelScore, ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE,
        ta, 0, ta.getTokens().length);
    Constituent cCoarse = new Constituent(coarseLabel, coarseLabelScore, ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, ta, 0, ta.getTokens().length);
    ta.addView(ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, view);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp/illinois-question-typer

  protected void addView(TextAnnotation ta) throws AnnotatorException {
    SpanLabelView view = new SpanLabelView(ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, ta, 1.0);
    assert ta.getAvailableViews().contains(ViewNames.SHALLOW_PARSE) && ta.getAvailableViews().contains(ViewNames.NER_CONLL) &&
        ta.getAvailableViews().contains(ViewNames.NER_ONTONOTES): "the annotator does not have the required views ";
    String fineLabel = fine.discreteValue(ta);
    Double fineLabelScore = fine.scores(ta).getScore(fineLabel).score;
    String coarseLabel = coarse.discreteValue(ta);
    Double coarseLabelScore = coarse.scores(ta).getScore(coarseLabel).score;
    Constituent cFine = new Constituent(fineLabel, fineLabelScore, ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE,
        ta, 0, ta.getTokens().length);
    Constituent cCoarse = new Constituent(coarseLabel, coarseLabelScore, ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, ta, 0, ta.getTokens().length);
    ta.addView(ViewNames.QUESTION_TYPE, view);
