
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

public TObjectHashIterator<E> iterator() {
  return new TObjectHashIterator<E>(this) {
    TIntIterator localIterator = order.iterator();
    int lastIndex;

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

public TIntLinkedList(TIntList list) {
  no_entry_value = list.getNoEntryValue();
  for (TIntIterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
    int next =;

代码示例来源:origin: opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner

 * Calculates Stats for the transfer to the given ride from the previous ride. 
 * This should only be called after all PatternRides have been added to the ride.
 * Distances can be stored in rides, including the first and last distance. But waits must be
 * calculated from full sets of patterns, which are not known until a round is over.
public Stats calcStatsForTransfer (TimeWindow window, double walkSpeed) {
  TIntList arrivals = previous.getSortedStoptimes(window, true);
  TIntList departures = this.getSortedStoptimes(window, false);
  List<Integer> waits = Lists.newArrayList();
  TIntIterator departureIterator = departures.iterator();
  int departure =;
  ARRIVAL : for (TIntIterator arrivalsIterator = arrivals.iterator(); arrivalsIterator.hasNext();) {
    int arrival =;
    // On transfers the access stats should have max=min=avg
    // We use the min, which would be best if min != max since it should only relax the bounds somewhat.
    int boardTime = arrival + accessStats.min + ProfileRouter.SLACK;
    while (departure <= boardTime) {
      if (!departureIterator.hasNext()) break ARRIVAL;
      departure =;
    waits.add(departure - boardTime);
  /* Waits list may be empty if no transfers are possible. */
  if (waits.isEmpty()) return null; // Impossible to make this transfer.
  return new Stats (waits);

代码示例来源:origin: MovingBlocks/Terasology

private int calculateTotal(int base, TFloatList multipliers, TIntList modifiers) {
  // For now, add all modifiers and multiply by all multipliers. Negative modifiers cap to zero, but negative
  // multipliers remain (so damage can be flipped to healing)
  float total = base;
  TIntIterator modifierIter = modifiers.iterator();
  while (modifierIter.hasNext()) {
    total +=;
  total = Math.max(0, total);
  if (total == 0) {
    return 0;
  TFloatIterator multiplierIter = multipliers.iterator();
  while (multiplierIter.hasNext()) {
    total *=;
  return TeraMath.floorToInt(total);

代码示例来源:origin: opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner

 * Produce stats about boarding an initial Ride, which has no previous ride.
 * This assumes arrival times are uniformly distributed during the window.
 * The Ride must contain some trips, and the window must have a positive duration.
public Stats calcStatsForBoarding(TimeWindow window) {
  Stats stats = new Stats ();
  stats.min = 0; // You can always arrive just before a train departs.
  TIntList departures = getSortedStoptimes(window, false);
  int last = window.from;
  double avgAccumulated = 0.0;
  /* All departures in the list are known to be running and within the window. */
  for (TIntIterator it = departures.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
    int dep =;
    int maxWait = dep - last;
    if (maxWait > stats.max) stats.max = maxWait;
    /* Weight the average of each interval by the number of seconds it contains. */
    avgAccumulated += (maxWait / 2.0) * maxWait; 
    stats.num += maxWait;
    last = dep;
  if (stats.num > 0) {
    stats.avg = (int) (avgAccumulated / stats.num);
  return stats;

代码示例来源:origin: MovingBlocks/Terasology

TIntIterator indexIterator = elements.indices.iterator();
while (indexIterator.hasNext()) {

代码示例来源:origin: MovingBlocks/Terasology

private void createIndexBuffer(TIntList indexList) {
  IntBuffer indexBuffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(indexList.size());
  TIntIterator iterator = indexList.iterator();
  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
  if (disposalAction.vboIndexBuffer == 0) {
    disposalAction.vboIndexBuffer = disposalAction.bufferPool.get(getUrn().toString());
  VertexBufferObjectUtil.bufferVboElementData(disposalAction.vboIndexBuffer, indexBuffer, GL15.GL_STATIC_DRAW);

代码示例来源:origin: opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner

for (TIntIterator it = stopForIndex.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
  int stop =;
  TIntList transfers = new TIntArrayList();
  for (TIntIterator stopIt = stopForIndex.iterator(); stopIt.hasNext();) {
    int stop =;
  for (TIntIterator stopIt = stopForIndex.iterator(); stopIt.hasNext();) {

代码示例来源:origin: de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki/elki

 * Compute the centroid for each class.
 * @param dim Dimensionality
 * @param vectorcolumn Vector column
 * @param keys Key index
 * @param classes Classes
 * @return Centroids for each class.
protected List<Centroid> computeCentroids(int dim, List<V> vectorcolumn, List<ClassLabel> keys, Map<ClassLabel, TIntList> classes) {
 final int numc = keys.size();
 List<Centroid> centroids = new ArrayList<>(numc);
 for (int i = 0; i < numc; i++) {
  Centroid c = new Centroid(dim);
  // Note: GNU Trove iterator, not ELKI style!
  for (TIntIterator it = classes.get(keys.get(i)).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 return centroids;

代码示例来源:origin: com.flowpowered/caustic-api

 * Replaces the current buffer data with the list of bytes in the give {@link gnu.trove.list.TIntList} This method arbitrarily creates data for the ByteBuffer regardless of the data type of the
 * vertex attribute.
 * @param list to set
public void setData(TIntList list) {
  this.buffer = CausticUtil.createByteBuffer(list.size() * DataType.INT.getByteSize());
  final TIntIterator iterator = list.iterator();
  while (iterator.hasNext()) {

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.trove4j/trove4j

public TIntLinkedList(TIntList list) {
  no_entry_value = list.getNoEntryValue();
  for (TIntIterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
    int next =;

代码示例来源:origin: com.palantir.patches.sourceforge/trove3

public TIntLinkedList(TIntList list) {
  no_entry_value = list.getNoEntryValue();
  for (TIntIterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
    int next =;

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

 * Get a single best state at a vertex. NB this should not be used for propagating to samples, as you need to apply
 * turn costs/restrictions during propagation.
public State getStateAtVertex (int vertexIndex) {
  State ret = null;
  TIntList edgeList;
  if (profileRequest.reverseSearch) {
    edgeList = streetLayer.outgoingEdges.get(vertexIndex);
  } else {
    edgeList = streetLayer.incomingEdges.get(vertexIndex);
  for (TIntIterator it = edgeList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
    int eidx =;
    State state = getStateAtEdge(eidx);
    if (state == null) continue;
    if (ret == null) ret = state;
    else if (ret.getRoutingVariable(quantityToMinimize) > state.getRoutingVariable(quantityToMinimize)) {
      ret = state;
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

 * Get a single best state at a vertex. NB this should not be used for propagating to samples, as you need to apply
 * turn costs/restrictions during propagation.
public State getStateAtVertex (int vertexIndex) {
  State ret = null;
  TIntList edgeList;
  if (profileRequest.reverseSearch) {
    edgeList = streetLayer.outgoingEdges.get(vertexIndex);
  } else {
    edgeList = streetLayer.incomingEdges.get(vertexIndex);
  for (TIntIterator it = edgeList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
    int eidx =;
    State state = getStateAtEdge(eidx);
    if (state == null) continue;
    if (ret == null) ret = state;
    else if (ret.getRoutingVariable(quantityToMinimize) > state.getRoutingVariable(quantityToMinimize)) {
      ret = state;
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: numenta/

 * Returns true if any of the on bit indexes of the specified collection are
 * matched by the on bits of this matrix. It is allowed that 
 * this matrix have more on bits than the specified matrix.
 * @param matrix
 * @return
public boolean any(TIntList onBits) {
  TIntSet keySet = getSparseSet();
  for(TIntIterator i = onBits.iterator();i.hasNext();) {
    if(keySet.contains( return true;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

for (TIntIterator patternIt = patterns.iterator(); patternIt.hasNext();) {
  int pattern =;

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

for (TIntIterator patternIt = patterns.iterator(); patternIt.hasNext();) {
  int pattern =;

代码示例来源:origin: guokr/simbase

private void processDenseChangedEvt(VectorSet evtSrc, int vecid, float[] vector) {
  if (evtSrc == this.source) {
    target.rescore(source.key(), vecid, vector, this);
  } else if (evtSrc == {
    int tgtVecId = vecid;
    TIntIterator iter = sorterKeys.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      int srcVecId =;
      float score = scoring.score(source.key(), srcVecId, source.get(srcVecId), target.key(), tgtVecId,
      add(srcVecId, tgtVecId, score);

代码示例来源:origin: guokr/simbase

private void processSparseChangedEvt(VectorSet evtSrc, int vecid, int[] vector) {
  if (evtSrc == this.source) {
    target.rescore(source.key(), vecid, vector, this);
  } else if (evtSrc == {
    int tgtVecId = vecid;
    TIntIterator iter = sorterKeys.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      int srcVecId =;
      float score = scoring.score(source.key(), srcVecId, source._get(srcVecId), source.length(srcVecId),
          target.key(), tgtVecId, vector, vector.length);
      add(srcVecId, tgtVecId, score);

代码示例来源:origin: guokr/simbase

reverseIndexer = new TIntObjectHashMap<TIntSet>();
TIntIterator iter = oldSorterKeys.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
  int srcId =;
