
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Get component's metric from registered metrics by name. Notice: Normally, one component can only register one metric name once. But now registerMetric has a bug( cause the same metric name can register twice. So we just return the first metric we meet.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/storm

if (getRegisteredMetricByName(name) != null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("The same metric name `" + name + "` was registered twice.");

代码示例来源:origin: apache/storm

private void handleMetrics(ShellMsg shellMsg) {
  //get metric name
  String name = shellMsg.getMetricName();
  if (name.isEmpty()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Receive Metrics name is empty");
  //get metric by name
  IMetric iMetric = _context.getRegisteredMetricByName(name);
  if (iMetric == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Could not find metric by name[" + name + "] ");
  if (!(iMetric instanceof IShellMetric)) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Metric[" + name + "] is not IShellMetric, can not call by RPC");
  IShellMetric iShellMetric = (IShellMetric) iMetric;
  //call updateMetricFromRPC with params
  Object paramsObj = shellMsg.getMetricParams();
  try {
  } catch (RuntimeException re) {
    throw re;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/storm

private void handleMetrics(ShellMsg shellMsg) {
  //get metric name
  String name = shellMsg.getMetricName();
  if (name.isEmpty()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Receive Metrics name is empty");
  //get metric by name
  IMetric iMetric = _context.getRegisteredMetricByName(name);
  if (iMetric == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Could not find metric by name[" + name + "] ");
  if (!(iMetric instanceof IShellMetric)) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Metric[" + name + "] is not IShellMetric, can not call by RPC");
  IShellMetric iShellMetric = (IShellMetric) iMetric;
  //call updateMetricFromRPC with params
  Object paramsObj = shellMsg.getMetricParams();
  try {
  } catch (RuntimeException re) {
    throw re;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.storm/storm-core

if (getRegisteredMetricByName(name) != null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("The same metric name `" + name + "` was registered twice." );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.storm/storm-core

private void handleMetrics(ShellMsg shellMsg) {
  //get metric name
  String name = shellMsg.getMetricName();
  if (name.isEmpty()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Receive Metrics name is empty");
  //get metric by name
  IMetric iMetric = _context.getRegisteredMetricByName(name);
  if (iMetric == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Could not find metric by name["+name+"] ");
  if ( !(iMetric instanceof IShellMetric)) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Metric["+name+"] is not IShellMetric, can not call by RPC");
  IShellMetric iShellMetric = (IShellMetric)iMetric;
  //call updateMetricFromRPC with params
  Object paramsObj = shellMsg.getMetricParams();
  try {
  } catch (RuntimeException re) {
    throw re;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.storm/storm-core

private void handleMetrics(ShellMsg shellMsg) {
  //get metric name
  String name = shellMsg.getMetricName();
  if (name.isEmpty()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Receive Metrics name is empty");
  //get metric by name
  IMetric iMetric = _context.getRegisteredMetricByName(name);
  if (iMetric == null) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Could not find metric by name["+name+"] ");
  if ( !(iMetric instanceof IShellMetric)) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Metric["+name+"] is not IShellMetric, can not call by RPC");
  IShellMetric iShellMetric = (IShellMetric)iMetric;
  //call updateMetricFromRPC with params
  Object paramsObj = shellMsg.getMetricParams();
  try {
  } catch (RuntimeException re) {
    throw re;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);



