
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-15 转载在 其他  



[英]Only delegate to Filters#filter(Object[]) so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all AssertJ features (but you can use Filters if you prefer).

Note that the given Iterable is not modified, the filters are performed on a copy.

Typical usage with Condition :

assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);

and with filter language based on java bean property :

.containsOnly(james, rose);


assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);

并使用基于java bean属性的过滤语言:

.containsOnly(james, rose);


代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core

 * Only delegate to {@link Filters#filter(Object[])} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all
 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Filters} if you prefer).
 * <p>
 * Note that the given array is not modified, the filters are performed on an {@link Iterable} copy of the array.
 * <p>
 * Typical usage with {@link Condition} :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * <p>
 * and with filter language based on java bean property :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).with(&quot;pointsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(20).and(&quot;assistsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(7).get())
 *           .containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * @param <E> the array elements type.
 * @param array the array to filter.
 * @return the created <code>{@link Filters}</code>.
default <E> Filters<E> filter(final E[] array) {
 return Assertions.filter(array);

代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core

 * Only delegate to {@link Filters#filter(Object[])} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all
 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Filters} if you prefer).
 * <p>
 * Note that the given {@link Iterable} is not modified, the filters are performed on a copy.
 * <p>
 * Typical usage with {@link Condition} :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * <p>
 * and with filter language based on java bean property :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).with(&quot;pointsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(20)
 *                           .and(&quot;assistsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(7).get())
 *           .containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * @param <E> the {@link Iterable} elements type.
 * @param iterableToFilter the {@code Iterable} to filter.
 * @return the created <code>{@link Filters}</code>.
default <E> Filters<E> filter(final Iterable<E> iterableToFilter) {
 return Assertions.filter(iterableToFilter);

代码示例来源:origin: joel-costigliola/assertj-core

 * Only delegate to {@link Filters#filter(Object[])} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all
 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Filters} if you prefer).
 * <p>
 * Note that the given array is not modified, the filters are performed on an {@link Iterable} copy of the array.
 * <p>
 * Typical usage with {@link Condition} :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * <p>
 * and with filter language based on java bean property :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).with(&quot;pointsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(20).and(&quot;assistsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(7).get())
 *           .containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * @param <E> the array elements type.
 * @param array the array to filter.
 * @return the created <code>{@link Filters}</code>.
default <E> Filters<E> filter(final E[] array) {
 return Assertions.filter(array);

代码示例来源:origin: joel-costigliola/assertj-core

 * Only delegate to {@link Filters#filter(Object[])} so that Assertions offers a full feature entry point to all
 * AssertJ features (but you can use {@link Filters} if you prefer).
 * <p>
 * Note that the given {@link Iterable} is not modified, the filters are performed on a copy.
 * <p>
 * Typical usage with {@link Condition} :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).being(potentialMVP).get()).containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * <p>
 * and with filter language based on java bean property :
 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(filter(players).with(&quot;pointsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(20)
 *                           .and(&quot;assistsPerGame&quot;).greaterThan(7).get())
 *           .containsOnly(james, rose);</code></pre>
 * @param <E> the {@link Iterable} elements type.
 * @param iterableToFilter the {@code Iterable} to filter.
 * @return the created <code>{@link Filters}</code>.
default <E> Filters<E> filter(final Iterable<E> iterableToFilter) {
 return Assertions.filter(iterableToFilter);

代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core-java8

  * Delegate call to {@link org.assertj.core.api.Assertions#filter(Iterable)}
 default public <E> Filters<E> filter(final Iterable<E> iterableToFilter) {
  return Assertions.filter(iterableToFilter);

代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core-java8

 * Delegate call to {@link org.assertj.core.api.Assertions#filter(E[])}
default public <E> Filters<E> filter(final E[] array) {
 return Assertions.filter(array);
