
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Gets the component id for the specified task id. The component id maps to a component id specified for a Spout or Bolt in the topology definition.


代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/jstorm

 * Gets the component id for this task. The component id maps to a component id specified for a Spout or Bolt
 * in the topology definition.
public String getThisComponentId() {
  return getComponentId(_taskId);

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

 * Gets the id of the component that created this tuple.
public String getSourceComponent() {
  return context.getComponentId(taskId);

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

 * Gets the component id for this task. The component id maps
 * to a component id specified for a Spout or Bolt in the topology definition.
 * @return
public String getThisComponentId() {
  return getComponentId(_taskId);

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/jstorm

private TransactionState getLastestCommittedState(int taskId) {
  TransactionState ret = null;
  String componentId = context.getComponentId(taskId);
  TreeSet<Long> batchIds = new TreeSet<Long>(inprogressSnapshots.keySet());
  Long batchId = null;
  while ((batchId = batchIds.pollLast()) != null) {
    BatchStateTracker tracker = inprogressSnapshots.get(batchId);
    Map<Integer, TransactionState> states = tracker.getComponentStates(componentId);
    if (states != null && (ret = states.get(taskId)) != null)
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

public Tuple(TopologyContext context, List<Object> values, int taskId, String streamId, MessageId id) {
  this.values = values;
  this.taskId = taskId;
  this.streamId = streamId; = id;
  this.context = context;
  String componentId = context.getComponentId(taskId);
  Fields schema = context.getComponentOutputFields(componentId, streamId);
  if(values.size()!=schema.size()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Tuple created with wrong number of fields. " +
        "Expected " + schema.size() + " fields but got " +
        values.size() + " fields");

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

public java.util.Set<Integer> get(Integer out_task_id, String stream, List<Object> tuple) {
if (stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG).equals(Boolean.TRUE)) {"Emitting direct: " + out_task_id + "; "    + taskReadableName + " " + stream );
String target_component = topologyContext.getComponentId(out_task_id);
Map<String, MkGrouper> component_prouping = streamComponentgrouper.get(stream);
MkGrouper grouping = component_prouping.get(target_component);
if (grouping != null && ! {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot emitDirect to a task expecting a regular grouping");
// ͳ
if (emitSampler.getResult()) {
  Stats.emitted_tuple(taskStats, stream);
  if (out_task_id != null) {
  Stats.transferred_tuples(taskStats, stream, 1);
java.util.Set<Integer> out_tasks = new HashSet<Integer>();
return out_tasks;

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

public Tuple deserialize(byte[] ser) {
    try {
      ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(ser);
      DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(bin);
      int taskId = WritableUtils.readVInt(in);
      int streamId = WritableUtils.readVInt(in);
      String componentName = _context.getComponentId(taskId);
      String streamName = _ids.getStreamName(componentName, streamId);
      MessageId id = MessageId.deserialize(in);
      List<Object> values = _kryo.deserializeFrom(bin);
      return new Tuple(_context, values, taskId, streamName, id);
    } catch(IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/jstorm

CustomStreamGrouping g = Thrift.instantiateJavaObject(jobj);
int myTaskId = topologyContext.getThisTaskId();
String componentId = topologyContext.getComponentId(myTaskId);
GlobalStreamId stream = new GlobalStreamId(componentId, streamId);
customGrouper = new MkCustomGrouper(topologyContext, g, stream, outTasks, myTaskId);
CustomStreamGrouping g = (CustomStreamGrouping) Utils.javaDeserialize(obj);
int myTaskId = topologyContext.getThisTaskId();
String componentId = topologyContext.getComponentId(myTaskId);
GlobalStreamId stream = new GlobalStreamId(componentId, streamId);
customGrouper = new MkCustomGrouper(topologyContext, g, stream, outTasks, myTaskId);


 * Gets the component id for this task. The component id maps to a component id specified for a Spout or Bolt in the topology definition.
 * @return
public String getThisComponentId() {
  return getComponentId(_taskId);

代码示例来源:origin: com.n3twork.storm/storm-core

 * Gets the component id for this task. The component id maps
 * to a component id specified for a Spout or Bolt in the topology definition.
 * @return
public String getThisComponentId() {
  return getComponentId(_taskId);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/eagle

private int calculatePartitionId(TopologyContext context) {
  int thisGlobalTaskId = context.getThisTaskId();
  String componentName = context.getComponentId(thisGlobalTaskId);
  List<Integer> globalTaskIds = context.getComponentTasks(componentName);
  numTotalPartitions = globalTaskIds.size();
  int index = 0;
  for (Integer id : globalTaskIds) {
    if (id == thisGlobalTaskId) {
      return index;
  throw new IllegalStateException();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/eagle

private int calculatePartitionId(TopologyContext context) {
  int thisGlobalTaskId = context.getThisTaskId();
  String componentName = context.getComponentId(thisGlobalTaskId);
  List<Integer> globalTaskIds = context.getComponentTasks(componentName);
  int index = 0;
  for (Integer id : globalTaskIds) {
    if (id == thisGlobalTaskId) {
      return index;
  throw new IllegalStateException();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.eagle/eagle-storm-jobrunning-spout

 * TODO: just copy this part from jobHistorySpout, need to move it to a common place
 * @param context
 * @return
private int calculatePartitionId(TopologyContext context){
  int thisGlobalTaskId = context.getThisTaskId();
  String componentName = context.getComponentId(thisGlobalTaskId);
  List<Integer> globalTaskIds = context.getComponentTasks(componentName);
  int index = 0;
  for(Integer id : globalTaskIds){
    if(id == thisGlobalTaskId){
      return index;
  throw new IllegalStateException();


CustomStreamGrouping g = Thrift.instantiateJavaObject(jobj);
int myTaskId = topology_context.getThisTaskId();
String componentId = topology_context.getComponentId(myTaskId);
GlobalStreamId stream = new GlobalStreamId(componentId, streamId);
custom_grouper = new MkCustomGrouper(topology_context, g, stream, out_tasks, myTaskId);
CustomStreamGrouping g = (CustomStreamGrouping) Utils.javaDeserialize(obj);
int myTaskId = topology_context.getThisTaskId();
String componentId = topology_context.getComponentId(myTaskId);
GlobalStreamId stream = new GlobalStreamId(componentId, streamId);
custom_grouper = new MkCustomGrouper(topology_context, g, stream, out_tasks, myTaskId);



