
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-15 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven/maven-project

public Object getKey()
  return "project " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven/maven-project

private String getRelocationKey( Artifact artifact )
  return artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId() + ":" + artifact.getVersion();

代码示例来源:origin: simpligility/android-maven-plugin

private boolean matchesTarget( Artifact found )
  return found.getGroupId().equals( target.getGroupId() )
      && found.getArtifactId().equals( target.getArtifactId() )
      && found.getVersion().equals( target.getVersion() )
      && found.getType().equals( target.getType() )
      && classifierMatch( found.getClassifier(), target.getClassifier() )

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

private ModelSource createStubModelSource( Artifact artifact )
  StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 1024 );
  buffer.append( "<?xml version='1.0'?>" );
  buffer.append( "<project>" );
  buffer.append( "<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>" );
  buffer.append( "<groupId>" ).append( artifact.getGroupId() ).append( "</groupId>" );
  buffer.append( "<artifactId>" ).append( artifact.getArtifactId() ).append( "</artifactId>" );
  buffer.append( "<version>" ).append( artifact.getBaseVersion() ).append( "</version>" );
  buffer.append( "<packaging>" ).append( artifact.getType() ).append( "</packaging>" );
  buffer.append( "</project>" );
  return new StringModelSource( buffer, artifact.getId() );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid

/** @return Returns the full path of the original chop-runner jar file in the local maven repository */
public String getRunnerInLocalRepo() {
  String path = localRepository;
  Artifact chopPluginArtifact = plugin.getPluginArtifact();
  path += "/" + chopPluginArtifact.getGroupId().replace( '.', '/' ) + "/chop-runner/" +
      chopPluginArtifact.getVersion() + "/chop-runner-" + chopPluginArtifact.getVersion() + ".jar";
  return path;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven/maven-artifact

protected AbstractArtifactResolutionException( String message,
                        Artifact artifact,
                        List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories,
                        Throwable t )
  this( message, artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getType(),
    artifact.getClassifier(), remoteRepositories, artifact.getDependencyTrail(), t );
  this.artifact = artifact;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven/maven-artifact

public static String key( Artifact artifact )
  return key( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion() );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public Object getKey()
  return "artifact " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven/maven-project

 * Gets the repository conflict id of the specified artifact. Unlike the dependency conflict id, the repository
 * conflict id uses the artifact file extension instead of the artifact type. Hence, the repository conflict id more
 * closely reflects the identity of artifacts as perceived by a repository.
 * @param artifact The artifact, must not be <code>null</code>.
 * @return The repository conflict id, never <code>null</code>.
private String getRepositoryConflictId( Artifact artifact )
  StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( 128 );
  buffer.append( artifact.getGroupId() );
  buffer.append( ':' ).append( artifact.getArtifactId() );
  if ( artifact.getArtifactHandler() != null )
    buffer.append( ':' ).append( artifact.getArtifactHandler().getExtension() );
    buffer.append( ':' ).append( artifact.getType() );
  if ( artifact.hasClassifier() )
    buffer.append( ':' ).append( artifact.getClassifier() );
  return buffer.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

protected AbstractArtifactResolutionException( String message,
                        Artifact artifact,
                        List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories,
                        Throwable t )
  this( message, artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getType(),
    artifact.getClassifier(), remoteRepositories, artifact.getDependencyTrail(), t );
  this.artifact = artifact;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public static String key( Artifact artifact )
  return key( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion() );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public Object getKey()
  return "project " + artifact.getGroupId() + ":" + artifact.getArtifactId();

代码示例来源:origin: simpligility/android-maven-plugin

getLog().debug( "Generating incomplete R file for apklib: " + apklibArtifact.getGroupId()
    + ":" + apklibArtifact.getArtifactId() );
final File apklibManifest = new File( unpackDir, "AndroidManifest.xml" );
final File apklibResDir = new File( unpackDir, "res" );
  final String extension = dependency.getType();
  final File dependencyResDir = getUnpackedLibResourceFolder( dependency );
  if ( ( extension.equals( APKLIB ) || extension.equals( AAR ) ) && dependencyResDir.exists() )
  final String extension = dependency.getType();
  final File dependencyAssetsDir = getUnpackedLibAssetsFolder( dependency );
  if ( ( extension.equals( APKLIB ) || extension.equals( AAR ) ) )

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven/maven-project

public AttachedArtifact( Artifact parent, String type, String classifier, ArtifactHandler artifactHandler )
  super( parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersionRange(), parent.getScope(), type,
      classifier, artifactHandler, parent.isOptional() );
  setDependencyTrail( Collections.singletonList( parent.getId() ) );
  this.parent = parent;
  if ( getId().equals( parent.getId() ) )
    throw new InvalidArtifactRTException( parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion(), parent.getType(), "An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact." );

代码示例来源:origin: jooby-project/jooby

private Set<Artifact> references(final MavenProject project) {
 MavenProject parent = project.getParent();
 if (parent != null) {
  List<String> modules = parent.getModules();
  if (modules != null) {
   Set<Artifact> artifacts = new LinkedHashSet<Artifact>(mavenProject.getArtifacts());
   String groupId = project.getGroupId();
   String version = project.getVersion();
     .filter(a -> a.getGroupId().equals(groupId) && a.getVersion().equals(version)
       && modules.contains(a.getArtifactId()))
 return Collections.emptySet();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

private boolean isWagonProvider( Artifact artifact )
  if ( "org.apache.maven.wagon".equals( artifact.getGroupId() ) )
    return artifact.getArtifactId().startsWith( "wagon-" );
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public ArtifactNotFoundException( String message, Artifact artifact )
  this( message, artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getType(),
     artifact.getClassifier(), null, artifact.getDownloadUrl(), artifact.getDependencyTrail() );

代码示例来源:origin: jeremylong/DependencyCheck

 * Determines if the groupId, artifactId, and version of the Maven
 * dependency and artifact match.
 * @param d the Maven dependency
 * @param a the Maven artifact
 * @return true if the groupId, artifactId, and version match
private static boolean artifactsMatch(org.apache.maven.model.Dependency d, Artifact a) {
  return (isEqualOrNull(a.getArtifactId(), d.getArtifactId()))
      && (isEqualOrNull(a.getGroupId(), d.getGroupId()))
      && (isEqualOrNull(a.getVersion(), d.getVersion()));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public boolean include( Artifact artifact )
  String id = artifact.getArtifactId();
  if ( excludes.contains( id ) )
    return false;
  id = artifact.getGroupId() + ':' + id;
  return !excludes.contains( id );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

protected ArtifactNotFoundException( String message, Artifact artifact,
                   List<ArtifactRepository> remoteRepositories, Throwable cause )
  this( message, artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(), artifact.getType(),
     artifact.getClassifier(), remoteRepositories, artifact.getDownloadUrl(), artifact.getDependencyTrail(),
     cause );



