
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

/** Creates a potentially noop span representing this request */
// copy/pasted from HttpServerHandler.nextSpan
Span nextSpan(TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted, HttpRequest request) {
 Boolean sampled = extracted.sampled();
 // only recreate the context if the http sampler made a decision
 if (sampled == null && (sampled = sampler.trySample(adapter, request)) != null) {
  extracted = extracted.sampled(sampled.booleanValue());
 return extracted.context() != null
   ? tracer.joinSpan(extracted.context())
   : tracer.nextSpan(extracted);

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

/** Creates a potentially noop span representing this request */
Span nextSpan(TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted, Req request) {
 Boolean sampled = extracted.sampled();
 // only recreate the context if the http sampler made a decision
 if (sampled == null && (sampled = sampler.trySample(adapter, request)) != null) {
  extracted = extracted.sampled(sampled.booleanValue());
 return extracted.context() != null
   ? tracer.joinSpan(extracted.context())
   : tracer.nextSpan(extracted);

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

void verifyRoundTrip(TraceContextOrSamplingFlags expected) {
 TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = propagation.extractor(mapEntry).extract(map);
 Map<K, String> injected = new LinkedHashMap<>();
 if (expected.context() != null) {
  propagation.injector(mapEntry).inject(expected.context(), injected);
 } else {
  inject(injected, expected.samplingFlags());

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

/** Returns a mapping of any fields in the extraction result. */
public static Map<String, String> getAll(TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted) {
 if (extracted == null) throw new NullPointerException("extracted == null");
 TraceContext extractedContext = extracted.context();
 if (extractedContext != null) return getAll(extractedContext);
 PropagationFields fields = TraceContext.findExtra(Extra.class, extracted.extra());
 return fields != null ? fields.toMap() : Collections.emptyMap();

代码示例来源:origin: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth

 * Use this to create a span for processing the given message. Note: the result has no
 * name and is not started.
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * This creates a child from identifiers extracted from the message headers, or a new
 * span if one couldn't be extracted.
public Span nextSpan(Message<?> message) {
  MessageHeaderAccessor headers = mutableHeaderAccessor(message);
  TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = this.extractor.extract(headers);
  Span result = this.tracer.nextSpan(extracted);
  if (extracted.context() == null && !result.isNoop()) {
    addTags(message, result, null);
  if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug("Created a new span " + result);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

KafkaTracing(Builder builder) { // intentionally hidden constructor
 this.tracing = builder.tracing;
 this.extractor = tracing.propagation().extractor(KafkaPropagation.GETTER);
 List<String> keyList = builder.tracing.propagation().keys();
 // Use a more efficient injector if we are only propagating a single header
 if (builder.writeB3SingleFormat || keyList.equals(Propagation.B3_SINGLE_STRING.keys())) {
  TraceContext testExtraction = extractor.extract(B3_SINGLE_TEST_HEADERS).context();
  if (!TEST_CONTEXT.equals(testExtraction)) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(
     "KafkaTracing.Builder.writeB3SingleFormat set, but Tracing.Builder.propagationFactory cannot parse this format!");
  this.injector = KafkaPropagation.B3_SINGLE_INJECTOR;
 } else {
  this.injector = tracing.propagation().injector(KafkaPropagation.SETTER);
 this.propagationKeys = new LinkedHashSet<>(keyList);
 this.remoteServiceName = builder.remoteServiceName;

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

@Override public void accept(Propagation<?> propagation) {
  TraceContext.Injector<Map<Object, String>> injector = propagation.injector(Map::put);
  TraceContext.Extractor<Map<Object, String>> extractor = propagation.extractor(Map::get);
  TraceContext ctx = TraceContext.newBuilder().traceId(1L).spanId(2L).sampled(false).build();
  Map<Object, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  injector.inject(ctx, map);
    .isEqualToIgnoringGivenFields(ctx, "traceIdString", "spanIdString");

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

SpringRabbitTracing(Builder builder) { // intentionally hidden constructor
 this.tracing = builder.tracing;
 this.extractor = tracing.propagation().extractor(SpringRabbitPropagation.GETTER);
 List<String> keyList = builder.tracing.propagation().keys();
 // Use a more efficient injector if we are only propagating a single header
 if (builder.writeB3SingleFormat || keyList.equals(Propagation.B3_SINGLE_STRING.keys())) {
  TraceContext testExtraction = extractor.extract(B3_SINGLE_TEST_HEADERS).context();
  if (!TEST_CONTEXT.equals(testExtraction)) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(
     "SpringRabbitTracing.Builder.writeB3SingleFormat set, but Tracing.Builder.propagationFactory cannot parse this format!");
  this.injector = SpringRabbitPropagation.B3_SINGLE_INJECTOR;
 } else {
  this.injector = tracing.propagation().injector(SpringRabbitPropagation.SETTER);
 this.propagationKeys = keyList;
 this.remoteServiceName = builder.remoteServiceName;
 Field beforePublishPostProcessorsField = null;
 try {
  beforePublishPostProcessorsField =
 } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
 this.beforePublishPostProcessorsField = beforePublishPostProcessorsField;

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

 * Use this to create a span for processing the given message. Note: the result has no name and is
 * not started.
 * <p>In general, prefer {@link MessageListener} for processing messages, as it is more efficient
 * and less lossy with regards to context data.
 * <p>This creates a child from identifiers extracted from the message message, or a new span if
 * one couldn't be extracted.
public Span nextSpan(Message message) {
 TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = extractAndClearMessage(message);
 Span result = tracing.tracer().nextSpan(extracted);
 // When an upstream context was not present, lookup keys are unlikely added
 if (extracted.context() == null && !result.isNoop()) {
  tagQueueOrTopic(message, result);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

 * Use this to create a span for processing the given record. Note: the result has no name and is
 * not started.
 * <p>This creates a child from identifiers extracted from the record headers, or a new span if
 * one couldn't be extracted.
public Span nextSpan(ConsumerRecord<?, ?> record) {
 TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = extractAndClearHeaders(record.headers());
 Span result = tracing.tracer().nextSpan(extracted);
 if (extracted.context() == null && !result.isNoop()) {
  addTags(record, result);
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

public <ReqT, RespT> ServerCall.Listener<ReqT> interceptCall(final ServerCall<ReqT, RespT> call,
  final Metadata headers, final ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT> next) {
 TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = extractor.extract(headers);
 Span span = extracted.context() != null
   ? tracer.joinSpan(extracted.context())
   : tracer.nextSpan(extracted);
 // If grpc propagation is enabled, make sure we refresh the server method
 if (grpcPropagationFormatEnabled) {
  Tags tags = span.context().findExtra(Tags.class);
  if (tags != null) tags.put(RPC_METHOD, call.getMethodDescriptor().getFullMethodName());
 parser.onStart(call, headers, span.customizer());
 // startCall invokes user interceptors, so we place the span in scope here
 ServerCall.Listener<ReqT> result;
 SpanInScope scope = tracer.withSpanInScope(span);
 try { // retrolambda can't resolve this try/finally
  result = next.startCall(new TracingServerCall<>(span, call, parser), headers);
 } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
  throw e;
 } finally {
 // This ensures the server implementation can see the span in scope
 return new ScopingServerCallListener<>(tracer, span, result, parser);

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

  public HttpResponse serve(ServiceRequestContext ctx, HttpRequest req) throws Exception {
    final TraceContextOrSamplingFlags contextOrFlags = extractor.extract(req.headers());
    final Span span = contextOrFlags.context() != null ? tracer.joinSpan(contextOrFlags.context())
                              : tracer.nextSpan(contextOrFlags);
    // For no-op spans, nothing special to do.
    if (span.isNoop()) {
      return delegate().serve(ctx, req);

    final String method = ctx.method().name();
    ctx.log().addListener(log -> SpanContextUtil.startSpan(span, log),

    // Ensure the trace context propagates to children

    ctx.log().addListener(log -> {
      SpanTags.logWireReceive(span, log.requestFirstBytesTransferredTimeNanos(), log);
      SpanTags.logWireSend(span, log.responseFirstBytesTransferredTimeNanos(), log);
      SpanContextUtil.closeSpan(span, log);
    }, RequestLogAvailability.COMPLETE);

    try (SpanInScope ignored = tracer.withSpanInScope(span)) {
      return delegate().serve(ctx, req);

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

} else {
 TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = extractor.extract(invocation.getAttachments());
 span = extracted.context() != null
   ? tracer.joinSpan(extracted.context())
   : tracer.nextSpan(extracted);

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin/brave

TraceContext context = extracted.context();
if (context != null) return newChild(context);

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin-contrib/brave-opentracing

@Override public TraceContext unwrap() {
 return extractionResult.context();

代码示例来源:origin: openzipkin-contrib/brave-opentracing

static BraveSpanContext create(TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extractionResult) {
 return extractionResult.context() != null
   ? new BraveSpanContext.Complete(extractionResult.context())
   : new BraveSpanContext.Incomplete(extractionResult);

代码示例来源:origin: io.zipkin.brave/brave-tests

void verifyRoundTrip(TraceContextOrSamplingFlags expected) {
 TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = propagation.extractor(mapEntry).extract(map);
 Map<K, String> injected = new LinkedHashMap<>();
 if (expected.context() != null) {
  propagation.injector(mapEntry).inject(expected.context(), injected);
 } else {
  inject(injected, expected.samplingFlags());

代码示例来源:origin: io.zipkin.brave/brave

/** Returns a mapping of any fields in the extraction result. */
public static Map<String, String> getAll(TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted) {
 if (extracted == null) throw new NullPointerException("extracted == null");
 TraceContext extractedContext = extracted.context();
 if (extractedContext != null) return getAll(extractedContext);
 PropagationFields fields = TraceContext.findExtra(Extra.class, extracted.extra());
 return fields != null ? fields.toMap() : Collections.emptyMap();

代码示例来源:origin: io.zipkin.brave/brave-tests

@Override public void accept(Propagation<?> propagation) {
  TraceContext.Injector<Map<Object, String>> injector = propagation.injector(Map::put);
  TraceContext.Extractor<Map<Object, String>> extractor = propagation.extractor(Map::get);
  TraceContext ctx = TraceContext.newBuilder().traceId(1L).spanId(2L).sampled(false).build();
  Map<Object, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  injector.inject(ctx, map);
    .isEqualToIgnoringGivenFields(ctx, "traceIdString", "spanIdString");

代码示例来源:origin: io.zipkin.brave/brave-instrumentation-kafka-clients

 * Use this to create a span for processing the given record. Note: the result has no name and is
 * not started.
 * <p>This creates a child from identifiers extracted from the record headers, or a new span if
 * one couldn't be extracted.
public Span nextSpan(ConsumerRecord<?, ?> record) {
 TraceContextOrSamplingFlags extracted = extractAndClearHeaders(record.headers());
 Span result = tracing.tracer().nextSpan(extracted);
 if (extracted.context() == null && !result.isNoop()) {
  addTags(record, result);
 return result;
