
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-project-deployer

private String getVersionOrDefaultVersion(FabricService fabricService, String versionId) {
  if (Strings.isEmpty(versionId)) {
    versionId = fabricService.getDefaultVersionId();
    if (Strings.isEmpty(versionId)) {
      versionId = "1.0";
  return versionId;

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-project-deployer

 * Returns the maven URL for the artifact without the version
public String toBundleUrlWithoutVersion() {
  String prefix = "mvn:";
  if ("war".equals(type)) {
    prefix = "war:" + prefix;
  } else if ("bundle".equals(type)) {
    // use bundles
  } else if (Strings.isEmpty(type) || "jar".equals(type)) {
    prefix = "fab:" + prefix;
  return prefix + groupId + "/" + artifactId + "/";

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-project-deployer

private String getProfileId(ProjectRequirements requirements) {
  String profileId = requirements.getProfileId();
  if (Strings.isEmpty(profileId)) {
    // lets generate a project based on the group id / artifact id
    String groupId = requirements.getGroupId();
    String artifactId = requirements.getArtifactId();
    if (Strings.isEmpty(groupId)) {
      profileId = artifactId;
    if (Strings.isEmpty(artifactId)) {
      profileId = groupId;
    } else {
      profileId = groupId + "-" + artifactId;
  return profileId;

代码示例来源:origin: jboss-fuse/fabric8

public String getSource(String mavenCoords, String className, String filePath) throws IOException {
  // the fileName could be just a name and extension so we may have to use the className to make a fully qualified package
  String classNamePath = null;
  if (!Strings.isEmpty(className)) {
    classNamePath = className.replace('.', '/') + ".java";
  if (Strings.isEmpty(filePath)) {
    filePath = classNamePath;
  } else {
    // we may have package in the className but not in the file name
    if (filePath.lastIndexOf('/') <= 0 && classNamePath != null) {
      int idx = classNamePath.lastIndexOf('/');
      if (idx > 0) {
        filePath = classNamePath.substring(0, idx) + ensureStartsWithSlash(filePath);
  return getArtifactFile(mavenCoords, filePath, "sources");

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-project-deployer

   * Returns the file name of the JSON file stored in the profile for the dependencies
  public static String getRequirementsConfigFileName(ProjectRequirements requirements) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("dependencies/");
    String groupId = requirements.getGroupId();
    if (!Strings.isEmpty(groupId)) {
    String artifactId = requirements.getArtifactId();
    if (!Strings.isEmpty(artifactId)) {
    return builder.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: jboss-fuse/fabric8

public static boolean isURIValid(String uriString) {
  URI uri = null;
  try {
    uri = new URI(uriString);
  } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    return false;
  if (!"file".equals(uri.getScheme()) && Strings.isEmpty(uri.getHost())) {
    return false;
  String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo();
  String authority = uri.getAuthority();
  String hostPort = authority;
  if (userInfo != null && hostPort.contains("@")) {
    hostPort = hostPort.substring(hostPort.lastIndexOf("@"));
  if (!"file".equals(uri.getScheme()) && uri.getPort() == -1 && !hostPort.equals(uri.getHost())) {
    return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8.insight/insight-log4j

public static String getMavenCoordinates(String className) {
  String coordinates = null;
  if (!Strings.isEmpty(className)) {
    coordinates = classToMavenCoordMap.get(className);
    if (coordinates == null) {
      try {
        Class cls = findClass(className);
        coordinates = getMavenCoordinates(cls);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.debug("Can't find maven coordinate for " + className);
  return coordinates;

代码示例来源:origin: jboss-fuse/fabric8

public String clusterJson(String clusterPathSegment) throws Exception {
  String prefix = "/fabric/registry/clusters";
  String path;
  if (Strings.isEmpty(clusterPathSegment)) {
    path = prefix;
  } else {
    if (clusterPathSegment.startsWith("/")) {
      path = clusterPathSegment;
    } else {
      path = prefix + "/" + clusterPathSegment;
  Map<String, Object> answer = new HashMap<String, Object>();
  CuratorFramework curator = fabricService.adapt(CuratorFramework.class);
  ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
  addChildrenToMap(answer, path, curator, mapper);
  return mapper.writeValueAsString(answer);

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8.insight/insight-log4j

if (file.exists() && !file.isDirectory()) {
  String coordinates = MavenCoordinates.mavenCoordinatesFromJarFile(file);
  if (!Strings.isEmpty(coordinates)) {
    return coordinates;

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8.insight/insight-log4j

String mavenCoordinates = MavenCoordHelper.getMavenCoordinates(cls);
if (!Strings.isEmpty(mavenCoordinates)) {
} else {

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-core-agent-jclouds

void unbindComputeService(ComputeService computeService) {
    String name = computeService.getContext().unwrap().getName();
    if (!Strings.isEmpty(name)) {
      DynamicReference<ComputeService> ref = computeServices.get(name);
      if (ref != null) {

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-core-agent-jclouds

void bindComputeService(ComputeService computeService) {
  String name = computeService.getContext().unwrap().getName();
  if (!Strings.isEmpty(name)) {
    computeServices.putIfAbsent(name, new DynamicReference<ComputeService>(name, COMPUTE_SERVICE_WAIT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-project-deployer

private Profile getOrCreateProfile(Version version, ProjectRequirements requirements) {
  String profileId = getProfileId(requirements);
  if (Strings.isEmpty(profileId)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No profile ID could be deduced for requirements: " + requirements);
  // make sure the profileId is valid
  Profile profile;
  if (!version.hasProfile(profileId)) {"Creating new profile " + profileId + " version " + version + " for requirements: " + requirements);
    String versionId = version.getId();
    ProfileService profileService = fabricService.get().adapt(ProfileService.class);
    ProfileBuilder builder = ProfileBuilder.Factory.create(versionId, profileId);
    profile = profileService.createProfile(builder.getProfile());
  } else {
    profile = version.getRequiredProfile(profileId);
  return profile;

代码示例来源:origin: io.fabric8/fabric-project-deployer

if (!Strings.isEmpty(webContextPath)) {
  Map<String, String> contextPathConfig = new HashMap<>();
  Map<String, String> oldValue = profile.getConfiguration(Constants.WEB_CONTEXT_PATHS_PID);
if (!Strings.isEmpty(description)) {
  String fileName = "";
  byte[] data = profile.getFileConfiguration(fileName);
