
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-31 转载在 其他  



[英]Topologically sort some objects.

There may not be any nulls among the objects, nor duplicates (as per hash/equals), nor duplicates among the edge lists. The edge map need not contain an entry for every object, only if it has some outgoing edges (empty but not null map values are permitted). The edge map shall not contain neither keys nor value entries for objects not in the collection to be sorted, if that happens they will be ignored (since version 7.9).

The incoming parameters will not be modified; they must not be changed during the call and possible calls to TopologicalSortException methods. The returned list will support modifications.

There is a weak stability guarantee: if there are no edges which contradict the incoming order, the resulting list will be in the same order as the incoming elements. However if some elements need to be rearranged, it is not guaranteed that others will not also be rearranged, even if they did not strictly speaking need to be.


代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-util

List<Set> listResult = Utilities.topologicalSort(sets, edgesBetweenSets);
  result = listResult.toArray(new Set[0]);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-openide-filesystems

} else {
  try {
    return Utilities.topologicalSort(children, edges);
  } catch (TopologicalSortException x) {
    if (logWarnings) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-netbeans-modules-vmd-model

private void createTopology () {
  HashSet<PresenterListener> unsortedSet = new HashSet<PresenterListener> ();
  HashMap<PresenterListener, HashSet<PresenterListener>> _dependencyMap = new HashMap<PresenterListener, HashSet<PresenterListener>> ();
  for (DependencyItem item : dependencies)
    item.setupTopology (unsortedSet, _dependencyMap);
  try {
    this.topology = Utilities.topologicalSort (unsortedSet, _dependencyMap);
    this.dependencyMap = _dependencyMap;
  } catch (TopologicalSortException e) {
    Debug.warning (e);
    System.err.println ("TopologicalSortException: Topological Sets:" + Arrays.toString (e.topologicalSets ())); // NOI18N
    System.err.println ("TopologicalSortException: Unsortable Set:" + Arrays.toString (e.unsortableSets ())); // NOI18N
    this.topology = Collections.emptyList ();
    this.dependencyMap = Collections.emptyMap ();

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-bootstrap

/** Only for use from Javeleon code. */
public List<Module> simulateJaveleonReload(Module moduleToReload) throws IllegalArgumentException {
  Set<Module> transitiveDependents = new HashSet<Module>(20);
  addToJaveleonDisableList(transitiveDependents, moduleToReload);
  Map<Module,List<Module>> deps = Util.moduleDependencies(transitiveDependents, modulesByName, getProvidersOf());
  try {
    LinkedList<Module> orderedForEnabling = new LinkedList<Module>();
    for (Module m : Utilities.topologicalSort(transitiveDependents, deps)) {
      if (m != moduleToReload) {
    return orderedForEnabling;
  } catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {
    return new ArrayList<Module>(transitiveDependents);
private void addToJaveleonDisableList(Set<Module> willDisable, Module m) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-core

/** Resort the loader pool according to stated dependencies.
* Attempts to keep a stable order whenever possible, i.e. more-recently-installed
* loaders will tend to stay near the end unless they need to be moved forward.
* Note that dependencies on nonexistent (or unloadable) representation classes are simply
* ignored and have no effect on ordering.
* If there is a cycle (contradictory set of dependencies) in the loader pool,
* its order is not changed.
* In any case, a change event is fired afterwards.
private static synchronized void resort (NbLoaderPool pool) {
  // A partial ordering over loaders based on their Install-* tags:
  Map<DataLoader,List<DataLoader>> deps = new HashMap<DataLoader,List<DataLoader>>();
  add2Deps(deps, installBefores, true);
  add2Deps(deps, installAfters, false);
  if (err.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
    err.fine("Before sort: " + loaders);
  try {
    loaders = Utilities.topologicalSort(loaders, deps);
    if (err.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
      err.fine("After sort: " + loaders);
  } catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {
    err.log(Level.WARNING, null, ex);
    err.warning("Contradictory loader ordering: " + deps); // NOI18N
  update (pool);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide

result = (Set[])Utilities.topologicalSort(sets, edgesBetweenSets).toArray (new Set[0]);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {
  throw new IllegalStateException ("Cannot happen"); // NOI18N

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven/openide

result = (Set[])Utilities.topologicalSort(sets, edgesBetweenSets).toArray (new Set[0]);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {
  throw new IllegalStateException ("Cannot happen"); // NOI18N

代码示例来源:origin: in.jlibs/org-openide-util

List<Set> listResult = Utilities.topologicalSort(sets, edgesBetweenSets);
  result = listResult.toArray(new Set[0]);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {


List<Set> listResult = Utilities.topologicalSort(sets, edgesBetweenSets);
  result = listResult.toArray(new Set[0]);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-ruby-rakeproject

sorted = Utilities.topologicalSort(toSort, dependOnSiblings);
} catch (TopologicalSortException e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-bootstrap

Map<Module,List<Module>> deps = Util.moduleDependencies(willDisable, modulesByName, getProvidersOf());
try {
  return Utilities.topologicalSort(willDisable, deps);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.api/org-netbeans-modules-vmd-midp

return Utilities.topologicalSort (list, map);
} catch (TopologicalSortException e) {
  Debug.warning ("Topological sort failed", "UnsortableSets", e.unsortableSets ()); // NOI18N

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-bootstrap

Map<Module,List<Module>> deps = Util.moduleDependencies(willEnable, modulesByName, getProvidersOf());
try {
  List<Module> l = Utilities.topologicalSort(willEnable, deps);
  mdc.registerEnable(modules, l);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-bootstrap

List<Module> sortedModules;
try {
  sortedModules = Utilities.topologicalSort(unorderedModules, deps);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/openide-loaders

return Utilities.topologicalSort(l, constraints);
} catch (TopologicalSortException ex) {
  List corrected = ex.partialSort();



