
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-31 转载在 其他  



[英]Gets the Z component.


代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

private BlockFace getZFace(Vector direction) {
  return ((direction.getZ() > 0) ? BlockFace.SOUTH : BlockFace.NORTH);

代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

private double getZLength(Vector direction) {
  return Math.abs(direction.getZ());

代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

private double getZPosition(Vector direction, Vector position, Block block) {
  return getPosition(direction.getZ(), position.getZ(), block.getZ());

代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

public Map<String, Object> serialize() {
  Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
  result.put("x", getX());
  result.put("y", getY());
  result.put("z", getZ());
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

 * Create a list of doubles from a Vector.
 * @param vec The vector to write.
 * @return The list.
public static List<Double> vectorToList(Vector vec) {
  return Arrays.asList(vec.getX(), vec.getY(), vec.getZ());

代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

 * Construct the vector with another vector.
 * @param vec The other vector.
public BlockVector(Vector vec) {
  this.x = vec.getX();
  this.y = vec.getY();
  this.z = vec.getZ();

代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

 * Subtracts the location by a vector.
 * @see Vector
 * @param vec The vector to use
 * @return the same location
public Location subtract(Vector vec) {
  this.x -= vec.getX();
  this.y -= vec.getY();
  this.z -= vec.getZ();
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

 * Adds the location by a vector.
 * @see Vector
 * @param vec Vector to use
 * @return the same location
public Location add(Vector vec) {
  this.x += vec.getX();
  this.y += vec.getY();
  this.z += vec.getZ();
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

 * Tests whether two bounding boxes intersect.
 * @param a a bounding box
 * @param b a bounding box
 * @return true if {@code a} and {@code b} intersect; false otherwise
public static boolean intersects(BoundingBox a, BoundingBox b) {
  Vector minA = a.minCorner;
  Vector maxA = a.maxCorner;
  Vector minB = b.minCorner;
  Vector maxB = b.maxCorner;
  return maxA.getX() >= minB.getX() && minA.getX() <= maxB.getX()
    && maxA.getY() >= minB.getY() && minA.getY() <= maxB.getY()
    && maxA.getZ() >= minB.getZ() && minA.getZ() <= maxB.getZ();

代码示例来源:origin: Bukkit/Bukkit

 * Sets the {@link #getYaw() yaw} and {@link #getPitch() pitch} to point
 * in the direction of the vector.
public Location setDirection(Vector vector) {
   * Sin = Opp / Hyp
   * Cos = Adj / Hyp
   * Tan = Opp / Adj
   * x = -Opp
   * z = Adj
  final double _2PI = 2 * Math.PI;
  final double x = vector.getX();
  final double z = vector.getZ();
  if (x == 0 && z == 0) {
    pitch = vector.getY() > 0 ? -90 : 90;
    return this;
  double theta = Math.atan2(-x, z);
  yaw = (float) Math.toDegrees((theta + _2PI) % _2PI);
  double x2 = NumberConversions.square(x);
  double z2 = NumberConversions.square(z);
  double xz = Math.sqrt(x2 + z2);
  pitch = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(-vector.getY() / xz));
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

 * Converts two Vector instances to a BoundingBox.
 * @param a any corner
 * @param b the corner opposite {@code a}
 * @return a bounding box from {@code a} to {@code b}
public static BoundingBox fromCorners(Vector a, Vector b) {
  BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox();
  box.minCorner.setX(Math.min(a.getX(), b.getX()));
  box.minCorner.setY(Math.min(a.getY(), b.getY()));
  box.minCorner.setZ(Math.min(a.getZ(), b.getZ()));
  box.maxCorner.setX(Math.max(a.getX(), b.getX()));
  box.maxCorner.setY(Math.max(a.getY(), b.getY()));
  box.maxCorner.setZ(Math.max(a.getZ(), b.getZ()));
  return box;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

public SpawnObjectMessage(int id, UUID uuid, int type, double x, double y, double z, int pitch,
    int yaw, int data, Vector vector) {
  this(id, uuid, type, x, y, z, pitch, yaw, data,
      convert(vector.getX()), convert(vector.getY()), convert(vector.getZ()));

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

public EntityVelocityMessage(int id, Vector velocity) {
  this(id, convert(velocity.getX()), convert(velocity.getY()), convert(velocity.getZ()));

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

private int countAvailableBlocks(Vector from, Vector to, World world) {
  int n = 0;
  Vector target = to.subtract(from);
  int maxDistance = Math.max(Math.abs(target.getBlockY()),
      Math.max(Math.abs(target.getBlockX()), Math.abs(target.getBlockZ())));
  float dx = (float) target.getX() / maxDistance;
  float dy = (float) target.getY() / maxDistance;
  float dz = (float) target.getZ() / maxDistance;
  for (int i = 0; i <= maxDistance; i++, n++) {
    target = from.clone()
        .add(new Vector((double) (0.5F + i * dx), 0.5F + i * dy, 0.5F + i * dz));
    if (target.getBlockY() < 0 || target.getBlockY() > 255
        || !overridables.contains(blockTypeAt(
            target.getBlockX(), target.getBlockY(), target.getBlockZ(), world))) {
      return n;
  return -1;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

   * Determines the initial location of the fishing hook.
   * @param player the player who is fishing
   * @return the initial location of the hook
  private Location calculateSpawnLocation(Player player) {
    Location loc = player.getEyeLocation();
    Vector direction = loc.getDirection();
    double dx = direction.getX() * player.getWidth() / 2;
    double dz = direction.getZ() * player.getWidth() / 2;
    loc.add(dx, 0, dz);
    return loc;

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

protected void pulsePhysics() {
  if (boundingBox != null) {
    Vector size = boundingBox.getSize();
    for (Entity entity : world.getNearbyEntities(
        location, size.getX(), size.getY(), size.getZ())) {
      if (entity != this && !(entity.equals(shooter))) {
        if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
          EventFactory.getInstance().callEvent(new ProjectileHitEvent(this, entity));
          collide((LivingEntity) entity);

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

public void save(T entity, CompoundTag tag) {, tag);
  Vector vel = entity.getVelocity();
  // Mojang creates tags "direction" and "power", as duplicates of "Motion"
  final List<Double> velocityAsList = Arrays.asList(vel.getX(), vel.getY(), vel.getZ());
  tag.putDoubleList("direction", velocityAsList);
  tag.putDoubleList("power", velocityAsList);
  tag.putBool(IS_INCENDIARY, entity.isIncendiary());
  tag.putInt(YIELD_INT, (int) entity.getYield());
  tag.putFloat(YIELD_FLOAT, (int) entity.getYield());

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

private void playOutExplosion(GlowPlayer player, Iterable<Block> blocks) {
  Collection<Record> records = new ArrayList<>();
  for (Block block : blocks) {
    Location blockLocation = block.getLocation();
    byte x = (byte) (blockLocation.getBlockX() - (int) this.location.getX());
    byte y = (byte) (blockLocation.getBlockY() - (int) this.location.getY());
    byte z = (byte) (blockLocation.getBlockZ() - (int) this.location.getZ());
    records.add(new Record(x, y, z));
  Vector velocity = player.getVelocity();
  ExplosionMessage message = new ExplosionMessage(
      (float) location.getX(), (float) location.getY(), (float) location.getZ(), power,
      (float) velocity.getX(), (float) velocity.getY(), (float) velocity.getZ(), records);

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

private void doDispense(GlowBlock block, ItemStack items, int power, BlockFace facing,
  Vector target) {
  double x = target.getX();
  double y = target.getY();
  double z = target.getZ();
  if (facing.getModY() != 0) {
    y -= 0.125;
  } else {
    y -= 0.15625;
  double velocity = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble() * 0.1 + 0.2;
  double velocityX = facing.getModX() * velocity;
  double velocityY = 0.2;
  double velocityZ = facing.getModZ() * velocity;
  velocityX += ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextGaussian() * 0.0075 * power;
  velocityY += ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextGaussian() * 0.0075 * power;
  velocityZ += ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextGaussian() * 0.0075 * power;
  BlockDispenseEvent dispenseEvent = new BlockDispenseEvent(block, items,
    new Vector(velocityX, velocityY, velocityZ));
  if (!dispenseEvent.isCancelled()) {
    GlowItem item = block.getWorld().dropItem(new Location(block.getWorld(), x, y, z),

代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone

protected ItemStack dispenseStack(GlowBlock block, ItemStack stack) {
  GlowWorld world = block.getWorld();
  Vector position = BlockDispenser.getDispensePosition(block);
  BlockFace face = BlockDispenser.getFacing(block);
  Projectile entity = projectileCreator.apply(
      new Location(world, position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ()), stack);
  entity.setShooter(new GlowDispenser(block));
    new Vector(face.getModX(), face.getModY() + 0.1f, face.getModZ()).multiply(6));
  stack.setAmount(stack.getAmount() - 1);
  if (stack.getAmount() < 1) {
    return null;
  return stack;
