
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the task id from the filename. It is assumed that the filename is derived from the output of getTaskId


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public static String replaceTaskIdFromFilename(String filename, String fileId) {
 String taskId = getTaskIdFromFilename(filename);
 String newTaskId = replaceTaskId(taskId, fileId);
 String ret = replaceTaskIdFromFilename(filename, taskId, newTaskId);
 return (ret);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public static String replaceTaskIdFromFilename(String filename, String fileId) {
 String taskId = getTaskIdFromFilename(filename);
 String newTaskId = replaceTaskId(taskId, fileId);
 String ret = replaceTaskIdFromFilename(filename, taskId, newTaskId);
 return (ret);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private void testTaskIds(String [] taskIds, String expectedAttemptId, String expectedTaskId) {
 Configuration conf = new JobConf(TestOperators.class);
 for (String one: taskIds) {
  conf.set("", one);
  String attemptId = Utilities.getTaskId(conf);
  assertEquals(expectedAttemptId, attemptId);
  assertEquals(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(attemptId), expectedTaskId);
  assertEquals(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(attemptId + ".gz"), expectedTaskId);
         (Utilities.toTempPath(new Path(attemptId + ".gz")).toString()), expectedTaskId);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

int currReducer = Integer.parseInt(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

int currReducer = Integer.parseInt(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

String taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(fspKey);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * More stuff needs to be added here. Currently it only checks some basic
 * file naming libraries
 * The old test was deactivated as part of hive-405
public void testFileSinkOperator() throws Throwable {
 try {
  testTaskIds (new String [] {
   }, "000005_0", "000005");
  testTaskIds (new String [] {
   }, "000005", "000005");
  testTaskIds (new String [] {"1234567"},
         "1234567", "1234567");
  System.out.println("FileSink Operator ok");
 } catch (Throwable e) {
  throw e;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

int acidBucketNum = Integer.parseInt(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(taskId));
fsp.updaters[filesIdx] = HiveFileFormatUtils.getAcidRecordUpdater(jc, conf.getTableInfo(),
  acidBucketNum, conf, fsp.outPaths[filesIdx], inspector, reporter, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

String taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(fspKey);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

int acidBucketNum = Integer.parseInt(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(taskId));
fsp.updaters[filesIdx] = HiveFileFormatUtils.getAcidRecordUpdater(jc, conf.getTableInfo(),
  acidBucketNum, conf, fsp.outPaths[filesIdx], inspector, reporter, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

public static String replaceTaskIdFromFilename(String filename, String fileId) {
 String taskId = getTaskIdFromFilename(filename);
 String newTaskId = replaceTaskId(taskId, fileId);
 String ret = replaceTaskIdFromFilename(filename, taskId, newTaskId);
 return (ret);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

 * Replace the task id from the filename. It is assumed that the filename is derived from the
 * output of getTaskId
 * @param filename
 *          filename to replace taskid "0_0" or "0_0.gz" by 33 to "33_0" or "33_0.gz"
public static String replaceTaskIdFromFilename(String filename, int bucketNum) {
 String taskId = getTaskIdFromFilename(filename);
 String newTaskId = replaceTaskId(taskId, bucketNum);
 String ret = replaceTaskIdFromFilename(filename, taskId, newTaskId);
 return (ret);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

String taskId = getTaskIdFromFilename(one.getPath().getName());
FileStatus otherFile = taskIdToFile.get(taskId);
if (otherFile == null) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

private void publishStats() {
  // Initializing a stats publisher
  StatsPublisher statsPublisher = Utilities.getStatsPublisher(jc);
  if (!statsPublisher.connect(jc)) {
   // just return, stats gathering should not block the main query."StatsPublishing error: cannot connect to database.");

  String key;
  String taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities.getTaskId(hconf));
  if (partitionSpecs.isEmpty()) {
   // In case of a non-partitioned table, the key for temp storage is just
   // "tableName + taskID"
   key = conf.getStatsAggPrefix() + taskID;
  } else {
   // In case of a partition, the key for temp storage is
   // "tableName + partitionSpecs + taskID"
   key = conf.getStatsAggPrefix() + partitionSpecs + Path.SEPARATOR + taskID;
  statsPublisher.publishStat(key, StatsSetupConst.ROW_COUNT, Long.toString(stat.getNumRows()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

String taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities.getTaskId(hconf));
String spSpec = conf.getStaticSpec() != null ? conf.getStaticSpec() : "";

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

String taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities.getTaskId(hconf));
Map<String, String> statsToPublish = new HashMap<String, String>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

int currReducer = Integer.valueOf(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

String taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities.getTaskId(jc));
key = Utilities.join(key, taskID);

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

String taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(Utilities.getTaskId(hconf));
String spSpec = conf.getStaticSpec();
  taskID = Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(fspKey);

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

int acidBucketNum = Integer.valueOf(Utilities.getTaskIdFromFilename(taskId));
fsp.updaters[filesIdx] = HiveFileFormatUtils.getAcidRecordUpdater(jc, conf.getTableInfo(),
  acidBucketNum, conf, fsp.outPaths[filesIdx], inspector, reporter, -1);




