
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Get first non-white character in document in forward direction



 * Get first non-white character in document in forward direction
 * @param doc
 *            document to operate on
 * @param offset
 *            position in document where to start searching
 * @return position of the first non-white character or -1
public static int getFirstNonWhiteFwd(BaseDocument doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
  return getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, offset, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib

/** Get first non-white character in document in forward direction
* @param doc document to operate on
* @param offset position in document where to start searching
* @return position of the first non-white character or -1
public static int getFirstNonWhiteFwd(BaseDocument doc, int offset)
throws BadLocationException {
  return getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, offset, -1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-completion

private static int[] getInstantiationBlock(BaseDocument doc, int[] identifierBlock) throws BadLocationException {
  if (identifierBlock != null) {
    int nwPos = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, identifierBlock[1]);
    if ((nwPos >= 0) && (doc.getChars(nwPos, 1)[0] == '<')) {
      return new int[] { identifierBlock[0], nwPos + 1 };
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib

public static int getFirstNonWhiteRow(BaseDocument doc, int offset, boolean downDir)
throws BadLocationException {
  if (isRowWhite(doc, offset)) {
    if (downDir) { // search down for non-white line
      offset = getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, offset);
    } else { // search up for non-white line
      offset = getFirstNonWhiteBwd(doc, offset);
  return offset;


public static int getFirstNonWhiteRow(BaseDocument doc, int offset, boolean downDir) throws BadLocationException {
  if (isRowWhite(doc, offset)) {
    if (downDir) { // search down for non-white line
      offset = getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, offset);
    else { // search up for non-white line
      offset = getFirstNonWhiteBwd(doc, offset);
  return offset;


 * Get the first non-white character on the line. The
 * document.isWhitespace() is used to test whether the particular character
 * is white space or not.
 * @param doc
 *            document to operate on
 * @param offset
 *            position in document anywhere on the line
 * @return position of the first non-white char on the line or -1 if there's
 *         no non-white character on that line.
public static int getRowFirstNonWhite(BaseDocument doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
  return getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, doc.op.getBOL(offset), doc.op.getEOL(offset));

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-completion

private static int[] getFunctionBlock(BaseDocument doc, int[] identifierBlock) throws BadLocationException {
  if (identifierBlock != null) {
    int nwPos = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, identifierBlock[1]);
    if ((nwPos >= 0) && (doc.getChars(nwPos, 1)[0] == '(')) {
      return new int[] { identifierBlock[0], nwPos + 1 };
    if ((nwPos >= 0) && (doc.getChars(nwPos, 1)[0] == '<')) {
      int eoi = findEndOfInstantiation(doc, nwPos);
      nwPos = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, eoi);
      if ((nwPos >= 0) && (doc.getChars(nwPos, 1)[0] == '(')) {
        return new int[] { identifierBlock[0], nwPos + 1 };
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib

/** Is the identifier at the position a function call?
* It first checks whether there is a identifier under
* the cursor and then it searches for the function call
* character - usually '('.
* @param identifierBlock int[2] block delimiting the identifier
* @return int[2] block or null if there's no function call
public int[] getFunctionBlock(int[] identifierBlock) throws BadLocationException {
  if (identifierBlock != null) {
    int nwPos = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(getDocument(), identifierBlock[1]);
    if ((nwPos >= 0) && (getDocument().getChars(nwPos, 1)[0] == '(')) {
      return new int[] { identifierBlock[0], nwPos + 1 };
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-groovy-editor

private boolean isQuoteCompletablePosition(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos)
  throws BadLocationException {
  if (dotPos == doc.getLength()) { // there's no other character to test
    return true;
  } else {
    // test that we are in front of ) , " or ' ... etc.
    int eol = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, dotPos);
    if ((dotPos == eol) || (eol == -1)) {
      return false;
    int firstNonWhiteFwd = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, dotPos, eol);
    if (firstNonWhiteFwd == -1) {
      return false;
    char chr = doc.getChars(firstNonWhiteFwd, 1)[0];
    return ((chr == ')') || (chr == ',') || (chr == '+') || (chr == '}') || (chr == ';') ||
      (chr == ']'));


 * Is the identifier at the position a function call? It first checks
 * whether there is a identifier under the cursor and then it searches for
 * the function call character - usually '('.
 * @param identifierBlock
 *            int[2] block delimiting the identifier
 * @return int[2] block or null if there's no function call
public int[] getFunctionBlock(int[] identifierBlock) throws BadLocationException {
  if (identifierBlock != null) {
    int nwPos = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(getDocument(), identifierBlock[1]);
    if ((nwPos >= 0) && (getDocument().getChars(nwPos, 1)[0] == '(')) {
      return new int[] { identifierBlock[0], nwPos + 1 };
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-groovy-editor

nonWhite = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, rowStart);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib

/** Get the first non-white character on the line.
* The document.isWhitespace() is used to test whether the particular
* character is white space or not.
* @param doc document to operate on
* @param offset position in document anywhere on the line
* @return position of the first non-white char on the line or -1
*   if there's no non-white character on that line.
public static int getRowFirstNonWhite(BaseDocument doc, int offset)
throws BadLocationException {
  checkOffsetValid(doc, offset);
  Element lineElement = doc.getParagraphElement(offset);
  return getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc,
    lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-php-editor

private int tryCountLines(Block block) throws BadLocationException {
  int searchOffset = block.getStartOffset() + 1;
  int firstNonWhiteFwd = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(baseDocument, searchOffset);
  int startLineOffset = Utilities.getLineOffset(baseDocument, firstNonWhiteFwd == -1 ? searchOffset : firstNonWhiteFwd);
  int endLineOffset = Utilities.getLineOffset(baseDocument, Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteBwd(baseDocument, block.getEndOffset()));
  return countLinesBetweenLineOffsets(startLineOffset, endLineOffset);

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-ruby

private boolean isQuoteCompletablePosition(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos)
  throws BadLocationException {
  if (dotPos == doc.getLength()) { // there's no other character to test
    return true;
  } else {
    // test that we are in front of ) , " or ' ... etc.
    int eol = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, dotPos);
    if ((dotPos == eol) || (eol == -1)) {
      return false;
    int firstNonWhiteFwd = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, dotPos, eol);
    if (firstNonWhiteFwd == -1) {
      return false;
    char chr = doc.getChars(firstNonWhiteFwd, 1)[0];
    if (chr == '%' && (RubyUtils.isRhtmlDocument(doc) || RubyUtils.isYamlDocument(doc)) ) {
      return true;
    return ((chr == ')') || (chr == ',') || (chr == '+') || (chr == '}') || (chr == ';') ||
      (chr == ']') || (chr == '/'));

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-ruby-rhtml

int first = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, textBegin+token.length(), 
    Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, textBegin));
if (first == -1) {

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib

public void format(FormatWriter fw) {	    
//System.out.println("format in layer"); // NOI18N
  BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)fw.getDocument();
  int dotPos = fw.getOffset();
  if (doc != null && dotPos > 0) {
    try { 
  int firstNonEmptyRow = 0;
  firstNonEmptyRow = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteRow(doc, dotPos-1, false);		 
  if (firstNonEmptyRow == -1) 
      int rstart = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, firstNonEmptyRow);
      int fNonWhite = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, rstart);
      doc.insertString(dotPos, doc.getText(rstart, fNonWhite-rstart), null);
    }catch(BadLocationException e) {
      ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.WARNING, e);


代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-ruby-rhtml

if ( == RhtmlTokenId.HTML && doc.getText(dotPos-1, 1).charAt(0) == '<') {
  int first = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, dotPos, Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, dotPos));
  if (first == -1) {
    doc.insertString(dotPos, "%%>", null); // NOI18N
    int first = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, dotPos, Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, dotPos));
    if (first == -1) {
      doc.insertString(dotPos, "%%>", null); // NOI18N

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-gsf

from = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, Utilities.getRowStart(doc, from));
to = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteBwd(doc, Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, to)) + 1;
lineSelection = true;

代码示例来源:origin: org.netbeans.modules/org-netbeans-modules-php-editor

boolean insert = onlyWhitespaceFollows;
if (!insert) {
  int firstNonWhiteFwd = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc, dotPos, sectionEnd);
  if (firstNonWhiteFwd != -1) {
    char chr = doc.getChars(firstNonWhiteFwd, 1)[0];

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdparty-non-maven/org-netbeans-modules-editor-lib

int[] block = sup.findMatchingBlock(ctx.getBufferStartOffset() + nwOffset, true);
if (block != null) {
  int off = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(ctx.getEditorUI().getDocument(), block[1]);
  if (off > -1) {
    if (bufferStartOffset + buffer.length > off) {
int[] block = sup.findMatchingBlock(off, true);
if (block != null) {
  off = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(ctx.getEditorUI().getDocument(), block[1]);
  if (off > -1)
    resolvedValue = (ctx.getEditorUI().getDocument().getChars(off, 1)[0] == '(') && isGenericType(sup, off);



