
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns true if a component already exists with the same id. This will be the case if this tag is nested within tag or any other JSTL loop tag or if the page has components with the same `Id`. [中]如果已存在具有相同`id`的组件,则返回true。如果此标记嵌套在标记或任何其他JSTL循环标记中,或者如果页面具有具有相同Id的组件,则会出现这种情况。


代码示例来源:origin: javax/javaee-web-api

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.faces/jsf-api

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.spec.javax.faces/jboss-jsf-api_2.0_spec

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish/javax.faces

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/mojarra

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.faces/jsf-api

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.spec.javax.faces/jboss-jsf-api_2.0_spec

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: javax.faces/javax.faces-api

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: jboss/jboss-javaee-specs

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: javax.faces/com.springsource.javax.faces

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish/jakarta.faces

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: javax/javaee-web-api

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
 * @return the value as specified above
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish/javax.faces

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
 * @return the value as specified above
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/mojarra

if (isDuplicateId( {
  if (!isSpecifiedIdUnique( {
    if (isNestedInIterator) {

代码示例来源:origin: javax.faces/com.springsource.javax.faces

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: javax.faces/javax.faces-api

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
 * @return the value as specified above
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish/jakarta.faces

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
 * @return the value as specified above
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/mojarra

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
 * @return the value as specified above
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/mojarra

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
 * @return the value as specified above
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;

代码示例来源:origin: jboss/jboss-javaee-specs

 * <p>If this method has been called before on this tag's useful
 * lifetime (before {@link #release} was called), return the
 * previously returned value.  Otherwise, if {@link #getJspId}
 * returns non-<code>null</code>, prepend {@link #UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX}
 * to the <code>jspId</code> and return the result.</p>
 * @return the value as specified above
protected String getFacesJspId() {
  if (null == facesJspId) {
    if (null != jspId) {
      facesJspId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + jspId;
      // if this tag happens to be nested within <c:forEach>,
      //  jspId will be the same for each iteration. So it is
      // transformed into a unique "id" by appending a counter which
      // gets stored in request scope with jspId as the key for use
      // during the next iteration.
      if (isDuplicateId(facesJspId)) {
        facesJspId = generateIncrementedId(facesJspId);
    } else {
      // jspId will be null if we're running in a container
      // that doesn't support JspIdConsumer
      facesJspId = getFacesContext().getViewRoot().createUniqueId();
  return facesJspId;




