
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Interpolate a string and replace the occurence from a context map, the syntax for a variable is ${} and it can accept a default value used when the variable cannot be resolved with the :- separator:

  • {} + "foo" => "foo"
  • {} + "${foo}" => ""
  • {} + "\${foo}" => "${foo}"
  • {foo:bar} + "${foo}" => "bar"
  • {} + "${foo:-bar}" => "bar"


代码示例来源:origin: crashub/crash

 * The path property is resolved from the servlet context parameters. When the parameter does not exist,
 * the <code>defaultValue</code> argument is used instead, so it should not be null.
 * After the path is resolved, it is interpolated using the JVM system properties and the syntax
 * defined by the {@link org.crsh.util.Utils#interpolate(String, java.util.Map)} function.
 * @param propertyName the property name to resolve
 * @param defaultValue the default property value
 * @return the path value
private String resolvePathProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) {
 String path = context.getInitParameter(propertyName);
 if (path == null) {
  path = defaultValue;
 return Utils.interpolate(path, System.getProperties());

代码示例来源:origin: crashub/crash

public void testInterpolate() {
  Map<String,String> context = Collections.singletonMap("foo", "bar");
  assertEquals("", Utils.interpolate("", context));
  assertEquals("$", Utils.interpolate("$", context));
  assertEquals("${foo}", Utils.interpolate("\\${foo}", context));
  assertEquals("${", Utils.interpolate("${", context));
  assertEquals("${a", Utils.interpolate("${a", context));
  assertEquals("bar", Utils.interpolate("${foo}", context));
  assertEquals("<bar>", Utils.interpolate("<${foo}>", context));
  assertEquals("<bar></bar>", Utils.interpolate("<${foo}></${foo}>", context));
  assertEquals("", Utils.interpolate("${bar}", context));
  assertEquals("juu", Utils.interpolate("${bar:-juu}", context));
  assertEquals("bar", Utils.interpolate("${foo:-juu}", context));
  assertEquals("", Utils.interpolate("${bar:-}", context));
  assertEquals("juu", Utils.interpolate("${:-juu}", context));
  assertEquals(":-", Utils.interpolate("${bar:-:-}", context));

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.corda.crash/

 * The path property is resolved from the servlet context parameters. When the parameter does not exist,
 * the <code>defaultValue</code> argument is used instead, so it should not be null.
 * After the path is resolved, it is interpolated using the JVM system properties and the syntax
 * defined by the {@link org.crsh.util.Utils#interpolate(String, java.util.Map)} function.
 * @param propertyName the property name to resolve
 * @param defaultValue the default property value
 * @return the path value
private String resolvePathProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) {
 String path = context.getInitParameter(propertyName);
 if (path == null) {
  path = defaultValue;
 return Utils.interpolate(path, System.getProperties());

代码示例来源:origin: org.crashub/

 * The path property is resolved from the servlet context parameters. When the parameter does not exist,
 * the <code>defaultValue</code> argument is used instead, so it should not be null.
 * After the path is resolved, it is interpolated using the JVM system properties and the syntax
 * defined by the {@link org.crsh.util.Utils#interpolate(String, java.util.Map)} function.
 * @param propertyName the property name to resolve
 * @param defaultValue the default property value
 * @return the path value
private String resolvePathProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue) {
 String path = context.getInitParameter(propertyName);
 if (path == null) {
  path = defaultValue;
 return Utils.interpolate(path, System.getProperties());
