
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Create a subcontext including any intermediate contexts.


代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.core/mobicents-core-jar

 * Register standard SLEE contexts in JNDI
 * @throws Exception
protected void initNamingContexts() throws Exception {
  // Initialize the SLEE name space
   * The following code sets the global name for the Slee
  Context ctx = new InitialContext();
  ctx = Util.createSubcontext(ctx, JVM_ENV + CTX_SLEE);
  Util.createSubcontext(ctx, "resources");
  Util.createSubcontext(ctx, "container");
  Util.createSubcontext(ctx, "facilities");
  Util.createSubcontext(ctx, "sbbs");
  ctx = Util.createSubcontext(ctx, "nullactivity");
  Util.createSubcontext(ctx, "factory");
  Util.createSubcontext(ctx, "nullactivitycontextinterfacefactory");

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.reloaded/jboss-reloaded-naming-deployers

public void start() throws Exception
 parentContext = (application != null ? application.getContext() : nameSpaces.getGlobalContext());
 context = Util.createSubcontext(parentContext, name);
 // JavaEE 6 5.15
 context.bind("ModuleName", name);
 log.debug("Installed context " + context + " for JavaEE module " + name + ", application = " + application + ", parentContext = " + parentContext);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss/jboss-common-core

/** Create a subcontext including any intermediate contexts.
@param ctx the parent JNDI Context under which value will be bound
@param name the name relative to ctx of the subcontext.
@return The new or existing JNDI subcontext
@throws javax.naming.NamingException on any JNDI failure
public static Context createSubcontext(Context ctx, String name) throws NamingException
 Name n = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(name);
 return createSubcontext(ctx, n);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.core/mobicents-core-jar

 * Register a internal slee component with jndi.
public static void registerWithJndi(String prefix, String name,
    Object object) {
  String fullName = JVM_ENV + prefix + "/" + name;
  try {
    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    try {
      Util.createSubcontext(ctx, fullName);
    } catch (NamingException e) {
      logger.warn("Context, " + fullName + " might have been bound.");
    ctx = (Context) ctx.lookup(JVM_ENV + prefix);
    // ctx.createSubcontext(name);
    // ctx = (Context) ctx.lookup(name);
    // Util.rebind(JVM_ENV + prefix + "/" + name, object);
    NonSerializableFactory.rebind(fullName, object);
    StringRefAddr addr = new StringRefAddr("nns", fullName);
    Reference ref = new Reference(object.getClass().getName(), addr,
        NonSerializableFactory.class.getName(), null);
    Util.rebind(ctx, name, ref);
    logger.debug("registered with jndi " + fullName);
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    logger.warn("registerWithJndi failed for " + fullName, ex);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss/jboss-common-core

/** Bind val to name in ctx, and make sure that all intermediate contexts exist
@param ctx the parent JNDI Context under which value will be bound
@param name the name relative to ctx where value will be bound
@param value the value to bind.
@throws NamingException for any error
public static void bind(Context ctx, Name name, Object value) throws NamingException
 int size = name.size();
 String atom = name.get(size - 1);
 Context parentCtx = createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(size - 1));
 parentCtx.bind(atom, value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.ejb3/jboss-ejb3-core

public static void rebind(Context ctx, String strName, Object value) throws javax.naming.NamingException
 Name name = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(strName);
 int size = name.size();
 String atom = name.get(size - 1);
 Context parentCtx = Util.createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(size - 1));
 String key = parentCtx.getNameInNamespace() + "/" + atom;
 wrapperMap.put(key, value);
 String className = value.getClass().getName();
 String factory = NonSerializableFactory.class.getName();
 StringRefAddr addr = new StringRefAddr("nns", key);
 Reference memoryRef = new Reference(className, addr, factory, null);
 parentCtx.rebind(atom, memoryRef);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss/jboss-common-core

/** Rebind val to name in ctx, and make sure that all intermediate contexts exist
@param ctx the parent JNDI Context under which value will be bound
@param name the name relative to ctx where value will be bound
@param value the value to bind.
@throws NamingException for any error
public static void rebind(Context ctx, Name name, Object value) throws NamingException
 int size = name.size();
 String atom = name.get(size - 1);
 Context parentCtx = createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(size - 1));
 parentCtx.rebind(atom, value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.core/mobicents-core-jar

private void bindInJndi() {
  Context ctx;
  try {
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    ComponentKey key = resourceAdaptorId.getComponentKey();
    Util.createSubcontext(ctx, CTX_JAVA_SLEE_RESOURCES + "/" + key.getName() + "/" + key.getVendor() + "/" + key.getVersion());
  } catch (NamingException e) {
    log.error("Failed binding RA in JNDI. RA ID: " + resourceAdaptorId, e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.ejb3/jboss-ejb3-core

public static void bind(Context ctx, String strName, Object value) throws javax.naming.NamingException
 Name name = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(strName);
 int size = name.size();
 String atom = name.get(size - 1);
 Context parentCtx = Util.createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(size - 1));
 String key = parentCtx.getNameInNamespace() + "/" + atom;
 wrapperMap.put(key, value);
 String className = value.getClass().getName();
 String factory = NonSerializableFactory.class.getName();
 StringRefAddr addr = new StringRefAddr("nns", key);
 Reference memoryRef = new Reference(className, addr, factory, null);
 parentCtx.bind(atom, memoryRef);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss/jboss-common-core

* A convenience method that simplifies the process of rebinding a 
* non-serializable object into a JNDI context. This version binds the
* target object into the default IntitialContext using name path.
* @param name the name to use as JNDI path name. The key into the 
*   NonSerializableFactory map is obtained from the toString() value of name. 
*   The name parameter cannot be a 0 length name.
* @param target the non-Serializable object to bind.
* @param createSubcontexts a flag indicating if subcontexts of name should 
*   be created if they do not already exist.
* @throws NamingException thrown on failure to rebind key into ctx.
* @author Matt Carter
public static synchronized void rebind(Name name, Object target, boolean createSubcontexts) throws NamingException
 String key = name.toString();
 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
 if (createSubcontexts == true && name.size() > 1)
   int size = name.size() - 1;
   Util.createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(size));
 rebind(ctx, key, target);

代码示例来源:origin: org.mobicents.servlet.sip.containers/sip-servlets-tomcat-jboss4

Context sipSubcontext = Util.createSubcontext(globalEnvCtx,SipNamingContextListener.SIP_SUBCONTEXT);
Context applicationNameSubcontext = Util.createSubcontext(sipSubcontext,applicationName);			
NonSerializableFactory.rebind(applicationNameSubcontext,SipNamingContextListener.SIP_FACTORY_JNDI_NAME, sipFactoryFacade);
NonSerializableFactory.rebind(applicationNameSubcontext, SipNamingContextListener.SIP_SESSIONS_UTIL_JNDI_NAME, sipSessionsUtil);
Context envCtx = (Context) iniCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
sipSubcontext = Util.createSubcontext(envCtx,SipNamingContextListener.SIP_SUBCONTEXT);
applicationNameSubcontext = Util.createSubcontext(sipSubcontext,applicationName);			
NonSerializableFactory.rebind(applicationNameSubcontext,SipNamingContextListener.SIP_FACTORY_JNDI_NAME, sipFactoryFacade);
NonSerializableFactory.rebind(applicationNameSubcontext, SipNamingContextListener.SIP_SESSIONS_UTIL_JNDI_NAME, sipSessionsUtil);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.ejb3/jboss-ejb3-core

public void start() throws Exception
 Context baseCtx = ctx;
 Name name = baseCtx.getNameParser("").parse(jndiName);
 baseCtx = Util.createSubcontext(baseCtx, name.getPrefix(name.size() - 1));
 String atom = name.get(name.size() - 1);
 RefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(JndiSessionProxyObjectFactory.REF_ADDR_NAME_JNDI_BINDING_DELEGATE_PROXY_FACTORY, atom + PROXY_FACTORY_NAME);
 Reference ref = new Reference("java.lang.Object", refAddr, JndiSessionProxyObjectFactory.class.getName(), null);
   Util.rebind(baseCtx, atom, ref);
 } catch (NamingException e)
   NamingException namingException = new NamingException("Could not bind producer factory into JNDI under jndiName: " + baseCtx.getNameInNamespace() + "/" + atom);
   throw namingException;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.ejb3/jboss-ejb3-core

public static void unbind(Context ctx, String strName) throws NamingException
 Name name = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(strName);
 int size = name.size();
 String atom = name.get(size - 1);
 Context parentCtx = Util.createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(size - 1));
 String key = parentCtx.getNameInNamespace() + "/" + atom;
 Util.unbind(ctx, strName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss.jbossas/jboss-as-connector

* Bind the connection factory into jndi
protected void bindConnectionFactory() throws Exception
 InitialContext ctx = initialContext;
   Name name = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(jndiName);
   String key = name.toString();
   if( true == true && name.size() > 1 )
    int size = name.size() - 1;
    Util.createSubcontext(initialContext, name.getPrefix(size));
   NonSerializableFactory.rebind(initialContext, key, datasource);"Bound datasource to JNDI name '" + jndiName + "'");
 catch (NamingException ne)
   throw new DeploymentException("Could not bind ConnectionFactory into jndi: " + jndiName, ne);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jboss/jboss-common-core

/** A convenience method that simplifies the process of rebinding a
non-serializable object into a JNDI context.
@param ctx the JNDI context to rebind to.
@param key the key to use in both the NonSerializableFactory map and JNDI. It
  must be a valid name for use in ctx.bind().
@param target the non-Serializable object to bind.
@param createSubcontexts a flag indicating if subcontexts of name should
be created if they do not already exist.
@throws NamingException thrown on failure to rebind key into ctx.
public static synchronized void rebind(Context ctx, String key, 
 Object target, boolean createSubcontexts) throws NamingException
  Name name = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(key);
  if( createSubcontexts == true && name.size() > 1 )
   int size = name.size() - 1;
   Util.createSubcontext(ctx, name.getPrefix(size));
  rebind(ctx, key, target);



