
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Affirms if this receiver can be mutated even when the configuration it belongs to has been Configuration#isReadOnly().


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/openjpa-all

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public int hashCode() {
  String str = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  int strHash = (str == null) ? 0 : str.hashCode();
  int propHash = (prop == null) ? 0 : prop.hashCode();
  return strHash ^ propHash;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openejb.patch/openjpa

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public int hashCode() {
  String str = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  int strHash = (str == null) ? 0 : str.hashCode();
  int propHash = (prop == null) ? 0 : prop.hashCode();
  return strHash ^ propHash;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/openjpa-lib

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public int hashCode() {
  String str = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  int strHash = (str == null) ? 0 : str.hashCode();
  int propHash = (prop == null) ? 0 : prop.hashCode();
  return strHash ^ propHash;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public int hashCode() {
  String str = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  int strHash = (str == null) ? 0 : str.hashCode();
  int propHash = (prop == null) ? 0 : prop.hashCode();
  return strHash ^ propHash;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/openjpa-all

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public boolean equals(Object other) {
  if (other == this)
    return true;
  if (!(other instanceof Value))
    return false;
  Value o = (Value) other;
  String thisStr = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  String thatStr = (isDynamic()) ? o.getOriginalValue() : o.getString();
  return (isDynamic() == o.isDynamic())
    && Objects.equals(prop, o.getProperty())
    && Objects.equals(thisStr, thatStr);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public boolean equals(Object other) {
  if (other == this)
    return true;
  if (!(other instanceof Value))
    return false;
  Value o = (Value) other;
  String thisStr = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  String thatStr = (isDynamic()) ? o.getOriginalValue() : o.getString();
  return (isDynamic() == o.isDynamic())
    && StringUtils.equals(prop, o.getProperty())
    && StringUtils.equals(thisStr, thatStr);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/openjpa-lib

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public boolean equals(Object other) {
  if (other == this)
    return true;
  if (!(other instanceof Value))
    return false;
  Value o = (Value) other;
  String thisStr = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  String thatStr = (isDynamic()) ? o.getOriginalValue() : o.getString();
  return (isDynamic() == o.isDynamic())
    && Objects.equals(prop, o.getProperty())
    && Objects.equals(thisStr, thatStr);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openejb.patch/openjpa

 * Use {@link #getOriginalValue() original value} instead of 
 * {@link #getString() current value} because they are one and the same 
 * for non-dynamic Values and ensures that modifying dynamic Values do not
 * impact equality or hashCode contract.   
public boolean equals(Object other) {
  if (other == this)
    return true;
  if (!(other instanceof Value))
    return false;
  Value o = (Value) other;
  String thisStr = (isDynamic()) ? getOriginalValue() : getString();
  String thatStr = (isDynamic()) ? o.getOriginalValue() : o.getString();
  return (isDynamic() == o.isDynamic())
    && StringUtils.equals(prop, o.getProperty())
    && StringUtils.equals(thisStr, thatStr);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/openjpa-all

 * Asserts if this receiver can be changed.
 * Subclasses <em>must</em> invoke this method before changing its
 * internal state.
 * This receiver can not be changed if all of the following is true
 * <LI>this receiver is not dynamic
 * <LI>ValueListener attached to this receiver is a Configuration
 * <LI>Configuration is read-only
protected void assertChangeable() {
  if (!isDynamic() && containsReadOnlyConfigurationAsListener()) {
    throw new RuntimeException(s_loc.get("veto-change",

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/openjpa-lib

 * Asserts if this receiver can be changed.
 * Subclasses <em>must</em> invoke this method before changing its
 * internal state.
 * This receiver can not be changed if all of the following is true
 * <LI>this receiver is not dynamic
 * <LI>ValueListener attached to this receiver is a Configuration
 * <LI>Configuration is read-only
protected void assertChangeable() {
  if (!isDynamic() && containsReadOnlyConfigurationAsListener()) {
    throw new RuntimeException(s_loc.get("veto-change",

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openejb.patch/openjpa

 * Asserts if this receiver can be changed.
 * Subclasses <em>must</em> invoke this method before changing its
 * internal state.
 * This receiver can not be changed if all of the following is true
 * <LI>this receiver is not dynamic
 * <LI>ValueListener attached to this receiver is a Configuration
 * <LI>Configuration is read-only
protected void assertChangeable() {
  if (!isDynamic() && containsReadOnlyConfigurationAsListener()) {
    throw new RuntimeException(s_loc.get("veto-change",

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.openjpa/

 * Asserts if this receiver can be changed.
 * Subclasses <em>must</em> invoke this method before changing its
 * internal state.
 * This receiver can not be changed if all of the following is true
 * <LI>this receiver is not dynamic
 * <LI>ValueListener attached to this receiver is a Configuration
 * <LI>Configuration is read-only
protected void assertChangeable() {
  if (!isDynamic() && listen instanceof Configuration && 
    ((Configuration)listen).isReadOnly()) {
    throw new RuntimeException(s_loc.get("veto-change",
