
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-02 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified capacity
 * and load factor.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @param loadFactor
 *            the initial load factor.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if the capacity is less than zero or the load factor is less
 *             or equal to zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity, float loadFactor) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  if (loadFactor <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor <= 0: " + loadFactor);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  this.loadFactor = (int) (loadFactor * 10000);
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.jtransc/jtransc-rt

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified
 * capacity.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *                if the capacity is less than zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  loadFactor = 7500; // Default load factor of 0.75
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: com.jtransc/jtransc-rt

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm

private void rehash() {
  int length = elementData.length * 2;
  if (length == 0) {
    length = 1;
  Entry<K, V>[] newData = newEntryArray(length);
  for (int i = 0; i < elementData.length; i++) {
    Entry<K, V> entry = elementData[i];
    while (entry != null) {
      int index = entry.isNull ? 0 : (entry.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF)
          % length;
      Entry<K, V> next =; = newData[index];
      newData[index] = entry;
      entry = next;
  elementData = newData;

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified capacity
 * and load factor.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @param loadFactor
 *            the initial load factor.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if the capacity is less than zero or the load factor is less
 *             or equal to zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity, float loadFactor) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  if (loadFactor <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor <= 0: " + loadFactor);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  this.loadFactor = (int) (loadFactor * 10000);
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified capacity
 * and load factor.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @param loadFactor
 *            the initial load factor.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if the capacity is less than zero or the load factor is less
 *             or equal to zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity, float loadFactor) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  if (loadFactor <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor <= 0: " + loadFactor);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  this.loadFactor = (int) (loadFactor * 10000);
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

 * Constructs a new {@code WeakHashMap} instance with the specified capacity
 * and load factor.
 * @param capacity
 *            the initial capacity of this map.
 * @param loadFactor
 *            the initial load factor.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if the capacity is less than zero or the load factor is less
 *             or equal to zero.
public WeakHashMap(int capacity, float loadFactor) {
  if (capacity < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity < 0: " + capacity);
  if (loadFactor <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor <= 0: " + loadFactor);
  elementCount = 0;
  elementData = newEntryArray(capacity == 0 ? 1 : capacity);
  this.loadFactor = (int) (loadFactor * 10000);
  referenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<K>();
