
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Called when we have found a transaction (via network broadcast or otherwise) that is relevant to this wallet and want to record it. Note that we cannot verify these transactions at all, they may spend fictional coins or be otherwise invalid. They are useful to inform the user about coins they can expect to receive soon, and if you trust the sender of the transaction you can choose to assume they are in fact valid and will not be double spent as an optimization.

Before this method is called, Wallet#isPendingTransactionRelevant(Transaction) should have been called to decide whether the wallet cares about the transaction - if it does, then this method expects the transaction and any dependencies it has which are still in the memory pool.


代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * <p>Called when we have found a transaction (via network broadcast or otherwise) that is relevant to this wallet
 * and want to record it. Note that we <b>cannot verify these transactions at all</b>, they may spend fictional
 * coins or be otherwise invalid. They are useful to inform the user about coins they can expect to receive soon,
 * and if you trust the sender of the transaction you can choose to assume they are in fact valid and will not
 * be double spent as an optimization.</p>
 * <p>Before this method is called, {@link Wallet#isPendingTransactionRelevant(Transaction)} should have been
 * called to decide whether the wallet cares about the transaction - if it does, then this method expects the
 * transaction and any dependencies it has which are still in the memory pool.</p>
public void receivePending(Transaction tx, @Nullable List<Transaction> dependencies) throws VerificationException {
  receivePending(tx, dependencies, false);

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * <p>Called when we have found a transaction (via network broadcast or otherwise) that is relevant to this wallet
 * and want to record it. Note that we <b>cannot verify these transactions at all</b>, they may spend fictional
 * coins or be otherwise invalid. They are useful to inform the user about coins they can expect to receive soon,
 * and if you trust the sender of the transaction you can choose to assume they are in fact valid and will not
 * be double spent as an optimization.</p>
 * <p>Before this method is called, {@link Wallet#isPendingTransactionRelevant(Transaction)} should have been
 * called to decide whether the wallet cares about the transaction - if it does, then this method expects the
 * transaction and any dependencies it has which are still in the memory pool.</p>
public void receivePending(Transaction tx, @Nullable List<Transaction> dependencies) throws VerificationException {
  receivePending(tx, dependencies, false);

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * <p>Called when we have found a transaction (via network broadcast or otherwise) that is relevant to this wallet
 * and want to record it. Note that we <b>cannot verify these transactions at all</b>, they may spend fictional
 * coins or be otherwise invalid. They are useful to inform the user about coins they can expect to receive soon,
 * and if you trust the sender of the transaction you can choose to assume they are in fact valid and will not
 * be double spent as an optimization.</p>
 * <p>Before this method is called, {@link Wallet#isPendingTransactionRelevant(Transaction)} should have been
 * called to decide whether the wallet cares about the transaction - if it does, then this method expects the
 * transaction and any dependencies it has which are still in the memory pool.</p>
public void receivePending(Transaction tx, @Nullable List<Transaction> dependencies) throws VerificationException {
  receivePending(tx, dependencies, false);

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * <p>Called when we have found a transaction (via network broadcast or otherwise) that is relevant to this wallet
 * and want to record it. Note that we <b>cannot verify these transactions at all</b>, they may spend fictional
 * coins or be otherwise invalid. They are useful to inform the user about coins they can expect to receive soon,
 * and if you trust the sender of the transaction you can choose to assume they are in fact valid and will not
 * be double spent as an optimization.</p>
 * <p>Before this method is called, {@link Wallet#isPendingTransactionRelevant(Transaction)} should have been
 * called to decide whether the wallet cares about the transaction - if it does, then this method expects the
 * transaction and any dependencies it has which are still in the memory pool.</p>
public void receivePending(Transaction tx, @Nullable List<Transaction> dependencies) throws VerificationException {
  receivePending(tx, dependencies, false);

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

@Override public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {"Successfully broadcast multisig contract {}. Channel now open.", transaction.getHashAsString());
  try {
    // Manually add the contract to the wallet, overriding the isRelevant checks so we can track
    // it and check for double-spends later
    wallet.receivePending(contract, null, true);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen, we already called contract.verify()

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

@Override public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {"Successfully broadcast multisig contract {}. Channel now open.", transaction.getHashAsString());
  try {
    // Manually add the contract to the wallet, overriding the isRelevant checks so we can track
    // it and check for double-spends later
    wallet.receivePending(contract, null, true);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen, we already called contract.verify()

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

@Override public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {"Successfully broadcast multisig contract {}. Channel now open.", transaction.getHashAsString());
  try {
    // Manually add the contract to the wallet, overriding the isRelevant checks so we can track
    // it and check for double-spends later
    wallet.receivePending(contract, null, true);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen, we already called contract.verify()

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

@Override public void onSuccess(Transaction transaction) {"Successfully broadcast multisig contract {}. Channel now open.", transaction.getHashAsString());
  try {
    // Manually add the contract to the wallet, overriding the isRelevant checks so we can track
    // it and check for double-spends later
    wallet.receivePending(contract, null, true);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen, we already called contract.verify()

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

public void onSuccess(List<Transaction> dependencies) {
  try {"{}: Dependency download complete!", getAddress());
    wallet.receivePending(tx, dependencies);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    log.error("{}: Wallet failed to process pending transaction {}", getAddress(), tx.getHash());
    log.error("Error was: ", e);
    // Not much more we can do at this point.

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void onSuccess(List<Transaction> dependencies) {
  try {"{}: Dependency download complete!", getAddress());
    wallet.receivePending(tx, dependencies);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    log.error("{}: Wallet failed to process pending transaction {}", getAddress(), tx.getHash());
    log.error("Error was: ", e);
    // Not much more we can do at this point.

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void onSuccess(Transaction result) {
  try {
    wallet.receivePending(result, null);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

public void onSuccess(List<Transaction> dependencies) {
  try {"{}: Dependency download complete!", getAddress());
    wallet.receivePending(tx, dependencies);
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    log.error("{}: Wallet failed to process pending transaction {}", getAddress(), tx.getHash());
    log.error("Error was: ", e);
    // Not much more we can do at this point.

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

public void onSuccess(List<Transaction> dependencies) {
  try {"{}: Dependency download complete!", getAddress());
    wallet.receivePending(tx, dependencies);
    if(tx instanceof TransactionLockRequest)
  } catch (VerificationException e) {
    log.error("{}: Wallet failed to process pending transaction {}", getAddress(), tx.getHash());
    log.error("Error was: ", e);
    // Not much more we can do at this point.

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void transactionInBlockNotification() {
  final Transaction tx = createFakeTx(PARAMS, COIN, myAddress);
  StoredBlock block = createFakeBlock(blockStore, Block.BLOCK_HEIGHT_GENESIS, tx).storedBlock;
  wallet.receivePending(tx, null);
  boolean notification = wallet.notifyTransactionIsInBlock(tx.getHash(), block, AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, 1);
  final Transaction tx2 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, COIN, OTHER_ADDRESS);
  wallet.receivePending(tx2, null);
  StoredBlock block2 = createFakeBlock(blockStore, Block.BLOCK_HEIGHT_GENESIS + 1, tx2).storedBlock;
  boolean notification2 = wallet.notifyTransactionIsInBlock(tx2.getHash(), block2, AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, 1);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void raiseFeeTx() throws Exception {
  // Check basic tx serialization.
  Coin v1 = COIN;
  Transaction t1 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, v1, myAddress);
  myWallet.receivePending(t1, null);
  Wallet wallet1 = roundTrip(myWallet);
  Transaction t1copy = wallet1.getTransaction(t1.getHash());
  assertEquals(Purpose.RAISE_FEE, t1copy.getPurpose());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void testSequenceNumber() throws Exception {
  Wallet wallet = new Wallet(PARAMS);
  Transaction tx1 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, Coin.COIN, wallet.currentReceiveAddress());
  wallet.receivePending(tx1, null);
  Transaction tx2 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, Coin.COIN, wallet.currentReceiveAddress());
  tx2.getInput(0).setSequenceNumber(TransactionInput.NO_SEQUENCE - 1);
  wallet.receivePending(tx2, null);
  Wallet walletCopy = roundTrip(wallet);
  Transaction tx1copy = checkNotNull(walletCopy.getTransaction(tx1.getHash()));
  assertEquals(TransactionInput.NO_SEQUENCE, tx1copy.getInput(0).getSequenceNumber());
  Transaction tx2copy = checkNotNull(walletCopy.getTransaction(tx2.getHash()));
  assertEquals(TransactionInput.NO_SEQUENCE - 1, tx2copy.getInput(0).getSequenceNumber());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void doubleSpendForBuildingTx() throws Exception {
  CoinSelector originalCoinSelector = wallet.getCoinSelector();
  try {
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, valueOf(2, 0));
    Transaction send1 = checkNotNull(wallet.createSend(OTHER_ADDRESS, valueOf(1, 0)));
    Transaction send2 = checkNotNull(wallet.createSend(OTHER_ADDRESS, valueOf(1, 20)));
    sendMoneyToWallet(AbstractBlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, send1);
    wallet.receivePending(send2, null);
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void doubleSpend() throws Exception {
  // Check that we can serialize double spends correctly, as this is a slightly tricky case.
  FakeTxBuilder.DoubleSpends doubleSpends = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeDoubleSpendTxns(PARAMS, myAddress);
  // t1 spends to our wallet.
  myWallet.receivePending(doubleSpends.t1, null);
  // t2 rolls back t1 and spends somewhere else.
  myWallet.receiveFromBlock(doubleSpends.t2, null, BlockChain.NewBlockType.BEST_CHAIN, 0);
  Wallet wallet1 = roundTrip(myWallet);
  assertEquals(1, wallet1.getTransactions(true).size());
  Transaction t1 = wallet1.getTransaction(doubleSpends.t1.getHash());
  assertEquals(ConfidenceType.DEAD, t1.getConfidence().getConfidenceType());
  assertEquals(Coin.ZERO, wallet1.getBalance());
  // TODO: Wallet should store overriding transactions even if they are not wallet-relevant.
  // assertEquals(doubleSpends.t2, t1.getConfidence().getOverridingTransaction());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void autosaveImmediate() throws Exception {
  // Test that the wallet will save itself automatically when it changes.
  File f = File.createTempFile("bitcoinj-unit-test", null);
  Sha256Hash hash1 = Sha256Hash.of(f);
  // Start with zero delay and ensure the wallet file changes after adding a key.
  wallet.autosaveToFile(f, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS, null);
  ECKey key = wallet.freshReceiveKey();
  Sha256Hash hash2 = Sha256Hash.of(f);
  assertFalse("Wallet not saved after generating fresh key", hash1.equals(hash2));  // File has changed.
  Transaction t1 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, valueOf(5, 0), key);
  if (wallet.isPendingTransactionRelevant(t1))
    wallet.receivePending(t1, null);
  Sha256Hash hash3 = Sha256Hash.of(f);
  assertFalse("Wallet not saved after receivePending", hash2.equals(hash3));  // File has changed again.

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void testStandardWalletDisconnect() throws Exception {
  NetworkParameters params = UnitTestParams.get();
  Wallet w = new Wallet(new Context(params));
  w.setCoinSelector(new AllowUnconfirmedCoinSelector());
  Address a = w.currentReceiveAddress();
  Transaction tx1 = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTxWithoutChangeAddress(params, Coin.COIN, a);
  w.receivePending(tx1, null);
  Transaction tx2 = new Transaction(params);
  tx2.addOutput(Coin.valueOf(99000000), new ECKey());
  TransactionInput txInToDisconnect = tx2.getInput(0);
  assertEquals(tx1, txInToDisconnect.getOutpoint().fromTx);




