
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the part of speech of this word.


代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.extjwnl/extjwnl

 * Returns sense number of this word (1-based) or 0 if not found.
 * sense_number is a decimal integer indicating the sense number of the word,
 * within the part of speech encoded in sense_key, in the WordNet database.
 * @return sense number or 0 if not found
 * @throws JWNLException JWNLException
public int getSenseNumber() throws JWNLException {
  int result = 0;
  if (null != dictionary) {
    IndexWord indexWord = dictionary.getIndexWord(getPOS(), lemma);
    if (null != indexWord) {
      result = indexWord.getSenses().indexOf(synset) + 1;
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: extjwnl/extjwnl

 * Returns sense number of this word (1-based) or 0 if not found.
 * sense_number is a decimal integer indicating the sense number of the word,
 * within the part of speech encoded in sense_key, in the WordNet database.
 * @return sense number or 0 if not found
 * @throws JWNLException JWNLException
public int getSenseNumber() throws JWNLException {
  int result = 0;
  if (null != dictionary) {
    IndexWord indexWord = dictionary.getIndexWord(getPOS(), lemma);
    if (null != indexWord) {
      result = indexWord.getSenses().indexOf(synset) + 1;
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp-sandbox

public void setSynonyms() {
 for (Word word : synset.getWords())
  synonyms.add(new WordPOS(word.toString(), word.getPOS()));

代码示例来源:origin: extjwnl/extjwnl

private void addToIndexWords(Word word) {
    if (null != dictionary && dictionary.isEditable()) {
      try {
        IndexWord iw = dictionary.getIndexWord(word.getPOS(), word.getLemma());
        if (null == iw) {
          dictionary.createIndexWord(word.getPOS(), word.getLemma(), Synset.this);
        } else {
          if (!iw.getSenses().contains(Synset.this)) {
      } catch (JWNLException e) {
        throw new JWNLRuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.extjwnl/extjwnl

private void addToIndexWords(Word word) {
    if (null != dictionary && dictionary.isEditable()) {
      try {
        IndexWord iw = dictionary.getIndexWord(word.getPOS(), word.getLemma());
        if (null == iw) {
          dictionary.createIndexWord(word.getPOS(), word.getLemma(), Synset.this);
        } else {
          if (!iw.getSenses().contains(Synset.this)) {
      } catch (JWNLException e) {
        throw new JWNLRuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

 * Ctor that takes a synset and a word. It verifies that the word indeed belongs to the synset.
 * <p>
 * <b>NOTE</b> ExtJwnl <i>lowercases</i> the words it is queried about. But the words it retrieves in methods like <code>realSynset.getWords()</code> 
 * are case sensitive!
 * @param synset
 * @param strWord
 * @throws WordNetException 
public ExtJwnlSensedWord(ExtJwnlSynset synset, String strWord) throws WordNetException {
  this.synset = synset;
  this.word = strWord;
  String wordToLookup = strWord.replace(' ', '_');	// mimic jwnl, which replaces underscores with spaces when looking up
   List<Word> words = synset.realSynset.getWords();
   Word wordObj = lookupWordInWords(words, wordToLookup);
   if (wordObj == null)
     throw new WordNetException("\""+ strWord + "\" is not a memeber of the given synset " + synset);
   this.wordObj = wordObj;
   dictionary = synset.extJwnlDictionary;
   this.pos = ExtJwnlUtils.getWordNetPartOfSpeech( wordObj.getPOS());

代码示例来源:origin: extjwnl/extjwnl

public String toString() {
  return ResourceBundleSet.insertParams("[Word: {0} [Lemma: {1}] {2} [Index: {3}]]", new Object[]{getPOS(), getLemma(), getSynset(), getIndex()});

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.extjwnl/extjwnl

public String toString() {
  return ResourceBundleSet.insertParams("[Word: {0} [Lemma: {1}] {2} [Index: {3}]]", new Object[]{getPOS(), getLemma(), getSynset(), getIndex()});

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.extjwnl/extjwnl-utilities

private static int getSenseNo(final Word word) throws JWNLException {
  final IndexWord iw = word.getDictionary().getIndexWord(word.getPOS(), word.getLemma());
  for (int i = 0; i < iw.getSenses().size(); i++) {
    if (iw.getSenses().get(i).getOffset() == word.getSynset().getOffset()) {
      return i;
  return -1;

代码示例来源:origin: extjwnl/extjwnl

private static int getSenseNo(final Word word) throws JWNLException {
  final IndexWord iw = word.getDictionary().getIndexWord(word.getPOS(), word.getLemma());
  for (int i = 0; i < iw.getSenses().size(); i++) {
    if (iw.getSenses().get(i).getOffset() == word.getSynset().getOffset()) {
      return i;
  return -1;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.extjwnl/extjwnl

protected int getSynsetType() {
  int ss_type = getPOS().getId();
  if (POS.ADJECTIVE == getSynset().getPOS() && getSynset().isAdjectiveCluster()) {
  return ss_type;

代码示例来源:origin: extjwnl/extjwnl

protected int getSynsetType() {
  int ss_type = getPOS().getId();
  if (POS.ADJECTIVE == getSynset().getPOS() && getSynset().isAdjectiveCluster()) {
  return ss_type;

代码示例来源:origin: hltfbk/Excitement-Open-Platform

 * Ctor with an {@link Word} and a dictionary
 * This Ctor is quicker than the other.
 * @param jwiDictionary 
 * @throws WordNetException 
ExtJwnlSensedWord(Word wordObj, ExtJwnlDictionary extJwnlDictionary) throws WordNetException {
  if (wordObj==null)
    throw new WordNetException("wordObj is null!");
  this.wordObj = wordObj;
  this.synset = new ExtJwnlSynset(extJwnlDictionary, wordObj.getSynset());
  this.word = wordObj.getLemma();
  this.dictionary = extJwnlDictionary;
  this.pos = ExtJwnlUtils.getWordNetPartOfSpeech( wordObj.getPOS());

代码示例来源:origin: de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.wsd/

public CachedSense(String senseId)
  throws SenseInventoryException
  try {
    word = wn.getWordBySenseKey(senseId);
    synset = word.getSynset();
    pos = wordNetPosToSiPos.transform(word.getPOS());
    useCount = word.getUseCount();
  catch (JWNLException e) {
    throw new SenseInventoryException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: de.tudarmstadt.ukp.uby/de.tudarmstadt.ukp.uby.integration.wordnet-gpl

  posSet = true;
