
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Connect to the given WebSocket URL and notify the given org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompSessionHandlerwhen connected on the STOMP level after the CONNECTED frame is received.
[中]连接到给定的WebSocket URL并通知给定的组织。springframework。信息。辛普。跺脚StompSessionHandler在收到连接的帧后在STOMP级别上连接时。


代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Connect to the given WebSocket URL and notify the given
 * {@link org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompSessionHandler}
 * when connected on the STOMP level after the CONNECTED frame is received.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVars the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVars) {
  return connect(url, null, handler, uriVars);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * An overloaded version of
 * {@link #connect(String, StompSessionHandler, Object...)} that also
 * accepts {@link WebSocketHttpHeaders} to use for the WebSocket handshake.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handshakeHeaders the headers for the WebSocket handshake
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVariables the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders,
    StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVariables) {
  return connect(url, handshakeHeaders, null, handler, uriVariables);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * An overloaded version of
 * {@link #connect(String, StompSessionHandler, Object...)} that also accepts
 * {@link WebSocketHttpHeaders} to use for the WebSocket handshake and
 * {@link StompHeaders} for the STOMP CONNECT frame.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handshakeHeaders headers for the WebSocket handshake
 * @param connectHeaders headers for the STOMP CONNECT frame
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVariables the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders,
    @Nullable StompHeaders connectHeaders, StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVariables) {
  Assert.notNull(url, "'url' must not be null");
  URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url).buildAndExpand(uriVariables).encode().toUri();
  return connect(uri, handshakeHeaders, connectHeaders, handler);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

public void publishSubscribe() throws Exception {
  String url = "ws://" + this.server.getPort() + "/stomp";
  TestHandler testHandler = new TestHandler("/topic/foo", "payload");
  this.stompClient.connect(url, testHandler);
  assertTrue(testHandler.awaitForMessageCount(1, 5000));
  assertThat(testHandler.getReceived(), containsInAnyOrder("payload"));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-integration

protected ListenableFuture<StompSession> doConnect(StompSessionHandler handler) {
  return ((WebSocketStompClient) this.stompClient).connect(this.url, this.handshakeHeaders, getConnectHeaders(),
      handler, this.uriVariables);

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/spring-websocket

 * Connect to the given WebSocket URL and notify the given
 * {@link org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompSessionHandler}
 * when connected on the STOMP level after the CONNECTED frame is received.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVars the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVars) {
  return connect(url, null, handler, uriVars);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Connect to the given WebSocket URL and notify the given
 * {@link org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompSessionHandler}
 * when connected on the STOMP level after the CONNECTED frame is received.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVars the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVars) {
  return connect(url, null, handler, uriVars);

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/spring-websocket

 * An overloaded version of
 * {@link #connect(String, StompSessionHandler, Object...)} that also
 * accepts {@link WebSocketHttpHeaders} to use for the WebSocket handshake.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handshakeHeaders the headers for the WebSocket handshake
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVariables the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders,
    StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVariables) {
  return connect(url, handshakeHeaders, null, handler, uriVariables);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * An overloaded version of
 * {@link #connect(String, StompSessionHandler, Object...)} that also
 * accepts {@link WebSocketHttpHeaders} to use for the WebSocket handshake.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handshakeHeaders the headers for the WebSocket handshake
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVariables the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders,
    StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVariables) {
  return connect(url, handshakeHeaders, null, handler, uriVariables);

代码示例来源:origin: mthizo247/spring-cloud-netflix-zuul-websocket

public void connect() {
  try {
    serverSession = stompClient
        .connect(getUri().toString(), buildWebSocketHttpHeaders(), this)
  } catch (Exception e) {
    logger.error("Error connecting to web socket uri " + getUri(), e);
    throw new RuntimeException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * An overloaded version of
 * {@link #connect(String, StompSessionHandler, Object...)} that also accepts
 * {@link WebSocketHttpHeaders} to use for the WebSocket handshake and
 * {@link StompHeaders} for the STOMP CONNECT frame.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handshakeHeaders headers for the WebSocket handshake
 * @param connectHeaders headers for the STOMP CONNECT frame
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVariables the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders,
    @Nullable StompHeaders connectHeaders, StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVariables) {
  Assert.notNull(url, "'url' must not be null");
  URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url).buildAndExpand(uriVariables).encode().toUri();
  return connect(uri, handshakeHeaders, connectHeaders, handler);

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/spring-websocket

 * An overloaded version of
 * {@link #connect(String, StompSessionHandler, Object...)} that also accepts
 * {@link WebSocketHttpHeaders} to use for the WebSocket handshake and
 * {@link StompHeaders} for the STOMP CONNECT frame.
 * @param url the url to connect to
 * @param handshakeHeaders headers for the WebSocket handshake
 * @param connectHeaders headers for the STOMP CONNECT frame
 * @param handler the session handler
 * @param uriVariables the URI variables to expand into the URL
 * @return a ListenableFuture for access to the session when ready for use
public ListenableFuture<StompSession> connect(String url, @Nullable WebSocketHttpHeaders handshakeHeaders,
    @Nullable StompHeaders connectHeaders, StompSessionHandler handler, Object... uriVariables) {
  Assert.notNull(url, "'url' must not be null");
  URI uri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(url).buildAndExpand(uriVariables).encode().toUri();
  return connect(uri, handshakeHeaders, connectHeaders, handler);


WebSocketClient transport = new StandardWebSocketClient();
WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(transport);
MappingJackson2MessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2MessageConverter();
StompSessionHandler handler = new WSClient(); //custom implementation
String url = "ws://{URL}/ws/websocket";
stompClient.connect(url, handler);

代码示例来源:origin: CaledoniaProject/CVE-2018-1270

public static void main(String... argv) {
    WebSocketClient webSocketClient = new StandardWebSocketClient();
    WebSocketStompClient stompClient = new WebSocketStompClient(webSocketClient);
    stompClient.setMessageConverter(new MappingJackson2MessageConverter());
    stompClient.setTaskScheduler(new ConcurrentTaskScheduler());

    String url = "ws://";
    StompSessionHandler sessionHandler = new MySessionHandler();
    stompClient.connect(url, sessionHandler);

    new Scanner(; //Don't close immediately.
